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The Red Violin

By: Lava

RATING:     5 out of 5 non orchestra-junkies would enjoy this. Those who are have already seen it.

VIEWING EXPIERIENCE: Well, even though we have had this movie in our house for ages, it took a trip all the way down to Florida to get me to watch it, and I must say it was worth it. It's one of those movies that really has a compelling plot AND is tastefully done (no over-the-top special effects) AND has good acting. They filmed this movie in whatever language the natives speak (ex. they spoke italian in Italy, german in Germany, exc.) and subtitled everything not in english. Not only did that mean no fake accents to make you cringe, but also that is was incredibly easy to open in other countries. Now that's using your noodle. The only thing I didn't like was how they repeated one scene over and over from different people's perspectives. although it really was interesting to see how all these people were influenced by the violin, it did get on my nerves after a while.

STORY SUMMARY:     The Red Violin chronicles the "life" of the violin through roughly five centuries. The story starts in renaissance Italy, where it was made, and ends in a modern day auction house. The violin changes hands many times, and we get to glimps into the lives of (i think) five of the owners and see how the violin shaped their lives. Each vignette is punctuated by a scene from the auction. The ending is surprising, and each scene is fresh and different. All in all, one of the best movies I've seen....and it makes you think! *GASP!*

CONCLUSION:     Enjoy it and feel good about not watching a lewd teen comedy instead.

Sheila's Note: Just to warn there's nudity... namely sex with a violin... Still see it just be amazed at how creative some people are... literally. ;P
