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    And now some old moments of Zen from April 2003...


    I'm not gonna update the Moment today...             APRIL FOOLS! HA HA! I soooo got you... yeah! *hi-5s self* *audience is sleeping* Oh, give me a break... I put some spaces in there! I've been "out of it" lately. It's like a damn suffocating prison... I need to lay down... I'm spent...

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Stay Away" - Nirvana


    Well, I pulled a "April Fools" joke on my mom... today. Told her I flunked Precalc. It worked remarkabley. I use the adjective "remarkabley" due to the fact it made my not so dandy report card not seem so bad. It's not horrible, I still got a 3.2 but I REALLY need to strive to do better next nine weeks. I know I could ace it with a little efort.. but I don't. I'm so god damn lazy it's not even funny and I have no self control at ALL... I just want to sleep and wake up and everything is better. Too bad life doesn't work that way. Ohwell... I'm gonna go sleep... Yeah, I know... Ohwell, after all tommorrow is another day? Too bad, it's never really "tommorrow." Loophole excellent....

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Love Me Do" - Beatles


    Elvis died last night peacefully but really it was a surprise. He was the most trustworthy, loyal, and loving dog I've ever met or owned. May he rest in peace.... I miss him and regret ever taking him for granted... He was a beautiful creature.

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Something Vague" - Bright Eyes

    You piss me off and I'm not gonna take it anymore. I don't have to now... See you when you care.

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Plug in Baby" - Muse


    *sighs and chest slowly deflates* WELL, today was a day of rest as I prepare for spring break. Be back in 2 weeks folks! Oh and happy birthday Kyle and Kevin.

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: don't remember


    Well, I've been on vacay for 2 weeks so we ALLLLLL know what that means (yes... even you Gary Coleman.) A list folks!

MEDIA OF THE MOMENT: a marathon of Family Guy episodes


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE GIRL IN CHURCH WHO'S MOM GAVE ME A SONG BOOK! AND happy easter to all my Othrodox bretheren out there! H00t! This weekend was nice and dramafree... well at least not involving me. And that's a good thing. I visited my brother and we hung out, ate Checkers, and watched Sifl and Olly. The next morning, we went to see Flipper's play debut. They changed his play a lot but it was still flippertastic! Though it was lacking clones... Then of course came swing later that night down here in South Florida Swing Land. I had a nice conversation about appendices for 20 minutes with the sex god of swing. Afterwards at 1 AM I went to Easter Mass. Afterwards, we chowed down on blessed cold food (yum)and played a game involving eggs. I love the orthodox traditions. Today I went to see the "Dancing for Those Who Can't" benefit show. It was good and the swing troupe did wonderful! OoooO black hat... Two realizations; there is only so much tap I can take and all the old dance ladies had better legs then me. Sadness.. Actually the only sad part is I didn't get to finish my internal organ conversation... *tear*

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Tom Sawyer" - Deadsy


    Today has been quaint.

MP3 OF THE MOMENT: "Sea of Heartbreak" - Johnny Cash


    My foot, throat, and nasal passages are swollen. Making me miss school and hopefully not Thursday's swing lesson. That is all. You have been briefed.

MP3 OF FOREVVVEERRRRr: "Ruby Mae" - Indigo Swing dedicated to my swing god
