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    And now some old moments of Zen from January 2002...

    The week of 1/4/02

    Yeah.. yeah... I know... I've been naughty. But the thing is due to my busy schedule I just couldn't update at all and then once it slowed done.. Well, let's just say once you stop it's hard to start again. But nearly a month later here I am and I've made a few decisions. First of all there will be no more Moment of Zen until summer. I just don't have the time. But I will on Sundays put up either a thought or quote or update my poll. I don't like to do this and I actually miss doing it everyday but there is not much I can do about it. Also my page will be updated every Sunday. That way it's routine but not too much. Anyway sorry and thanks for your support and death letters demanding me to update. They scared me into updating again.

    "Fear motivates."

    The week of 1/13/02

    Well, since much has happened since I REALLY told the internet masses of my life I thought I'd use this week's "Moment" to play catch up. Here's a nice list:

    Well, I won't bore you with any more silly details of my life. All is well. *smiles*

    The week of 1/21/02

    SPANK! What is that sound? I do believe it is the sound of a brand spankin' new poll. But first out with the old so that we can bring in the new. Out of 68 respondents on the What is your favorite of these Beatles tunes? poll:

Yellow Submarine: 21%
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da: 10%
Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds: 16%
I am the Walrus: 28%
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band: 15%
Yesterday: 10%

    Well, there ya go. That poll was induced by sheer curiosity no real reason. Though personally Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band is my favorite. I love The Beatles. There music is so inspired soo... good?

    The week of 1/27/02

    And a funk lowers down on a city... Pittsburgh is a sad town tonight. The Steelers lost and that's it. It's over... well at least for this year. *a tear* Heck what am I saying? We are fair weather fans! We'll just find another team to root for then turn on!
