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    And now some old moments of Zen from February 2001...


    I've perfected the art of reducing my thought patterns so I go into a sort of comatose. I've got it down to a tee. Today during math I sat there writing on a CD I had with me. All I remember is the CD by the time I looked up the class was over and I felt surprisingly rested. Once the teacher asked me a question but I quickly replied with the correct answer. yea... I'm that good.

    "MOOO HA HA HA! NOW the student has become the master!"


    Nothing bugs me more then when a person calls the lovable huggable bear Winnie the Pooh just simply Pooh. I mean what do you think when someone says, "WOW a Pooh doll!" I certainly don't think of something huggable. It's Winnie the Pooh people. Get it straight.


"I am a gray thorn in a black and white bubble." - Brian


    "I was talking to my good friend and fellow god Seth the other day. And I realized when I'm around him I seem to say, "Seth you're down to earth" a lot...    *silence*     Seth's the god of the Earth... Get it?     *silence*     I could kill you all...     *audience laughs*" - Spoken by the Egyptian god of sun and aspiring comedian, Horus.

    I came up with that joke for a project I'm doing but I'm not allowed to use it since it might "offend people." *snickers* That's my school district for you.

    "People always say I'm in de Nile." - Horus


    Yesterday I sent sledding at the "Snozone." It was fun but I found out something very disturbing. Okay it may not be disturbing to most but I'm not like most people. I'm not capable of screaming. When I say scream I mean a good old healthy frustration relieving scream. As I slid down the icy slopes all I wanted to was too let go and let it all out and boy did I need too. But I just couldn't.

    "Only when you have lost everything are you free to do anything."


"To make your dream come true you have to stay awake."


    And now a few thoughts I gathered while switching the old boob tube.


    Today at karate I didn't have my glasses on for fear of breaking them. I realized two things while partially blind.

  1. I feel very tired with out sight.
  2. And I can't hear anything
    Even with that karate was good. I finally fought. And now I'm sore but happy. I came straight from school to karate and my mom brought me my karate outfit. To bad she brought the gray shirt she accidentally washed with the reds and the pair of pants I haven't worn since I was 10 so they are tight and up to my calves...

    "Humility is good... right? Because it sure doesn't feel like it."


    I am very sick... My Dido (grandpa) blames it on me taking to many showers. He feels that I should only take 1 a week. "It washes away all the natural oils so you get sick easier. In the old days we only took 1 a week if we were lucky! HA! And we turned out okay," he says.

    "Comedy like this you can't make up!"


    I am still very sick... I have never slept as much as I have in one weekend as I have this weekend. Nothing but deep sleep has been my companion. Its kind of nice too relax for a while. I've been so busy lately I had forgotten the release of sleep.


    Human's distrustful and wasteful nature was once again proven to me this weekend with the implosion of the 3 Rivers Stadium. *sigh* Is 2 new stadiums really that necessary? Did they really have to blow up a perfectly fine and functioning stadium just because the football and baseball teams each wanted their OWN stadium? It just goes to show you the absurdity that is people's priorities. Where they will spend extra money in taxes but won't pay extra for public schools. And now the Penguins want a new arena...


    Well, I'm still very sick.... On Sat. as I slay in a fever driven stupor on the couch my Grandpa turned on the country music station. And now I quite like country music... *shudders* I blame the sickness or it could be I had never given country music a chance before. Either way I have good news I only like country music sung by girls. Boy country voices still make me want to hurl, unless they are Garth or Johnny Cash. Hey, at least I still hate gangster rap!

    "Your musical taste seems to be getting worse everyday, Sheila." - my loving mom



"You will find as you look back on your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love." - Harry Drummond


    Well, today is opening night for my school's production of The Man Who Came to Dinner. I tried to get involved with this play but my abilities were limited. Anyway I'm just wishing everyone in the play good luck and now I'm off to do help with stage make up. I know I shouldn't be allowed to do make up since I suck at it. But the make up crew doesn't know this.. yet. *smirks*


    I'm delighted! My mom is letting me wear her perfume. This may sound like something small. But I love the smell. When I was little I used to spray it on my pillow when I had nightmares to remind me of her. I give my mom a hard time but I love her. *sniff* Okay now I'm being too sentimental...


    Well, it seems my friends have dubbed me "Lil' Miss Random". I am very honored actually. See I think the reason I am so random is I forget people can't read my mind. No seriously... My friends and I will be talking that leads to a thought in my mind that leads to another and then another. Now I will think it's a very good thought and I will voice it. And usually it has nothing to do with what we were talking about and they exclaim how random I am. Oh well, Einstein wasn't understood in his time either.

    "Every man is a genius at least once a year, a real genius has his original ideas closer together." - G. C. Lichtenberg


    I had a blast at the cast party. It was at one of the actor's houses and there was a pool in the middle of the living room! I have never been so naked in front of my peers... I mean in a bathing suit and all. ;P Anyway even though I wasn't in the play I did have a blast and tried to help out as much as possible. Though they only mentioned me for make up (I built the set too) and spelled my name wrong.

    "MOO HAHAHAHA! Now I will spell Sheila's name like Shelia instead. Even though she wrote it out for me. MOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA!" - what person who made the programs probably thought


    Well, I guess I'm not a red meat virgin anymore. I had my first bite of steak this Saturday. It was good nice and chewy but chicken is still my cooked flesh of choice. See for those who don't know me I had never had beef or pork or any red meat before. My parents just thought it was healthier to just eat chicken, turkey, and fish. Now I've tasted red meat but I don't think I'll start eating it anytime soon.

    "I don't DO red meat."


    I've been having a reoccurring dream that in order to make a statement I don't wear a shirt to school. I don't know what the statement is but I was totally topless but nobody cared. That made me think, What would happen if you went to school totally naked? What would the response really be? I guess first shock but would they tackle me and try to clothe me? They'd probably tell the principal. But what could the principal do? I doubt he would touch me. If I just kept on walking what would happen? Could they really stop me? If they pounced me I scream rape, even if it's a girl. Hmmm.... just thoughts streaking through my mind.

    "YUK! YUK! Pun intended."


    Once again I auditioned tonight. This time for the musical, On the Town. It seems that I can act pretty comfortable in front of an audience but singing is hard for me. But I'm getting over the fear. I guess when you sing you kind of bare a little bit of your soul. Or at least if you're singing right. Often I hear people singing so up tight for fear that they don't hit the notes at a perfect pitch. But in music you're supposed to express yourself not hold it in. Put a little bit of yourself into the music. I don't know it just seems silly to me.


    Well, it just hit me today how nervous I am about getting apart in the school musical. Well, I guess nervous isn't a good word for it more like worried. There's a difference right? Anyway I enjoy doing tech but I love acting so it would please me very much even if I got a small part.

    I seem to be sleeping a lot lately. Like yesterday I sat up to watch the Grammies. (Jon Stewart hosted! YAY!) All I remember is some girl in tight clothing doing the shimmy and I woke up it was 1:00 AM and some late show host was making a Clinton joke.


    And now a Random Act of Thought...

    I noticed there seems to be a large amount of car dealerships in my community. There must be at least 5 on one road. Most of them right across the street from each other! And now there is construction starting for a new one. This makes me wonder: How the heck do they make any money? Is there that many people in the market for a new car? It just seem logical or smart.. But what do I know?


    I had a fun night last night. I went to my high schools "Friday Night's Unplugged". *laughs* Too bad they used electric guitars. ;P I let go a little and had a blast dancing. Of course there was the usual idiots who were mocking those who were actually having a good time and dancing. But I tried not to let my disappointment in my generation get to me and had fun.

    Today I saw the play "By Jives." It's the new play written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It was awesome! If you get a chance to see it, please do.

    "I'm so sorry oh goddess of coolness for dancing at a concert. That is just SOOOO uncalled for." - note the sarcasm


    I've been exceedingly busy lately. And because of that I fear I've been neglectful to my responsibilities, friends, and family. I've decided to make a resolution. I guess I can't say New Years so I'll call it my President's Day Resolution. And it is, to be a better person. I know it's a bit vague but I'm to busy too explain it in detail. ;P



    In other news I've taken to writing inspirational quotes on the graphing calculators in Math, so that the next person to use them sees it. Hopefully it will bring a smile.

    "Math is Yummy. Everyone should take a bite! MMM..." - One of my calculator messages. Did I ever mention the idiotic trances I go into in math? Or any other class for that matter...


    Yesterday I learned how to rivet metal. So I guess I actually know a pretty useful skill. Yay! Though it's all fun and games till you slice you finger open on a piece of jagged rusty metal and you've never had a tetanus shot... *nurses cut*


    "Conscience is the still small voice that makes you feel smaller."

    Doing the right thing is a bitch... I've decided not to make definite plans.. EVER! Every time I do it ends up there is something else more important or better going on that day. Then I feel guilty and I am torn between loyalty and my own selfish wants. I said I wanted to be a better person and already I'm tempted to break it. And it sucks because if my mom had let me go to the play meeting yesterday I would of known about the party before making plans. But a party doesn't come to me all the time and I can go to the movies any time I want. This sucks... Don't worry if you don't understand, it just helps me to vent.

    The question is if you do something though you feel bad does it make you a bad person?
