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    And now some old moments of Zen from January 2003...


    So a broke my streak and Canada cannot claim to be the last place I threw up. There goes their tourist business!

CD OF THE MOMENT: none to type of


    I figure it's time to lay out my plan of attack for the New Year. We'll see if this all is accomplished the eve of 2003.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Strange Little Girls" - Tori Amos


    Then again my logic might be twisted. But it seems no matter how sharp my points are, hewn by logic, they just cannot seem reach my parents... One thing on their mind, it's their way or the highway. Though their car does wobble with the faults of their convictions. Basically it's frickin' frustarting... Then again my logic might be twisted.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Untitled" - Conscious Agony


    School tommorrow... Wow, that sucks. Break has been good... interesting to say the least. It's been up... it's been down... it's been insane. And my mantra? "Strange Little Girl" by Tori Amos. But things are back to how they were before christmas break and I'm at quiet ease. I wish I was returning to school in Peters... but I'm not so I'll make do. There is a possibility of Nat coming to live with me in FL... that would be so frickin' cool.... so wonderful... but I still hope it's not necessary and she works things out up at home. But if not she's taking flight to Florida. Gives me hope. Hmm... I hope you all have had a happy holiday season. Let the rebirth and such begin. *shoots off gun*

CD OF THE MOMENT: The song "Strange Little Girl" on loop


    THIS IN: Girl with an open packet of tank stabilizer and a fish net was sighted today walking down Sandia Road in the growing town of Port Saint Lucie, FL. Those who reported seeing this young lass describe her as covered with salvia and strangely optimistic. Rainbow carnage marks her tracks.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Lagaan" - Movie Soundtrack


    I don't think I'm a "K Person" necessarily... It's just I can only get people who's name start with K to reciprocate feelings and commit. Yeah I rocK that letter with a capital K.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "A Sountrack for Sheila Suarez's New Life" - MP3s ready to be burned for Guessica


    Last night I could not sleep for things weighed heavily upon my mind. I tossed and turned and went back to tossing again. And then... it struck me... some sort of an idea (I suppose you'd call it an epifany.) And I slept better then I have in a long time. I went to school and everything was blissful. Really this mood did not wear off 'til I got home. And what was this earth shattering (or sleep calming) idea that came to me? I have no idea... but it worked. And I'm only left to wonder. Who knows maybe the meaning of life just flashed before my eyes in the night as I tossed.

CD OF THE MOMENT: sounds of silence


    *opens eyes as if for the first time* Wow, how did I get here? I'm really quite lazy...

    In other news... It may be my baba's birthday today.. she can't remember... I must be crazy to be 87/88.

CD OF THE MOMENT: too busy





    I never do anything really on Tuesdays. Despite all that I should do I just took a 5 hour nap. I suppose I'll try to start on my homework. *shrugs* At least Tuesdays aren't as horribley terrible as they used to be earlier in the year... *knocks on computer desk* I need to think of a good idea from a play I have to write for acting... blarg... Any who I'm a "little" artisticly frustrated at the moment. I have some good ideas too draw and well... either it's slipped under my radar or it's just dry spell but the fact is I suck at drawing. I feel like this one character in a certian anime... *vague* In related news, anybody have a picture of George W. in a cowboy hat?

CD OF THE MOMENT:"Music" - Madonna


    Blargy... today was an uneventful eventful dull controversal day.... The ultimate paradox... it... sucked... But I shrug it off. Good news though my Dido got back in town in one peice and he's gonna spirit my baba a way. Move down here Natalie...............................................................................................

CD OF THE MOMENT:"Getting in Touch with your Funkitude" - My Soundtrack for Sophmore Year


    Well, I almost died today! I was driving and well... someone decided to be an asshole and pass on the right.... at the same time when I was entering the lane. That's called illegal and dangerous! WOO-Boy! Anyway his little red sports car actually did come in handy when he luckily got out of the way.... fucker... But to conclude this all my dad says I won't be driving for a long long time... Though he recognizes it wasn't my fault. First I'm too slow and too defensive earlier in the drive and now he says i'm not at all. He should make up his mind. I guess I'm kind of relieved because I really do want my liscense and the freedom that comes with it but frankly driving is fricking scary... Touch my hands I cheated death... *benevelont glow* ... *when no one is looking knocks on wood*

CD OF THE MOMENT:"CD 1: An Audio Memoir of an Angstkateer" - My Soundtrack for Moving


    Well, yesterday was... yesterday was... was... umm... yeah... Best descriptive would be a really twisited episode of Friends. I suppose I'd be Pheobe. *shrugs* I mean it was up and down up and down and just well... "interesting." I guess that's the adjective one uses either to be polite or wishy washy or discrete or I guess just in between. Wellllll anyway it was certainly a day to remember. I've come to the conclusion I cannot go one day (especially on the weekend) without doing anything. I'm such a social whore. I just physically... cannot. I feel like I'm wasting my time and I get all antsy. God forbid I stay home and get some stuff done that is dying and bleeding for me to do... *kicks to-do list in the balls* Okay off to watch the sexiest movie ever created.

CD OF THE MOMENT:"CD 1: An Audio Memoir of an Angstkateer" - My Soundtrack for Moving


    I have to run soon yeah... um... this is pointless... bye.. SUPPORT LOCAL THEATRE! Oh god.. I spelled it all british like... *shudders*

CD OF THE MOMENT:"Mama Ray" - Mama Ray (Band from New York that a family friend is in)


    I went to see Extremities at a local community college yesterday. Hated the play but it was a good experience. The rapist in the story should of died.. but he didn't... almost leaped onto the stage and did it myself (bit my tongue the whole 2nd act.) I suppose there is a bit of my brother's zeal in me after all. Anywho I really missed going out and doing stuff like that; going to the theatre and going out to eat. *sigh* I'm gonna go to good old FOS my old hangout and try to cheer up tonight. There's a lecture on edible plants. I figure it might come in handy some day. *shrugs* This sucks... I feel like a nonperson. I'm sick to my stomache. *punches chest* murrr....

CD OF THE MOMENT: none I suppose but i have been playing "Um Jammer Lammy" a lot


    Real quick list!

CD OF THE MOMENT:Running out the door to go see Jekyll and Hyde


    The other day in school I was upsettish. But you know when you have true friends when they offer you "cheer-up-booty." Sort of like some sort of sexual hallmark card.... all naked like. I had to pass though. As much as meaningless sex and snogging sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO appealing *cough* it is my duty to and only please kyle's booty. D'arrrrrr...... *takes a swig of mi rum*     "If you and kyle break up we are gonna have sex"     "Ummmm.... yeah... right...."

CD OF THE MOMENT:nenneneneeevvveeerrr HOMMMMMME *sings*


The Enlightenment was a rich garden
Flowers of the mind did grow
Thinkers were especially fruitful
And produced what we now know

Within the garden of thought
Was a posey named John Locke
He announced rights including life and liberty
To all that on this earth doth walk

Three equally strong branches of government
Existed on the Baron de Montesquieu tree
This power was checked and balanced
Pollunated by the democracy bee

Voltaire was but a gentle lily
Whose be-leaves were beyond their time
Said that strong but enlightened leaders were needed
And freedom of religion should chime

Many more flowers did bloom during this period
And we still feel the Enlightenment's breeze
If it not were for these theoretical lovelies
Democracy wouldn't have been slipped into with such ease

    I didn't spell check that... I wrote it for a friend's homework... I'm such a sucker... too bad in the mean while I didn't get any of my homework done. *not really sorry though she should be*

CD OF THE MOMENT: today was a poo day dispite the new phone... hence no time for music


    Today has been unproductive and the way I feel now... it will probably end that way too. I just sit here and accomplish nothing. I start a million things (namely updating this site) and just don't finish. I really gotta get off my butt I suppose. *shrugs* What odd apathy I dwell in. Important things pass on by and the little things etch at me. ohwell... Oh yeah and I hate Joan Rivers and her freakish daughter.... Blarrrrr...

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
