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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Open Diary
Love @ Lycos

September 11th Memorials:

Some cute little dolls:

e-cards stuff:

J is this type of carebare:

See what Care Bear you are.

I just did a quiz and here is what it said about me:

Card Image ccangia-109
Click on this image to learn more about it!

Lowland Gorilla, (Rwanda) ; ©2002 Charles Cangialosi
The Lowland Gorilla is the largest of all primates. Though an adult male can weigh up to 500 pounds and stand up to 6 feet tall, gorillas are the most docile of apes and are generally shy and peaceful. Gorillas spend most of their days foraging on over 100 species of plants, eating mainly fruit. The "silverback" male is the dominant member of his social group or "troop". He determines when the troop will eat, sleep or travel, and is responsible for protecting the other members. The distinctive patch of gray hair on his upper back develops with sexual maturity, around the age of eleven.


Thu, Jun 19, 2003 | 01:59:13 PST

Love is not having to say you're sorry

Sorry for winding you up last night. Was maybe a bit jealous that you where giving someone else special attention. And I don't question your love or loyalty for a second. You're my girl, my baby. And although you didn't get the reaction you had wanted from me yesterday, you need to fight the minor battles yourself and learn from them. Be strong and smart when arguments arise. I'm more of a knight in shining armour when you're being attacked by wild bears or 10 men. I'd fight to the death for you, but I can't fight, or help you fight quarrels within your house. I can only advise.

Anyway back to apologising. Look at how sorry and sad the gorilla looks. Thats me!! Also read the wee note, there's a lot of similarities don't you think. Maybe Gerard isnt the monkey afterall, maybe I am!!

All my love you big snuggly glow worm. Mwah