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    And now some old moments of Zen from June 2001...


    I can't remember what I was going to type since I'm so excited about Thespian awards... So here are some of my dad's shenanigans.

    "No kissing and grabbing at the Lesbian awards!"
    "DAD! It's the THESPIAN awards."
    "Yeah I knew that... Still no kissing."


    The Thespian Awards was a blast last night. I actually was nominated for something! I consider that a huge honor since I forgot to turn in my nomination sheet so it wasn't even me that nominated myself! (that sounds sad) Plus a couple of people would have to turn in my name to be on the final ballot. But alas I didn't win... The award was, "Best in Ensemble" or basically best background person. I had a really kiss butt speech too. Basically it was me thanking the seniors from the cast of Tom Jones. They really did help me a lot considering I had no friends in the Thespian troupe going into the play. I really do appreciate their friendship. I'm going to miss all the seniors sooo much.

    After the awards there was a banquet. It was awesome. Everyone danced and the music was actually good. We swing danced, made up crazy dances, and line danced. I love dancing sooo much. I really needed last night. Letting go and dancing to the beats really helped me forget about my troubles for a while though now I have a sore back.


    I've been having a laid back weekend. You know the usual, sleeping ‘til 4 up ‘til 6. I've been reading a lot also, which makes me happy. The only time I left the house was to relax at a bookstore with a friend. And of course we were up to our usual shenanigans. I was browsing the shelves when I came upon this book. My friend then deposited it in the bible section. *Grins mischievously*

    "Ummm... honey? I think I just got a sign from god on how we can help our married life."


    And the results are in! Well, actually I just got sick of the question. And the results of the "Would you eat a meat flavored Popsicle and if so what kind?" Quiz are... *drum roll*

18% - No, meatsicles are Satan's food
25% - Bacon
0% - Liver
12% - Fabio
25% - Chicken
20% - Baby

    I was really surprised that no one picked liver. This could actually mean that you guys were answering this quiz truthfully. Then again that would mean that 32% of you are cannibals... Unless you count Fabio as a vegetable.


    Emotions are one wacky roller coaster. And currently I'm heading down a steep hill... Hopefully this trend will end because I'm sick of everything collapsing around me. As a hint for those who want to be helpful here are some useless sayings:

    Contrary to popular belief they DO NOT help. I repeat DO NOT help. My best advice is a open ear and warm hug can say more then a million words. I could go for a nice hug right about now.


    I feel like at least a 16 year old in a 14-year-old body. Being a freshman sucks... Not only are everyone especially boys in my grade immature but also my parents remind me everyday that I was born only 14 years ago. I swear I'll go crazy if I have to endure one more year of no driving license and no parties. According to my parents I can finally live when I'm 16. My parents and I have been butting heads lately about graduation parties. Basically our conversations go like this:

Mom: You can only stay ‘til 12 no sleepover.
Me: Please mom you know the parents that are holding it. You've met all the kids and they aren't bad at all.
Mom: They are very nice people. But too bad.
Me: Am I in trouble for something? Mom don't you trust me? I've never been in trouble before.
Mom: No you aren't in trouble and of course I trust you.
Me: Nothing is going to happen. NO drugs no sex of any kind.
Mom: I know that.
Me: So can I sleep over we're camping outside. And it's one of the last times I'll see them. Plus a lot of freshman I know are going.
Mom: No
Me: WHY!
Mom: Because I say so.

    This conversation gets repeated over and over. And when I think of some good point to argue it always magically changes to "WELL I'M GONNA ANYWAY!" when I'm talking to my mom. Actually my mom finally broke and said I could sleepover. But only if I ask if she can come over and chaperone... Why doesn't she shoot me in the leg while she's at it? It doesn't help matters that we've been fighting over dying my hair. She said 2 months ago I could do it in the summer and now she's magically forgot. *sigh* And I always thought teen angst was a myth.

    "Tyranny is always better organized then freedom." - Charles Peguy


"Should I bring him down?
Should I scream and shout?
Should I speak of love?
Let my feelings out?"

- "I Don't Know How to Love Him", Jesus Christ Super Star


    I went climbing in Laurel Caverns today. It was so much fun. It was cool and dark. The guide was also mighty fine. Other than suffering a head injury it went well. We saw a bat. Not much else to say. I got dirty. Dirt is fun... Now I'm going to go take a long warm bath with a nice book.


    Childhood is such an illusive thing. It's over before you know it. Today my dad asked me whether I wanted to get rid of my old toys in front of the little girl that would receive them. What could I say? I know with her they would finally get some use but I really didn't want to let them go. But I consented anyway leaving the only condition that I keep the dollhouse my brother made me. So the little girl picked over my few toys choosing those she liked. It kind of hurt. I mean for god sakes she took my care bear action figures. But I let them go. *shrugs* I want to grow up and move on but I know there's no going back.

    "OH to be a kid again! Skinned knees are far easier to recover from than broken hearts."


    Today's mi mama's birthday. Also celebrating with her is Jacques Cousteau. He's the only reason I remember her's actually. Sounds bad but it's true. His birthday sticks in my mind better it seems. *shrugs* Today I'm officially a Thespian *bows* Also I got my yearbook. Of course I was lazy forgot my picture money and then missed retakes so I don't have a picture in the yearbook. But I still beat the system and got one in. Basically it went like this:

Girl: Can you give a quote for band and I can take your picture for the yearbook?
Me: Sure. *writes it down and takes the picture* I'm not in band by the way.
Girl: WHAT! *stalks off to a band member named Emily.

and here is the end result...

Before short hair struck me bald or baldish.
In case you don't know that's me and my idiotic quote that I pulled out of the air. :P

me: 1
establishment (a.k.a. everyone else): 0


    Last weekend my family and I spent a typical lazy Sunday watching TV. Only for added entertainment I put my drinking bird I got from Chicago up on the TV. Basically we would be watching TV peacefully when all of a sudden one of us would shout, "LOOK! IT'S ABOUT TO DRINK!" The TV was promptly muted and we all stared in awe. It continued on this way. My Dido was heard to comment, "Who ever made that bird was a genuine genius."

*giggles*  Funny Bird!


    My brother got a new laptop for college. And my mom made the mistake of sending it to my house up here and not to his dorm. So it's now mine till he comes to retrieve it. *laughs manically* I hate setting up computers with a passion. Especially when it's sticky and hot out and my mom is barking at me about the directions. And calling support just sucks though I enjoy the jazzy elevator music.


    Did my usual appointment full day of the month. I got my haircut and went to the orthodontists. Orthodontists really have a weird sense of humor. For example...

Orthodontist 1: "Put a 708 on the 809." *is met by laughter*
Orthodontist 2: "What if I don't and instead use a 980?" *laughter continues*
Orthodontist 1: "Then you don't pass go!" *shock and laughter*
Orthodontist 2: "If that means what I think it means you are one sick man."*laughter is uncontrollable*

    I don't get it... Anyway tomorrow I'm leaving for New York at 12 and I'll be back Sunday night. Should be nice. I'm going to a surprise 50th anniversary for my grandparents. Hopefully they won't read this... Anyway the whole family should be there. It will consist of good food and lots of Spanish dancing. Other than that it will be filled with my parents showing me off... *sigh* I hate that.

    "And this is Sheila do you remember her? It's been 5 years now. She was about 6 when you last saw her."
    "Ummm mom I'm 14."
    "Don't correct me!"


    Lot's has happened so here's a list.



    Also today was the last day of school. FINALLY I'm not a freshman. It was a good year even though I had that dreaded word hanging over me. It's not like it's important but people make it so. I made a promise to myself I would not be a mean sophomore but after seeing those dorky new freshman today... I've decided I will be mischievous but not judging and only to my friends who can take it. Ohhh... this will be fun. *rubs hands together*

    To rap up the year it was one word, "confusing." But I made so many great friends it was worth the hardship. Now that it's a officially summer I can't wait ‘til Fl but I'm not leaving for another 2 weeks. There used to be a reason to stay. But he took care of that quickly...


    Well, the poop hit the propeller yesterday. The graduation party was fun but my parents and me had a humongous fight when we got home from picking me up at 1. I was mad and hurt and I let them know. The one thing about me is when I have my heart set on something I do not give up. I will go on for hours fighting. I guess it's not a real good quality but if there is no doubt in my mind I do not take no for an answer. Any was me and my parents hashed it out which is good cuz we all got stuff off our chest we needed. In the end I was allowed to go back and sleepover. But by the time they agreed it was 3 and I was tired from all the fighting so I declined. It's kind of funny if you think about it...


    Since the party yesterday I've been in deep pain from a swimmer's ear infection. I can barely update the moment of Zen so hence I just can't do a full update. So sorries... Anyway I usually get a swimmer's ear infection every year and it hurts like a mother. Now I'm going to go lie in a dark room.


    I've been thinking... Better run. *smirks* Anyway, is love at first site true if only one person felt it? Or is just animal attraction. So does that mean for everyone who felt that special something but other person didn't at first does that mean the relationship is screwed? Just some thoughts. Now keep in mind due to pain killers I've been a bit "Not all there."


    Now it's that time you all know and love... QUIZ RESULTS! *crowd goes wild* This time it will be like Super Tuesday only.. not. Anyway here are the results for the What Political Party Do You Align Yourself With? Quiz. Out of 75 people...

11% Democrat
5% Green
19% Republican
52% Other
5% Undecided
8% Communist

    It's kind of funny that this is a democratic site (since I'm pretty much one so far) yet more Republicans read it. Sure there are more communists then undecided but look at it on the bright side at least they made up their mind.


    I have had a lot of plans lately so I guess it's kind of like school was in but the difference is I can choose not to do stuff! It's great! here are some things I've been doing..


    Today's my Birthday! Only one more year to do ‘til I can drive! Now I leave with a picture of little ole me in my birthday suit. It's the first and last time any of you will see me naked.

No Pants!

    To recap the past few days it has been hectic. My first Birthday party in 5 years was on Tuesday and then the next day I went to Kennywood. I also hadn't been to Kennywood in awhile. It was fun though I've learned I pretty much lost all fear for rides. I'm not boasting or trying to look tough but I really couldn't careless anymore. I'm yet to meet a roller coaster that will appease my hunger for thrills and spills. And to top off a very nice trip to the amusement park I got to see a fight, which contained partial nudity. Rock on!


    I had a day out with my g-parents and company today. We went to see Spinning Into Butter in Pittsburgh. I really must say I did not enjoy that show. Number one it was too heavy for a Saturday morning. Number two it was about racism and there were a lot of things I didn't really agree with. One thing I hate some of this political correctness. Now we can't call anyone a minority because it might offend. Look it up if you are the only Hispanic person in a classroom you are a minority. In the same way you can be the only white person in the class and be a minority. Not saying your rights should not be looked at as closely but you shouldn't be offended by it. I'm sorry but truthfully I find some blacks just as racist as whites. Not everyone of course though. Racism is a very poisonous thing and until we can all let go of the past and forget we can't move on and make headway. Come on people just think of the dog analogy when you thing of people. There are all different colored dogs from all around the world, but they could careless. They are equal opportunity butt sniffers. I mean I never saw a dog start a war.
