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    And now some old moments of Zen from May 2001...


    Well, I did what I thought was impossible. I actually missed my bus... going home! I blame those damn keebler elves! Oops, got to run this will be continued later.

    Continued at 9:17: NO really I was having a stirring conversation on whether or not the Keeblers were in fact homosexual. I say yes. I mean all cooped there for so long there's no doubt. And then they mail order their young. Anyway the point is I missed the bus. And as for punishment I was forced to stay outside in the bright sunshine with my dogs for several hours.

    "Ohh... the horror! Anything but natural light!"


    I guess I really never talked about the finish of the play I was in. Basically I will miss everyone in the theater group. The shows were great though opening night was the best. But other than that there's nothing really to say. At the cast party we played "Spin the Bottle." This was my first time and I must say kissing strangers isn't as fun as you'd think it would be. *shrugs*

    Random people Sheila's kissed count: 8


Hip Hop sucks... a lot.


    Well, the whole music department is in Florida for 5 days (lucky bastards) and to make things worst today half the kids had a field trip planned today. So basically I had no one to talk to all day... It sucked monkey! Though kind of good in a I need a rest kind of way. So I plan on chilling on the couch all weekend. Shall be nice, very nice.

    "Sheila don't worry they'll be back in only 5 days. That's not too long"
    "To bad I barely live through periods just to see my friends."


    So Survivor is over. I didn't really have anyone to root for since Roger got voted off *grumbles* so it wasn't that great for me. I noticed that when they had the interviews one of the girls said every one of the 16 survivors was a great person. I severely doubt that! I mean what are the odds that every single one of them is great. That's called kissing butt because she didn't win if you ask me.



    I went to a wedding shower today. It basically was me sitting there while my mom "showed me off." I should get married. You get a lot of presents. This girl got at least 50 presents and she unwrapped every single one... It took at least an hour. She got at least two of everything she would ever need. I would never want to open that many presents in front of people because after the 20th one your smile is plastered on to your face and you run out of ways to say that you like it. I learned something new though. It's rumored that how many ribbons you break while opening the presents are how many children you have. So if I break 6 does that mean I'll have a litter?

    "Oh... ummm... another can opener... Thank you soooo much."


    I'm a dork. After watching Revenge of the Nerds, I realized I'm not a nerd. A nerd is generally someone who gets good grades and that is interested in academic studies. Now a geek doesn't have to be smart but usually is into either Star Trek or the computer. So I figure I'm a dork. Dorks usually find pleasure in the stupidest things. And that's basically me in a nut shell.


    I was watching this show on polygamy on Saturday. I usually get sucked into some documentary on Saturday afternoons. Anyway I don't see the big deal about polygamy. Sure emotionally it's hard but if the people are all consenting adults I don't see why it should be illegal. Of course I'm too emotionally insecure to share a partner but if it makes these people happy, why not?

    The same thing with same sex marriages. Why keep these people from their happiness? They aren't hurting anyone. But no it's banned and these people live in secrecy. Like they are some kind of crooks. I don't believe it dishonors the institution of marriage at all. If anything these people symbolize it more. These people came out and faced prosecution for their love. A lot more gay marriages are happier then straight ones.

    "Ummm.. umm... well it's just not right!"
    "What about two girls together?"
    "Ohh... I'm cool with that." - a conversation in Health between the teacher and a male classmate.


    And now a tidbit from "Talking with Mr. T."

deltaspark: I did drugs
mrtbot15: When? That sounds good to T. Yeah.. I think I can rig something up...


    I finally got a hair cut today! *runs around in circles* I never realized how fast hair grows ‘til I cut my hair short. Anyway I have this extreme fear that the hair on the top of my head will just stop growing and my hair will turn into a... MULLET! It's a crippling fear... But the beast was slain when I got the hair cut. And I can sleep at night... FOR NOW! da da daaaa!

    "Well, If there is one thing I know. It's that hair grows. He'll be back... He'll be back..." - Kids in the Hall


    I went to a softball game. I will never understand that wacky sport... *shakes head* Anyways I realized something. I'm cheering deficient. I just can't do it. I just lack the enthusiasm. Plus I have no idea in the world what to say. Usually I stick to cheers that don't require actually words. But the coaches don't like the barking.

    "WOO HOO GREAT CATCH! Was that a good cheer?"

    "Sure to bad you cheered for the wrong team Sheila."


    Oh how good it feels just to let go. Yesterday a few friends and me played in the mud and the rain at like 10 o'clock. We painted each other with mud like war paint. I was aptly given the war name "Horny and Frustrated." We played football with a jug and tackled each other. Oh, it was something to remember. The mud the rain the laughter.

    "Another turning point a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go."


    Happy Mother's Day! Because you know how many mothers read my site. :P I gave my mom a palm tree. I hope she likes it.

    "One mother can take care of ten children, but ten children can't take care of one mother."


    I'm a bit superstitious. You may find it silly but I like to think when ever I find the clasp near the cross on my necklace that the person I like is thinking of me. Silly as it may seem whenever I'm a bit sad and a reach to my heart and find the clasp dangling near it, it never fails to bring a smile.


"If I studied all my life, I couldn't think up half the number of funny things passed in one session of congress." - Will Rogers

    I slept 12 hours yesterday it was good. Actually first I went to a thespian meeting. We were voting on who would be nominated for awards for the Thespian Awards. Is it wrong for me to be a little offended if my good friend will not nominate me for "Freshman with Most Potential?" Considering there are only really 4 freshman and we can nominate 5? I don't care if she votes for me on the final vote but come on... don't at least deserve a pity nomination?

    Anywho afterwards a buddy and me volunteered at the library. We had to bring books up from the basement for the book sale. It was fun to reminiscence about old children books. It's nice to look back. That and looking for dirty parts in romance novels.


    I went to see Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet last night. Shakespeare's writing is so beautiful hard to catch in play form but beautiful none the less. It really helped me a lot that we were reading the play in English. The costumes were absolutely beautiful. And they definitely don't call they guys' tights tight for nothing.

    "For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."


    Tonight is prom. I'm a mix of nerves and jitters. I never knew how much self-grooming was needed ‘til getting ready for this prom. I've been sprayed, cut, measured, plucked, almost set on fire, and polished. But it's definitely worth it. I'm not one for ego but I do look fantastic.

    Anyway hopefully things will go all right at prom. Tonight is going to take a lot of diplomacy and self-sacrifice. As I figure this isn't my prom night it's the seniors'. So as long as I go along with the flow I'll be okay. Hopefully... If this makes no sense to you don't worry it makes sense to me. Now I'm off like a prom dress.


    Today was full of total self-indulgence. The principal staple of the day? Why of course cold Chinese food left overs and chocolate. And my main entertainment TV uncensored shows. TV must be one of the only networks that can show hour after hour of behind the scenes about their own network. I literally sat there for hours vegetating on out takes from Andy Dick. I really have too much time on my hands to think so I revert to mindless activity. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go do something destructive.

    "And now more crap we didn't show you!"


    I think it's time enough that I rehash prom. Basically it was fun. I danced to as many non-rap songs as possible and ripped my dress several times. On purpose of course. :P We went to prom in a limo. Sure half of it didn't function but heck the limo driver was nice. He showed us all the prime spots. He even took the limo down to the docks almost going into the water. Nothing is more promlicious then standing near a polluted river in a prom gown.

    "And now if you look to your right you'll see a bunch of freaks." - Frank our limo driver showing us the sites


It was yesterday folks. *Oops*

    So the grand results of my Are the Keebler Elves Homosexual? Quiz are... *drum roll*
Yes = 22%
NO! I refuse to believe that! = 7%
Maybe they are confused = 21%
Only on weekends = 49%

There you go folks another one of life's mysteries solved.


Happy Birthday to Jon Simon and David!

    In honor of my brother's birthday I will rant on something that is near and dear to his heart. And when I mean dear, I mean his hatred for the internet. Basically I don't like the internet also. Of course this is hypocritical for me to say almost ironic since I'm on it all the time and I'm saying this on an internet site. Not all internet is bad. I think websites are a great way to express yourself and everything but I do really dislike Instant Messenger. I use it because that's the only way sadly that I can communicate with some people. But I just find it so fake... so bad. Nothing is like actually getting to talk to someone and look straight into their eyes. It's way easier to lie online then it is in person or even on the phone. When I talk to someone I care for I want to be with them not just make idle chit chat. You just don't get the true sense of the person through the computer. In related news I'm once again trying to cut back on my computer hours. Next time you want to talk to me why don't you give me a ring instead? (That was for those who know my number of course. ;P)


"It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."


    I'm leaving in a few minutes to go catch a flight to Chicago. I'm going to stay with my good buddy and sanity, Lava. Can't wait! Can't wait! See you on Tuesday. Oh yeah here's my prom picture of me and Brad.



    The trip was good. It was longer than expected because of plane problems. There was a delay at the airport and my parents have this thing about me waiting alone in a airport in Chicago for 3 hours so we rescheduled it for the next day. On the bright side I missed school. Other then the Mexicans smoking in the airplane bathroom delaying the flight to Chicago and the drunk next to me things went smooth. Though in his defense he was a nice drunk... He gave me his bag of peanuts. I won't bore you with the details of everything I did but I had a blast with Lava in the Windy Apple.


    Lately I've felt broken. Can't put my finger on it... just inadequate. It seems everyone in this world has something going for them in this world but me. I probably I am just being silly but I can't help it. I've been a bundle of inadequate nerves lately.

    In other news about my psyche, I think I may be developing another personality as in going skizo. Today during class I sneezed about twice then said god bless you to myself... Now this wouldn't be too bad if this wasn't the second time I've done it in a week. Actually I don't think it would be all that bad if I became skizo. At least I'd have some company... *yuk yuk*

    "Who can you trust if you can't even trust yourself?"
