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October 24th

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October 23rd

I want to scream at the top of my lungs while running aimlessly in a forest. I want to frollic in the autumn leaves, buring myself up to my neck. I want somone to wrestle me to the ground, tangling my hair in knots. I want to lie in a heap and stare up at the orange and red and yellow against the blue.

October 15th

It's like I can feel the change. It's in the air. Things are gonna get easier. I went through a difficult stage and now I'm due a good stretch. Yup it's lookin good. Mentally healthy time has got to come.

October 10th

Sometimes I feel strong. Strong enough to conquer all this. Then I loose it. Just like that, I break down and start to cry. Cry because it's all too much. Closing in on me. When nothing seems to be right and all I want to do is run away or hide. When everything seems to be spinning and i can't catch anything as it flys by me. I want slow and simple, lasting and wonderful. Life needs to chill cause I'm not quite ready to negotiate.

October 4th

Well, Phil was talking about seeing Alpha grads later in life. How it'll be weird to see them on the news and stuff. Well now an Alpha grad IS on the news. He's not from our grade but still...kind of disturbing. You never know what people might turn out to be when they grow up. I kind of feel sorry for him...kind of...I mean...just if this is all wrong somehow and the media has just inflated it. Who knows right? I like to have faith in people...but...I don't know. It's all very upseting. Makes me feel sad inside.

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<---"Blue" rose!