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Monkey Shines

3 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major tuna.3 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major tuna.3 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major tuna.

RATING:     3 penguins out of 5 would enjoy this movie. Out of the other two one would be locked in the batheroon brandishing a stick and the other one would be hiding underneath the covers.

VIEWING EXPIERIENCE:     When I suggested renting Monkey Shines my friends laughed, figuring it was just the usual Sheila antic. I mean who really wants to see a movie about a monkey serial killer controlled by a paralyzed man. Little did they know I was serious. Not only serious but I watched it twice. Okay maybe it wasn’t worth the second viewing. Surprisingly this supposed cheesy scary crap movie was only a scary crap movie. And the small monkey they used was very realistic and quite frightening. I could never say that I saw a monkey with a switchblade ‘til I saw this movie. I still want a pet monkey though. :D

    Technically this movie was very good. There was pretty good acting on behalf of the actors and the primate. Though the main character sounded like Marlin Brando when he was mad. As far as music goes there isn’t much other then the usual mood music used in most scary movies. A few songs from the 40s are show cased, but not really a soundtrack per se.

STORY SUMMARY:     Monkey Shines is a classic movie of monkey love gone wrong. Basically professional runner becomes paralyzed. He becomes bitter especially when his doctor and girlfriend screw him over. His only love left in life is his newfound companion and helper a capuchin monkey named Ella. But than Ella becomes a manifestation of his hatred and later a catalyst. Blood is shed while this lovable monkey kills it’s way into our hearts. You know… the usual.

BEST QUOTE:     "You stinky... dirty monkey."

CONCLUSION:     It worth seeing for the monkey switchblade scene.
