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    And now some old moments of Zen from December 2000...


    Don't question the Post-it note, it knows more than we do.


    "The press is like a wild animal. Everyone knows that if you put a piece of raw meat in front of it, it will sniff it ‘til it thinks it is eaten then fall asleep." - Duckman


    "Tony Danza in my head!"

    I saw Almost Famous yesterday. It was a very good movie with an awesome soundtrack. Though a friend of mine noticed when Elton John sings tiny dancer in the song "Tiny Dancer" it sounds like he's saying Tony Danza... weird. Maybe Elton was trying to tell us something.


"Look, Homer, a peanut" - Barney


    "Don't tell me love isn't true, that it's just something that we do."

    Today I auditioned for the Coffee House. I sang Madonna's "Don't Tell Me." I think I did pretty well considering I didn't practice at all and I had to sing accapella. And it’s pretty hard to sing accapella to a dance song. Anywho hopefully I will get in...





    So I got into Coffee House! I'm so happy! And in pain... Well, my song will now apparently include a tambourine and maraca. And I slam them so damn hard on me... Ouch... So I guess I'm going to sing a Mexican gypsy Madonna tune... (I think I use periods too much...) Also today I gave a monologue where I had to pretend cry. The teacher actually thought I was crying! :)

    "No she's not acting. She's actually drunk!"


    Well today I'm planning on spending a nice relaxing night at home. And I need it! My voice is strained from singing and I'm practically unconscious from lack of sleep. I was in a perfectly apathetic mood today. I wore my most favorite and comfy ugly sweater and slept through most of my classes. It was a pretty good day! :)

    "All sing and no sleep make Sheila a sick girl."


    Today I went to the optometrist. You thought I was bad with brackets? Well you never heard my glasses stories... Well this is my 4th pair of glasses in 4 years. The last pair I broke off both stems, got glue, on the lens then broke off the other lens. But that's in the past and I now have a new pair to destroy...

    Which brings me to a sad subject. The optometrist told me that teenage girls have been coming in and buying glasses with no prescription lens and they wear them to school so they look smart and it's the hip thing to do. So apparently physical disabilities are "in" this season.


    Well, my voice has been stressed (along with the rest of me) so I decided to take up drinking tea. I hate to admit it but I really don't like tea that much. I mean it's okay but there's not much flavor. But I need to sooth my throat so I started drinking it. So far it's going pretty good other then spilling a scalding hot mug full all over me yesterday and having to hear my friend yell, "TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF! TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF!" I will be mentally scarred for years...



    I'm just so happy I can't find the words to express it. I've had a great day and hope life continues this way. "Why?", you ask. Well, first of all the director's of the Coffee House love my song and also I'm just plain happy. Though I REALLY have to find another way of playing my tambourine because I have a humongous welt on my leg that really hurts. Oh well, not everything can be perfect.

    "Don't tell me to stop"


    I'm tired so I'll make this fairly short and to the point.


    "Don't ever tell me I learned! NO! NO!"

    Well, today I had to call a cab to get to school since my mom let me sleep in since I wasn't feeling well and go to half of the school day. I now have a deep hatred for taxis... *grumbles* But that is all in the past. As for the present I'm now hurrying to get to the Coffee House practice/taping. I actually attempted at putting on make up and it didn't go well. I know look like I have been drinking Kool-aid. Well, I'm not well versed with makeup. What do you expect?


    Well, yesterday was one weird and freaky day, kind of made me think too. (Which I don't think is a bad thing) It's to long to tell here, but If your curious you can always ask me. Any way there's a few things on my mind...

  • Whenever I mention I'm singing a Madonna song for Coffee House. People's general reaction is, "Ugh.." or "Oh I see..." I personally love Madonna. Through the decades she's changed without sacrificing her image. Madonna is forever when Britney will be over when she hits 30. Kids these days...
  • Yesterday after performing my song I was more nervous than before I went up to sing. I think it kind of hit me that I was actually pouring out my soul for these people. I was shaking all over.
  • Love is strange and DAMN confusing!     "Don't tell me love isn't true it’s just something that we do"


        "I just got to realize that's it's more embarrassing when I don't put myself on the line." - Me, after performing yesterday.


        Well, today I met a professional pooper-scooper. No Joke! And she's apparently very rich too cuz she patented her own dog-poop-pick-it-upper. I guess stranger things have happened...

        Oh yeah, I kicked butt yesterday in my performance! I got to go wish the other people luck on their last night of performing. After tonight I'll have some more free time. Catch you on the flipside.


        I had some things planned to say but all I can think of is 7 words.

    "HOW THE HECK DID BUSH BECOME PRESIDENT!?!"    ...     *falls over*


    "Love sucks. It usually kicks you while you're down than kisses your cousin. But the thing is when you're in love you can't feel the kick or see the kiss because all you can think of is the one you love." - me


        Recently I cleaned out my buddy list of all the sceen names I don't use anymore. Well I had 138 and by the time I was done I ended up with 50. I don't see it as losing 78 friends but having 50 definite friends. Think about it...


        "The broadcast is spreading from station to station, like an infection across the nation."

        I've been listening to my Modern Rock (yes, those 80's CDs being sold on the TV) and there is this one song called "The Politics of Dancing" by Re-Flex. It presents an interesting premise. What if all the politicians became DJ's? What if they did indeed... one can only wonder... I guess it would look something like this...

        I am sooo sorry for any nauseous feelings or eye openings to the sorry state of America that link caused. I used to say "If the leaders of America would just dance more there would be no more wars." But the only thing that site can cause is pestilence, famine, and mild irritation. And further more... *pauses* must stare at bush's rhythmic pelvis... must...must eat brains...


        My nose is tingling and that can mean only one thing... IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF WINTER! Either that or my nose is regaining feeling...

        I got a chia pet puppy today! Yes, my life is now almost fully complete. When asked what I want for Christmas, I have but one response, "More Chia pets..." *hint* *hint* "And what's the use of having a million chia pets?", you ask. Well, you can make your own strike unit to take out capitalist pigs and create a wonderful utopia. Or perhaps I've said to much...




        Well, this is my last Moment of Zen for the millennium... let alone year. It feels like I only started writing these Zen things 2 months ago... *sniff* That's it I've done it, I'm vehclemnted.

        I like high school soooo much better than middle school. It made me happy today when none of the teachers said, "Be happy! You're no going to have homework for the rest of the year!" Some people say, "That's cute!" I just find it DAMN annoying. And every teacher would say it before Christmas vacation. It just makes me soo mad.

        "I'm sooo mad I could wrestle a manatee in the nude!"
