Guestbook: antimanson

New Entries!!

I managed to fix the old guestbook and I found these entries in it,so enjoy!

Name: Courtney is Dead
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: California
Comments: Spike, I'm glad someone out there realizes that Manson is a poser. Whenever Manson says his music is of the gothic genre, I am almost ashamed to be gothic. He's a sell-out who's laughing all the way to the bank. It's not like my opinion matters though. But despite the fact that Manson is only in it for the money and attention, I think he is quite intelligent and has a wonderful, dry wit. BUT STILL!!! I'm not a follower. *sigh* I sent you an email and I hope you read it thoroughly... Ciao. lol

Referred By: I Came Cause YOU ROCK And So Does Your Page!
Location: England
Comments: Hi although I am a Manson fan, I think youre site is great and kicks some serious ass!! And I agree with what you were saying at the beginning about fans who can't take it, get over it!! Keep up the good work.

Hi there Kate! I am glad that at least a few of you fans are smart enough to notice that this page is not serious! Don't they think if I was so serious and full of hate,I'd be updating this page all the time?? Well I don't. I think if Marilyn ever came across the site,he'd laugh. He'd probably also laugh at the idiots who come here day after day just to sign the guestbook and tell me how much they hate me. Anyway,thanks for stopping by!

- Spike

Name: Ariel
Referred By: I Came To Say Manson SUCKS!
Location: USA

Name: Negin
Referred By: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
Location: long island new york
Comments: whats wrong with being vulgar sick disrespectful and weird. he ripped up the bible because it is a bunch of bull :-) and the reason he wiped his ass with the flag is because america is :-) and when u except that maybe u will have some respect for him. he is fake just like u and me ans everyone else who put on fronts.

Hello Mr. Birth Defect...By your post,I'm guessing you haven't even hit puberty yet,so there's no point in trying to talk sense into you. I'll just inform you that your pal Marilyn hates KoRn (I noticed you like them by yor e-mail) and Limp Bizkit simply because they're doing so much better than he is. Little baby Marilyn and you should go back to reform school and try to become men instead of being angry,brain-dead,little creeps. By the way,scumbag, you say you're from NY,that makes you an American, so have some respect for your country, or get OUT!!

- Spike

Name: Taylor
Referred By: I Came Cause YOU ROCK And So Does Your Page!
Comments: First off, I have to say I completely agree with your views on Marilyn Manson and his vulgar music. However, I think that you are not using your resources for the best. Instead of declaring your hopes to shoot Marilyn Manson you should use your passion to have stricter laws on what should be able to be played on the radio, television, etc. Use your anger in a better way.

Hello. You hate MM so I'm not going to insult you,but I think you should've actually READ my page before writing this. I TOLD you on my front page that this site is nothing more than a joke between me and some friends. It's people like you and the moron fans who keep getting your undies in a bunch over nothing. I haven't significantly updated this site in YEARS!! As often as those stupid fans keep coming in here,you'd think they'd have noticed that by now!! I suppose the smoke from their crack pipes is too thick to see the screen clearly. Anyway,my point is,I have better things to do than babysit a bunch of whiny goth wannabes who are mad at me. I just don't care.

- Spike

Name: koRnPhan
Referred By: Your Awesome Homepage!
Location: Michigan
Comments: I like to consider myself an open-minded person, while I don't share your opinion that's what the illusion of free speach the government has given us is for--to express ourselves. You say that Marilyn Manson is vulgar and digusting yet you say he should be tortured and thrown to sharks. He, like you, is just expressing his opinion. I would like to here your reply . My only request is that you do it in good taste.

Hello. I don't understand why you people don't read the part of my site where I say this page is a JOKE!! This is not the only site on the internet that doesn't love Marilyn!! By the way,as I mentioned before,your freak boy hero Marilyn hates KoRn because they're doing better than he is. What a baby!

- Spike

Name: MLV
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: Alexandria,VA
Comments: I am a Manson fan and I find it insulting that you think all Manson fans are pot smoking losers. I've never done a drug in my life and I don't plan on doing them. If you are a Christian, like most Manson haters, then why do you hate him so much and why are you as a Christian forming this hate site? I thought Christians are supposed to love, not hate. Please Respond.

Well hello there MLV. What does that stand for? "Mindless Little Vacuum"? That's what you remind me of because you seem to suck up everything Mr. Moron tells you without question or thought to anyone else's opinions. It's funny, you pretty much just categorized all Manson haters as Christian fundamentalists, and you want me to stop calling Manson fans pot smoking losers?? In defense of the AMMS,without hate,there can be no love,and if you took the time to read more of the guestbook entries (not to mention the disclaimer) you would find that I have stated more than once that there are intelligent Manson fans out there. The only ones who are offended by the comments on this site are the ones that really are pot smoking losers. If they weren't,why should they be offended? If they're not druggies then I'm certainly not talking about them. Isn't that right MR. POT SMOKING LOSER??? Now get out of here and don't forget your bong!

- Spike

Name: ~*KoRnChIc*~
Referred By: I Came Cause I Love Your Page!
Comments: Hey, Your page is hilarious.. i like Manson, but u just made ur opinion funny, and i respect how u showed it... and the other people who signed the guestbook saying that this site sux, u probably can't do any better!!! Kool page dude!! and keep it up...

Thanks...we will! and I CAN do better,I just don't care to.

- Spike

Name: Krystal
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Location: Lowell MA USA
Comments: Man-o-man you rule!!!!! Your site cracks me up and I don't even hate Manson, I think Manson fans who sign this and get all pissed really need to grow up, it's just a website, one persons opinion, what do you care? Is EVERYONE suppose to have the same veiws as you? I think you Mansonites who have nothing better to do need a hobbie, I'm sure you'll complain when people say Manson shouldn't say what he says then, act the same way as those people when you see this incredibly humorous website, and complain when someone is voicing their opinion. To all of you, GROW UP. and I listen to Manson, I'm not a big fan, but I like some of their music. To the creators of this website, Cheers, I think it's funny and original. :) If anyone agrees or strongly disagrees with what I have to say, feel free to email me, just make sure you don't sound like a complete idiot in your email, I have no time for childish games. Peace out.

Name: Angus
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: ohio
Comments: I hate manson. I am an AC/DC fan, and I hate how manson sings their song "highway to hell". It is an awesome song, for AC/DC, who wrote it. But when that fag manson sings it, it sucks.Why doesen't he even write his OWN songs, because he lacks talent and intelligence. All you manson fans will burn in hell

Referred By: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
Location: UK

Hello idiot boy. Seeing how you clearly have an IQ lower than your shoe size,I'll make this easy for you. Why don't you take your lover boy Marilyn's own advice to you, "Go home and kill yourself".

- Spike

Name: Prince Eat Me.
Referred By: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Location: Indiana.
Comments: Everyone on here sounds like a 7 year old. Now its my turn!! I've been a Manson fan for 3 years now, and not once has he affected my way of life. He is a great entertainer and thats all. I don't see you going out and attacking Nine Inch Nails or other bands of the same nature. Your full of :-) .
-Prince Eat Me.

Hi there little boy. You said yourself it's your turn to sound like a 7 year old. I disagree. I've met more intelligent 2 year olds than you. Why don't you go play with your Pokemon toys little guy.. PS...Trent Reznor sucks too. Happy now?

- Spike

Name: Agrias
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Comments: I LOVE YOUR SITE!! I just wanted to say briefly (since I'm busy at the moment) that Manson's just going to get worse and worse - now he's killing animals without thought, and once his crowd dies down, he'll bring them back by killing Humans. And that's when he'll go down - it's pretty hard to bribe cops out of THAT. The freak needs to be shot in the head and forgotten forever.

Name:willie p.
Referred By: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
Location: fresno calif.
Comments: this page is cool because i too hate manson! 2 years ago a co-worker came to me and asked if i wanted to see him live for free,i said sure because after all hole was opening for him. manson spit on me, tore a bible in half,then told the crowed to "go home and kill yourselves,because your already dead." it also made me sick to see a guy wearing a manson shirt saying jesus is gay. if this is the role models kids want today,then they are lost!!! i hope you read this and thank you!

Name: sarah
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: canada
Comments: ok this is for Pam... awhile ago you sent me a message calling me a :-) ing Geek!!! why dont you shut the :-) up, and go :-) youself :-) ....if you were here right now i'd give you a good ass kicking, and trust me i could beat the hell out of you @#%$!...burn in hell..and kiss my :-) ing ass @#%$!. MANSON FANS FOR LIFE

If Pam called you a geek it's because you ARE a geek. Learn to accept it.

- Spike

Name: Draco
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
Location: Where are you from?
Comments: Marilyn manson sucks! He is a satanist, pig fat piece of garbage that can't do anything better than get his Jollies from sheep and burn Bibles. Marilyn manson is a freak show and Needs to die! DEATH TO MANSON! DEATH TO MANSON!

Name: Tavia
Referred By: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Comments: Marilyn Manson is one of the most loved and respected guys that i know/listen to. And yes i KNOW him. You are the biggest incest homophile :-) less piece of :-) i have encountered in my entire existence. We should string you up and eat your eyes. Yes i support cannibalism too. Wanna cum to my site. Its dedicated just to you. :-) you :-) . §atans cumming for you. Haha you can reach me on AIM at DominatrixBndage so i can chew your ass out 'live and in person'. Fuccccccccckkkk yoooooooooooouuu.
no peace~Brackish_whore
~The Dominatrix Bondage @#%$!~

Hehehe...thanks for a good laugh, slutface! I hope you and Hannibal are very happy together Miss Kromag! *LOL* Oooohh I forgot, I'm supposed to be waiting for you and satan to come eat my eyes!! *waits for satan* hmmm...he's not coming!! You must've eaten each other's eyes then. That'll make it tough to find me don't ya think? I have two more words for you...BITE ME!

- Spike

Name: Christian
Referred By: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Comments: Oh, Spike or monkey whatever you prefer to be called, I had to laugh as I read your last comment that all messages over 300 words, or characters (I can't remember) would get deleted. I wonder why! Well, probably because you're not able to read and your mummy has to read all the entries for you and tell you what people think of you. Well, I don't know why I'm writing this, 'cause actually I don't give a cr@p about you, but somehow I love you! Why? Oh, because you're so f*cking disgusting, annoying and just simply an :-) ! Alright, I hope this wasn't too much for your mum! BYE hunny bunny!

Hello wimpy little momma's boy. You came here begging for a reply under 2 different names. I gave you what you were crying for. Why? because I happened to be bored at the moment. I said at the start of my site that neither I,nor anyone in the AMMS gives a rat's butt about your whines and cries about your loverboy Marilyn. We do not reply to you fools for YOUR amusement....we do it for OUR amusement. We were going to delete your post again,but decided we would light up your life one last time before banning you from signing the book again. It's too bad you people can't just write one post and leave. You all must really love this page to keep coming back. Maybe we should charge admission. Later,loser boy!

- Spike

Name: Trym
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: England - Nottingham
Comments: Hello, I left a message a few weeks ago.....Imagine my dissapointment when I checked back today to find that I hadn't recieved a reply like everyone else and whats more you have removed my post.As I recall there was nothing obscene about the message, could you please enlighten me as to why this happened you can imagine im deeply upset.

Hello. If your message got deleted,it was probably because you left a 3,000 word essay that none of us cared to read. We have better things to do. You should have better things to do than coming here. I do hope that this reply will bring some meaning to your life.

- Spike

Name: Veronica Basil
Website Title: Poopsex
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Location: California
Comments: You are a stupid :-) aren't you? Yes, yes you are. Why did I ask? I already knew. Well if you want to be an :-) and say something to me just email me.

As a matter of fact,I do have something to say to you,Veronica Bimbo. If your entry is supposed to be some kind of argument,it's not. It doesn't tell me anything except that you are one sick little puppy! The website you posted proves to me that you're nothing but a nasty perverted fecalphelliac. I changed the URL to something equally disgusting,but not so perverted. I think you should take your little poop fetish to the nearest mental hospital....yesterday!!!

- Spike

Name: i
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Comments: Stop using so many big words... goddammit..............

go buy a dictionary you cheapskate. (assuming you're able to read one)

- Spike

Name: charles
Referred By: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
Location: hell
Comments: you are very pathetic person, have no life,so you go blaming other people because you are miserable and lonely. oh ya,i came because i love your music man(if your stage name is marilyn manson)!!!!!!!!!!

On the contrary,little Chucky,I don't give a rat's butt what you or anyone else thinks about me or this page. So stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it!! PS...How many times do I have to tell you 3rd grade drop outs that this is NOT a Marilyn Moron fan site!!! Jeeezzz!

- Spike

Name: jesse
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Your Awesome Homepage!
Location: ontario
Comments: hey.. i checked your page out after a friend of mine told me about it.. this is sad :P marilyn manson has a lot of great things to say and is a positive role model for kids, regardless of whether he's a "poser" or not. marilyn manson has opened my eyes.. i've learned a lot from him. btw.. maybe you should take a look at the "how did you find me?" selector bar on the guestbook entry page.. none of them actually answer the question ;P

Hello jerkoff Jesse... I think you need to do a little homework on your "humanitarian of the year" candidate. That poor excuse for a mime has nothing positive to say about anything. If your definition of a good role model for kids is someone who writes "Kill your parents" on the T shirts he sells to his brain dead fans,than I think you need more help than he does! Don't walk,RUN to the nearest shrink in your town!! PS...Maybe YOU should lay off the crack while listening to the @#%$! that people like you so jokingly refer to as "good music". and BTW...I wrote the "how did you find me" bar's options that way because I knew it would piss off idiots like you who came to sign the guestbook!! Get a clue dumbo!

- Spike

Name: joel
Referred By: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
Comments: Hi, I only just started listening to marilyn mansons music, and i think it rocks. Why do u think everyone who listens to his music smokes crack?

Uhhh...Joel...take a look around here. Read the entries that those fools have left in here. You will find your answer there!

- Spike

Name: sarah
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
Location: canada
Comments: hello... well i love manson hehehe and my friend gave me this site address hehehe, this is lame, why say we have no lives when you spent like a month or so making this page and you even made a club! well, i think manson is the best in my opinion, and i will never hate him, he has helped me threw life a lot. Just cause i'm a manson fan doesnt mean i worship satan! If you have a problem with manson say it in your head, ok?? or at least dont be rude! you could just say you dont like him not make a huge page about it... before you start judging me look at my page and learn more baout me i'm caring and kind and i love my friends, so dont even think about saying anyhting rude about me! and i'm goth! and i love it goths for life sarah
manson 4 ever

Hi there kiddo... I'm going to be relatively nice because after looking at your site,I see that you are just a child who Marilyn Moron has brainwashed into thinking the entire world is your enemy and you can only trust in him to save you from it. I never said any of those things about you. You just said them about yourself! As for my page,don't tell me what to do kid. I did have a look at your site. No,I'm not impressed. I found at least 50 spelling errors,and see that you lied about worshipping the devil. Unless you had no idea that 666 is the devil's number. I also saw that you claim to have a great fondness for Jack Daniels. Let me inform you of something kid,getting wasted will not make you smart or cool. All you'll get is a killer hangover,and lose most of your brain cells. I think you should spend more time in school learning to spell and less time getting wasted and listening to stupid MM music. PS...nice Britney pic on your site,but you need to at least spell her name correctly if you plan to insult the girl!! And the next time you bash someone for insulting Marilyn Moron,remember that you hate Britney Spears and proclaim it on your page instead of "keeping it in your head and not being rude". That's all I'm gonna say. Seek help kiddo!

- Spike

don't worry, sarah, i was a dumb geek once too. just not as bad as you.. oops but i think that was rude. oh well, not like you won't have to get used to it. Once you get out into the real world, freaky little goth attitudes aren't cool and different anymore. They're pathetic. Have a nice day


Name: Gonzaria
Referred By: I Came Cause I Love Your Page!
Location: Australia
Comments: i actually like marilyn, but i thought your page was GREAT! please make up some more of your own lyrics to his songs soon. i know that i'm not supposed to write here because i'm a fan but as i mentioned earlier, your page is great and it's nice to see someone with a sense of humour!!!

Name: Coma White
Referred By: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
Location: UK
Comments: Your page was so good i just had to Bookmark it NOT!! What is your problem if you hate Manson that bad why not keep your pointless thoughts to yourself your website is a complete waste of server space i mean if your'e so high & mighty then why don't you put a photo of yourself on your site then we can all see who the real dumb ass is but no i didn't think you would do that i wonder why? I think that your'e really obsessed with Manson and that's why you can't shut up about him. Anyway why don't you me and the rest of the Manson fans take this to the Jerry Springer show and have done with it.
P.S Just incase you didn't get it that means i'm a Manson fan.

Hello Freak Person...I love how you idiots keep coming here to tell me the same thing over and over again. And the way you all claim to be in love with me,that's the best part! Anyway,since you're a Marilyn Moron fan,you have a limited attention span,and can't hold a thought for very long,so let me make this quick and simple for you. I see no reason to post my picture here. I'm not out to impress any of you crack heads. As for the waste of space thing,it seems to me that you need to get out of your trailer park more. Life is not Jerry Springer you stupid redneck! You are a true waste of human flesh. Go crawl underneath your trailer and die!

- Spike

Name: Fatman
Homepage Title: i am a fat facist nazi
Homepage URL:
Referred By: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Comments: Always great to see facism and prejudice at work in Judeo-Christian America. I find if funny that you could have nothing better to do than poke childish fun at a musician. Marilyn Manson may have contriversial views on topics but isn't it his "God given" right to do so? I'll tell you right now that a good percentage of Marilyn Manson's fans are quite intellegent, obviously more than you because they don't bother to poke fun a facist nazis, like yourself. You are very immature.

immature? well neener neener and nyaa nyaa.

Eat my shorts,Cartman!
- Spike

Name: Marilyn Manson Ate My Kid
Referred By: I Came Cause I Hate Manson!
Location: The Great State of PA.
Comments: Well, where do I sign? I was reading on your happy little page here (And I mean that, I love it) that if I wanted to join, I had to sign the guestbook. So as stated before, where do I sign? And don't worry about not hearing from me, just please tell me I won't be getting a ton of forwards that have nothing to pertain to this at all. (Don't laugh, it's happened before). Anyway, if this is legit, count me in.
-Dan (A proud member of H.A.M. Humanity Against Manson)

Hi there! The AMMS is just something my friends and I made up for a laugh. This page is a joke to us,and because of the crackheads who keep coming here all the time,it is also Marilyn Moron's public enemy #1!! (I'm not blowing my own horn here,I actually read this on a Manson fan site! isn't that ironic?? They all come here saying that I crave attention with this webpage,and it is THEM,the crack smoking fans, who keep giving it to me!)

- Spike

Name: Ben
Referred By: Your Awesome Homepage!
Location: Hawaii
Comments: Great page man. Although I do listen to his music once and a while, I will agree with you on some points, like how he is just a poser. I'm actually glad you made this site, show those freaky Manson :-) s why they're so stupid. Keep up the good work.

Total: 174 guests
Name: Kevin
Referred by: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
From: New York
Time: 2000-06-10 18:25:00
Comments: I think every manson fan is sick of this :-) . Manson is over the top, I admit it. Manson is not a role model for 2 year olds and the such, but he puts out good points on the church. He tells it how it is and in our society we're not allowed to tell the truth. Clinton lying and everything is getting worse. I hate Marilyn Manson fans writing F U and vulgar words like Marilyn Manson tells them to do that. He listens to the church and then tells his side of the story. He is not closed minded. Tell your side of the story and he will tell his. Most Marilyn Manson fans do not understand his message.

Most of his fans don't understand why objects don't fall UP. What's your point Kev??
- Spike

Name: Kate
Referred by: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
From: Hell
Time: 2000-06-09 23:46:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson kicks ass and all of you haters can kiss my Ass :-) you and get a life becuz there is NOTHING wrong with manson and he kicks ass!! I love him and i think these hate pages suck!! ~ a manson fan~

Ooohhh Kate...What have I done??? I created a page that says bad things about Marilyn Moron!!! Oh,the horror!!! I should just change my entire opinion of everything just because you don't agree with me!! NOT!!! Unlike you,miss self righteous bimbo girl,I am not easily influenced by what someone says. Maybe you should try listening to your precious MM tapes when you're not smoking crack! Use what's left of your mind to form opinions of your own,and not someone else's.
- Spike

Name: Tifani Reynolds
Referred by: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
From: Dallas/Ft Worth area
Time: 2000-06-08 00:57:00
Comments: I think Marilyn Manson is a sick :-) !!!!! Not only do I feel sorry for him on Judgement Day, but I also feel sorry for that stupid ass, Rose McGowan (I think that's her name) I think he is a disgusting, deformed and disturbed person. Right on, not taking those pathetic followers seriously, they make me almost as sick as he does. Continue with this web page cause I think it is hilarious, girl!!! If people don't like it :-) EM'--- supportive on-looker

Name: Ghotst Master
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love Your Page!
From: Where ever we all came form
Time: 2000-06-07 22:12:00
Comments: I am glad you are hating manson because in the end love will tear us all apart.

I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to you,seeing how you can't even spell your name correctly. Anyway,let's examine your hypocritical statement,shall we? You're telling me it is wrong not to like Marilyn Moron,and that his "love will tear us all apart"?? Here's a newsflash for you...Mr. Moron's lyrics are all about hate,not love. He has nothing positive to say to the mindless crackheads who worship him. Don't tell me he has love for you. He doesn't give a flying rat's butt about you. He only wants your money,and it seems he's getting it. I bet you're one of those painted up fools with the MM T-shirts with the words "Kill your parents" written on it. Go play in some traffic kid.
- Spike

Name: Lord Jesus
Website: Heaven
Referred by: I Came Cause YOU ROCK And So Does Your Page!
From: Heaven
Time: 2000-06-06 17:35:00
Comments: Wow, you are so much more intelligent than Manson and all his fans put together! I love your huge vocabulary, you are truly superior to the rest of the human race, I am in awe. (note the sarcasm) my god you really are an idiot. Have anything to back up your ideas rather than your own closed minded christian judgement?

Hello idiot boy. It's the small minded fools like you who prove my point about how hypocritical Mr. Moron and most of his fans are. You obviously are not a Christian,and I doubt you believe in God at all judging by your idiotic post. So why did you come in here claiming to be the Son of God and judging me the same way you say I am judging you?? I am not judging you. I don't even know you,nor do I care to. Just answer me and the rest of the world this one question. Was it hard for you to climb out of that abortion bucket??
- Spike

Name: Keith Irvine
Website: Mercury
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: The Seventh Layer Of Hell
Time: 2000-05-29 08:57:00
Comments: hey, the least you could do is make a decent looking web-page. check out for some pointers :-) head.

Hello idiot boy. In case you didn't notice this,you illiterate tone deaf moron,this is NOT a Marilyn Moron fan site!! Hence,I don't give a flying rat's butt what you crack heads think about me,or this page! And thanks,but no thanks,I don't need pointers from any N'Sync website!!
- Spike

Name: Rob *Melchaiah*
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Time: 2000-05-27 09:14:00
Comments: Hi, what's up? =) I'm a Manson fan, and I'm a great guy. I like his music, not because I like the guy, but because his music sounds cool. "Great Big White world" was a great song. Hmm.. for the longest time I hated him. I always thought of him as retarded, along with the rest of the skater kids that listen to his music. After a while, thought I got into techno and industrial rock, I then was reintroduced to Marylin Manson/NIN/Prodigy/Slipknot. After that I realized to be more open minded toward music, you might even label me.. as a .. hmm.. poser? I scoff at the dozens of idiots giving hate mail to you. They call themselves Manson fans, though all they are, are single minded fanatics. I'm glad someone like you has the cool, just to ignore them, and have fun with people on the net. It's great. I'll be checkin' up to see how many more retards get on to flame you. Keep in touch...

Name: Clark
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
From: Somewhere
Time: 2000-05-26 18:35:00
Comments: Hey man w'sup? I am a Marilyn Manson fan but I thought the parody of beautiful people was funny. I think its fine what you do because everyone has their opinion and Marilyn Manson fans shouldn't harass you.

Name: Kas
Website: I LOVE BSB!
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: Moscow, Russia
Time: 2000-05-26 00:37:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson is trying to show that it's ok to be yourself. ur making a total :-) head of yourselves by setting up a site to mock somebody. if ur too dumb to understand his message, too lazy to read his biography and find out what he's really all about and instead judging a book by its cover, then just shut the :-) up! didn't god give us all free will? manson's brave enough to be different from the mainstream, and that is the purest form of artist. You judge a person without even knowing him. Well, i'm gonna become u for a second, and judge you: you are worthless, brainwashed, hypocritical, narrow-minded, egotistic christian pieces of :-) who should all be lined up and shot in disgrace. your bodies should be then fed to a bunch of hungry rats, and your skeletons should be collectively pissed and shat on. then and only then, peace will reign. as long as there's religion in this world, there will never be peace 'cause there's always some more-righteous-than-thou :-) heads that always stir :-) , and can never stop. u christians are just good and pure and righteous to accept others for who they are. it's just too hard for you people. -Kas

Have you ever heard the term "contradiction"? Let me define it for you: To contradict one's self is to advocate our God-given "free will" and then, in the same train of thought, demote that same religion in which you just barely used to advance your cause. (You know, kind of like what you just did). Congratulations on having a totally screwed up belief system. And, for the record, Marilyn Manson is very much mainstream. Here's some advice: Think. Now MMMBop your ass out of here.

hugsnkisses bye! - Pam

Name: KAS
Website: BYE BYE BYE
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: Melbourne, Australia
Time: 2000-05-25 07:52:00
Comments: "Society has always tried to find a scapegoat for all of its problems. Well, here I am." --Marilyn Manson TIME HAS COME, IT IS QUITE CLEAR, OUR ANTICHRIST IS ALMOST HERE.............

And you can be a part of this event! Tune into MTV for more details.

Didn't know the antichrist did videos, did ya? Silly goose.


Hey "Kas".. You sure sound like a child. When you grow up,you'll see Marilyn Moron for what he is...a silly mime who shouts too much about things no one cares about. BTW...decide where you are from already! Is it Russia or Australia? Or have you smoked so much crack you can't remember? I did a trace on your IP,and it says you're in Australia. So I guess you asked your mom while writing this entry eh? Stupid kid!
- Spike

Name: Bloodcountess
Website: Hanson Rules!!!!
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: UK
Time: 2000-05-09 22:51:00
Comments: Righty ho. I'll start by saying that I'm not so childish as to slag u off or whatever. I'll just say my piece and go, and if u delete it, or post it on your site and mock it, then thats ok. I'd just like to say that your idea of marilyn manson is just that, YOUR IDEA. You sound like Manson offends u, and thats fair enough, u don't like him, thats also fair enough. But to spend your free time making a malicious website that is offensive to others, don't u think this is pointless? I don't think u know what its like to be a marilyn manson fan. When so-called christians go so far as to throw rocks and broken bottles at u for wearing black lipstick, nobody minds. But as soon as someone like Marilyn manson defends us, and gives us some kind of dream and feeling of being accepted, it is deemed wrong by narrow minded people. I'm not saying don't have opinions. I'm not even saying don't make a website stating your opinions. I just feel that the way u r catorgorizing manson fans and manson himself, based on little knowledge and urban rumours, is wrong. There, it wasn't that bad was it?

Well, hello there Little Dummy! I'm pleased to see that you managed to find your way into the guestbook... and even more pleased to see you find your way out. As for these "urban myths," you bring up an interesting topic. So let's get right down to business, shall we? I can't say I have an opinion on the Christian Bottle Attackers vs. Little Gothic Black Lipstick Punks, since I have never worn black lipstick.. and I can't speak for everyone, but when I throw bottles/rocks/household appliances etc. at people, i just do it simply because I think they're dumb. Be their lipstick black or red, I don't discriminate. So there! I hope I was able to shed some light on at least one of those "urban myths." Take care, Little Dummy! Long live Rocks and Fundamentalist Christians!


Name: Uncle Punk
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: sweden
Time: 2000-05-04 23:10:00
Comments: i herd manson took of his ribs so he could stick em up his ass? thats true?? damn thats cool!!!

Hello. I can't understand why you are asking me of all people a question about Marilyn Moron,but here's my reply...Mr. Moron had those ribs removed for another reason. He wanted to perform fellatio on himself... Still think he's cool?
- Spike

Name: Joseph M.
Website: Previous box, please.
Referred by: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
From: New York City
Time: 2000-04-25 03:33:00
Comments: Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or whenever the Hell you may end up reading this.Just dropped by to laugh at all the ignorant Manson fans who send you idiotic messages in English more broken up than that of an immigrant fresh off the wharf.Being a true Manson fan myself,one thing I have learned is that you can't take things seriously.You even said on the disclaimer page that this was a joke;apparently, most Manson fans cannot grasp the concept of humor/satire.That's all this is really, satire. You're using humor /wit to demoralize and belittle an object of your displeasure.I must commend you for making a site that dares pronounce your beliefs in, or rather, against, Mr.Manson.When the screaming, moronic hordes of Manson fans come pounding your door down to yell at you a 500 word essay on why they hate you (That sounds familiar...), you can proudly give them the Finger and tell them to crawl back into their box.Take care.

Hey Joseph! I knew there were intelligent fans out there somewhere! I hope the idiots read your post and (maybe) realize that I am not all about hate!! I have another page like this that I know none of them would have a problem with! It's called The Anti-Michael Bolton Society. It's basically the same idea as this site,only I spent more time on this site because I knew I was pissing stupid people off,and that was worth it! LOL Anyway,thanks for the post! Come back anytime! I still can't believe someone actually read and understood the disclaimer!
- Spike

Referred by: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
Time: 2000-04-16 23:39:00

Name: Misery Machine
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
Time: 2000-04-16 13:28:00
Comments: hahaha nice page man. Im a big manson fan, and a friend sent me too this site. Its a good laugh,i read just about all of it. I like the way that you insult fans of marilyn manson's maturity, when you have nothing better to do than shove your beliefs down our throats... is there anybody left who isnt a hypocrite? anyway, because you cant read or something ill keep it short. cya later

Hey MORON! It seems to me that YOU are the one who can't read!! This site is nothing more than a joke,and it meant to be laughed at! I didn't force you to come here,nor did I force you to stay and look around. You just made a public fool of yourself. good job!
- Spike

Name: fUnDeMeNtAlYLoAhSomE
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Time: 2000-04-12 05:27:00
Comments: this is the most retarded page ever. do all of you non manoson fans wann bitch, come bitch to me, my icq numer is 70651920

Nothing I can say could make you look any stupider than you just did all by yourself! Bravo! I'm sure "manoson" would be proud of you!
- Spike

Name: riggs
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
From: ireland
Time: 2000-04-02 21:34:00
Comments: :-) you ,whore,if you want too have something to complain about .look out for a band called cradle of filth.or if you want to complain about MM i'm 12 and look what his music did to me, you :-) ing goul what age are you .so stop attacking MM all the time hes not the only satanic singer. please answer back soon.

I think you've said enough. I dont see why I have to answer to that. You said it yourself. "I'm 12 and look what MM's music did to me". I couldn't agree more kid. Seek help now before it's too late. There are way too many brain dead kids out there already.
- Spike

Name: riggs
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Time: 2000-03-31 20:16:00
Comments: i read what you said to me you whore and if your a woman you have a big hefty langer otherwise you are a bent rectum raider.and if your a woman get back in the kitchen bitch. the only reason i,m repling is because my parole hearing is on in one hour.and i need to take my anger out on somebody. don,t be to hard on manson because he wrote a song for you everlasting :-) .by you rectum raiding whore.

Hello buttmunch. This is a nice entry. You Marilyn Moron fans live to try and make me believe that you're all decent people, You are a piece of garbage. You are a prime example of what Marilyn's music can do to a person. Seek help. You sure need it.
- Spike

Name: Erin Silphine
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: Ireland
Time: 2000-03-07 20:30:00
Comments: Well,Even though I don't mind Manson,Your site is very inteligently well done. I give u kidz total props!

Name: Michelle Vietor aka: Bela214
Referred by: Your Page RULES! I Wanted To Tell You That!
From: Minneapolis, MN
Time: 2000-03-06 04:49:00
Comments: Thank you sooooo much! You would not believe how many times a day i get questioned on whether or not i like Marilyn Manson... well i don't!!! Little Mansonites should get a life!

Name: Adam Draxl
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: classified
Time: 2000-03-04 20:44:00
Comments: We at the DRAXL CORPORATION share your hatred of this disgusting,perverted freak. He poses a major threat to our organisation and we wish to eliminate him. Thank you for building such an informative interesting page, we wish the imminent death of Maryln Manson. Please Visit DRAXL'S home page

Name: Stomach Hurts!
Referred by: I Came Cause I Hate Manson!
From: Same place as SPYDER!
Time: 2000-03-04 03:10:00
Comments: My girl SPYDER told me about your page so I had to check it out. Let me tell you, it is :-) ing kohl! I think that MM is a poser and he needs to realize that he/she is nothin but an ass! Anyway, your page rocks and so does CAT's and these little burnouts need to face it that they are being sold and they aren't getting a penny back! MM sux You rock! (My Friend SPYDER thinks you rock, You gotta Write her back!)

Referred by: I Came Cause YOU ROCK And So Does Your Page!
From: Far away!
Time: 2000-03-04 02:58:00
Comments: I think your page rocks! I've visited with my idoit friends, they hate you, but I think your awesome. I think you should add some degrating pictures of MM, to really piss off those burnout MM fans. Your still cool though!

Thank you! It's refreshing to see that not everyone who visits my site is a brainless crackhead!
- Spike

Name: i_luv_courtney_love
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: N.Z
Time: 2000-03-04 01:32:00
Comments: thank you. thank you for taking on all these "antichrist" fans. mm sux. your sarcasam is enlighting. it's good to know that there is some people in this world with their heads screwed on the right way.

Name: grim
Website: deathfall
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: inside your dreams
Time: 2000-02-28 18:50:00
Comments: So spike you monkey lovin' piece of :-) you can't think of anything horible to say about me could you. You know your just stuck on yourself. orchid thorn is right is right about you you know?

If you must know,I didn't reply before because I can't be bothered with idiots who can't even spell what they want to call me. orchid thorn is an idiot and so are you. go back to smoking your crack you stupid kid!
- Spike

Name: riggs
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Time: 2000-02-27 18:03:00

I don't know why I'm replying to you,I suppose I'm a bit bored at the moment. First off,I have no problem with Metallica or KoRn. It's Marilyn MORON who sucks. You suck too by the way! First you say I'm a "bitch",then you say I'm a "jack off"?? Let me tell you something you obviously dont know. Females (much like you) do NOT have a penis to jack off with. Do you other MM fans see this idiot?? That is what I'm talking about when I say "pot smoking loser". If you ever decide to post another entry,for God's sake check your spelling!! IDIOT!

Name: NeMeSiS
Website: gothic net
Referred by: Your Awesome Homepage!
From: newzealand
Time: 2000-02-27 03:27:00
Comments: hey ummmmmmm why go on about us manson fans leaving coments in your guestbook and saying that we are all pot heads which is a untrue statement and 2ndly you wouldn't like it if we made a anti page about your fav group would you??? ummmmm and the way i see it is if it werent for manson i may well not be here today manson saves lives with his music he saved mine when i was suicidial his music claimed me down and made me realize im not the only person with problems and just a tip manson loves it when people insult him and he loves it when people protest outside of his concerts so by doing this anti manson page and protesting ain't going save your problems

And this is my true problem with Marilyn Manson. Why save the fans? Why do we need to keep the bottom feeders around, wasting my precious air and my precious space? I say kill yoursef--BUT, try to be thorough with your intended suicide.


Name: Orchid thorn
Website: orchid
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Time: 2000-02-24 16:25:00
Comments: I can see that spike has not answered any of the messages for the last few days. Maybe karma finally got her and she was killed by an irate manson fan. Boo hoo.

On the contrary,you crack-head,the reason I haven't been in here to reply,is this...I HAVE A LIFE!! Yes,I know you have no idea what that is,so let me explain it to you in small words. That means that I,unlike you,have better things to do than to sit here and talk to idiots like you! By the way,that stunt you pulled in here,coming in under different handles and talking to yourself in a futile attempt to make it look like someone is on your side did not go unnoticed. This guestbook is not a chat room you retard! Why dont you step away from your computer and go out and get yourself a life! That is assuming anyone will hang out with a stupid turd like you!
- Spike

Name: Shadow
Website: Shadows Realm
Referred by: I Came Cause YOU ROCK And So Does Your Page!
From: Sask. Canada
Time: 2000-02-21 09:07:00
Comments: First of all, I HATE MANSON TOO, lol. I just finished reading your replys to the hate mail and I LMAO. I found you through ICQ and thought that you sounded just too interesting to not talk to. Hey, if you do want to gab some time write me through ICQ the number is 45496875. Once again, your site is just way too cool. I am going to tell all of my other Manson hating friends to come and take a look. Catch ya round like a square-lol- :{o> Shadow

Name: Orchid thorn
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: the garden
Time: 2000-02-17 16:40:00
Comments: You are both on the same level. You are both the haters. You are one in each other. Look at what you have written. See the hate. I am correct, spike. Your denial only makes my point stronger.

The only point you have is the one on top of your head!
- Spike

Name: Rem
Referred by: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
From: New Jersey :-)
Time: 2000-02-14 00:57:00
Comments: Manson has no right to breath the same air I do. The same goes for his followers :-) So all that disagree, Bite Me..LOL

Name: Drew
Website: Paranoya_Press
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
Time: 2000-02-12 04:08:00
Comments: What, are you afraid of swear words or something? How come you have a stupid filter on your guesbook??? Loser!

Hello Drew. I'm not afraid of swear words,or your pathetic attempt at insulting me. I have that filter installed for 2 reasons...1.) It pisses off idiots like you,and I find that amusing and well worth my while,2.) I hope to one day find a relevant argument in here. Something other than "F--k you! Manson rules". But we all know that'll never happen because any Manson fan with a brain would not be here!
- Spike

Name: Iris
Referred by: I'm In Love With You,And Thought You Should Know!
From: up in yah!
Time: 2000-02-09 16:39:00
Comments: i am very tired of all you anti-manson people putting all of manson's fans in the same group. i like his music, but i don't worship him. that is pittyful. i am not a brain dead pothead. i have a wonderful life and a great job. just because i enjoy a type of music does NOT make me subject to insults. it is wrong to put someone down for seeing manson's as something that they can relate to. give up your hate.

Iris...if you have so much of a life,what are you doing HERE?? Tell the truth. I see it in your entry! "I'm in love with you and thought you should know". If you're trying to ask me out,you're not doing a very good job! Just because you can't have me,is no reason to come here and act all big and bad. There is alot I could say to you,but since I just broke your heart,I'll let you go in peace! OH,and for your information,I never said all MM fans were stupid drug addicts. Just the ones who keep signing the guestbook! Take a look around,you'll see! And not all of the replies are my own,so make sure you give credit where it is due!
- Spike

Name: Qeon
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
Time: 2000-02-07 03:23:00
Comments: Let us all judge Manson and this page with the same attitude alright? Because both aren't so far off the scale and are about the same I guess. This site is also a stupid site because the more you 'hate' Manson, you only make him stronger- invincible. See? I appreciate the Manson fans coming in here to thrash this lousy site. Thanks!

You know what I think? I think you're trying to look stupid on purpose! Can't you read?? This page is merely a joke. One that you are not mature enough to handle. You say I'm giving MM attention?? Well,your retarded self just gave ME the attention that this page was meant to receive. It is you and the other idiots who have made ME stronger by returning here over and over! You know I never update this page? Yes it's true! I'm not surprised that none of you morons have noticed that seeing how so few of you can think or read without help! I think I will update this site more often. Your hypocrisy has inspired me to keep this site up to date just to piss you people off even more. Now stop signing the guestbook. You're taking up more space than you deserve. If you still wish to spout your mindless drivel,e-mail the hate mail tech. Now go get cained miss "ssssiinnngggaaappooorrreee".
- Spike

Name: Drew
Website: Paranoya_Press
Referred by: Your Awesome Homepage!
From: Hell
Time: 2000-02-06 20:11:00

Actually,I enjoy you and your friends leaving my hypocritical messages in here. It just shows me that you people are indeed the brain-dead potheads I think you are. dont tell me you have a life. If you did,you wouldn't be here. Go away and take your crack pipe with you.
- Spike

Name: Qeon
Referred by: Your Page RULES! I Wanted To Tell You That!
Time: 2000-02-06 08:54:00
Comments: Oh wow! Something intelligent from you finally! I've been yearning for so long. O.k, I know I have to use such words like 'suck' and 'piece of S*H*I*T' on you beacause in that simple way, may you understand what I have to say, right? Oh... I came back to see what you could argue with and let's just say I'm quite dissapointed from a child's blanter. Anyway, YOUR PAGE RULES!!!!!!!!!!! My beautiful a*r*s*e and that what I want to tell you!!!! Isn't that sweet? As for Manson... I can atually calculate your IQ becasue a thrash like Manson DON'T EVEN DESERVE A HATE PAGE! You more people do articles about him, the more popular he becomes. Don't you see????? Yea..., you're probably to dumb to see through that. Pity.

From the look of your latest attempt at an argument,you have no room to call anyone else stupid. You're still not giving me an argument,just a bunch of mindless drivel just like the rest of the stupid Manson fans who come here. I am not impressed,and neither is anyone else.
- Spike

Name: Qeon
Referred by: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
Time: 2000-02-05 16:43:00
Comments: Ya o.k, I came to say that Manson suck. Although I'm not a fan of Manson but then I came across this piece of web site, I became a fan of Manson! Isn't that great!? You see, Manson sucks and people like you who waste your time complaining about it and whining... where does it get you? So now I actually think Manson is kinda good after seeing this piece of :-) web page. If there's anything I can do to make you feel better..., well, your content, graphics, wordings, html, ALL SUCK! Manson suck but your page sucks more. Thank you and have a merry :-) ing day.

Hello Queon. It looks like you have an unhealthy obsession with the word "suck". I guess that's why you love MM so much now. We all know he sucks with his music,and well..."other things". You are not giving me much of an argument here. At least not an intelligent one. Come back when you can get through a sentence without saying "suck" or "this piece of".
- Spike

Name: Twiggy's Bitch
Website: Manson haters suck!
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: Canada
Time: 2000-02-04 00:25:00
Comments: Okay, are you :-) ing stupid?!? What kind of moron makes an anti-manson site. Do you have no life at all? Manson kicks ass. You should realize that. I love what he stands for. So :-) you. And :-) this page. I have a life too. Just because I visit an anti-manson site doens't mean I don't have a life. You stereo-typical little bitch. How old are you anyway?? Like 13...14...15?? That'd be my guess. Why don't you run along and go to a church youth group meeting or something you pathetic little bitch. Go pray. Manson :-) ing rules and always will. Realize that now. Damn, you need to be dragged through the streets and then shot. Reapeatedly. Just like all Manson haters should. :-) off and die, bitch. You should just go commit suicide now. Do the world a favour. Go find a life. Go play with your dolls. Loser. MANSON IS THE GOD OF :-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bow down, Bitch. So :-) off. And you can kiss my bitch ass.

Hello Twigs. Well, first of all, I must say that I am deeply impressed by your extended vocablulary of four letter words. You sound like you're so close to being retarded, I really can't hate you. However, I could quite easily write a compelling argument as to why a goth culture phenomenon such as Marilyn Manson is not worthy of my time, but I see no point. You will inevitably write, "You suck, scumf*ck! Manson changed my life!" And that would make me feel really really bad about myself.. and you don't want to make me feel bad about myself, do you? I didn't think so. So run along now, funny little freak person... and don't forget your crackpipe.

Lovingly brought to you by the Pamster

Name: Candy L. Wells
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love You Man!
From: Idaho
Time: 2000-01-31 02:34:00
Comments: One word that best describes you and your page.. SORRY!!! Too bad you have nothing else better to do with your time than to be overwhelmed with jealousy on a man filled with pure talent. You obviously are uneducated and feel threatened by the views he displays. What possible harm could he do to you?? The music rocks, his shows are awesome, and he is what many of us fail to be... themselves! So let me make this suggestion..educate yourself and don't waste your time on an endless cause. Because Manson is God..Manson is eternal! Sweet Dreams!

Hello Candy... It is indeed too bad that YOU have nothing better to do with YOUR time than to visit websites that you hate! Brian Warner has NO talent! Children buy his albums because their parents hate him and his "bad guy" image makes them think he's cool. It has nothing to do with talent! If he had any real talent,he would be in the Billboard charts. I bet it really kills you people that wussies like the Backstreet Boys can get to #1 and your wimpy hero can't even get to the bottom of the chart! Another thing,who are you calling uneducated?? Stupid cornfed b-tch from Idaho!! I see your idea of an "awesome show" is what MM gives. So then you must have really loved it when he came out with the puppy in his hand and refusing to perform until it was ripped to shreds! I'll bet you were one of the heartless freaks who tore the poor baby apart! do I care what you think? In the words of "Mr. Hat" from South Park..."NO!! You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!!!" Ok that was a bit extreme for someone who claims they came to my site because they love me! Oh well! Later skankface!
- Spike

Name: Stave
Referred by: I Came Cause I Hate Manson!
From: Ireland
Time: 2000-01-30 21:05:00
Comments: Manson is a cheap trickster, anti chrisy my butt. He's justa sad sad attention grabbign whiny little spoilt kid. The less attention he gets the better. What do the people who support him think he stands for? he's just out to make money and sell books/cd's/anyhting he can. the guy shoukld be locked up for abusing the public airwaves and just being a general fool. I tell you if he's the anti christ then we have nothing to worry about. I'd love to join the society and i'm currently involved in a project researching the effects :-) s like him have on society.

Name: Immanuel Fick
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: Siegen, Germany
Time: 2000-01-28 06:54:00
Comments: You know, Mr. Spike... You think a hate page and insulting some people is a great joke? Maybe you should check your sense of humor... Which church did hunt down the Jews? The catholic one, chech out any history book about the middle ages... You think because I come from Germany I´m not allowed to how up bad things outside it? Well, Hitler (by the way, why do you type it in capitals??) having reigned in Germany doesn´t make me a nazi, does it? Maybe you should just be more open to things you don´t like.Yu know, I don´t like the music of Mariah Carey, but I never ever thought about making a hate page for her...

you're back again?? I guess the ref. is really can't resist my charm!! Which kind of disturbs me seeing how you think I'm a guy! Marilyn wants to reply to your stupid message,so I'll let her speak. By the way,you really are a freakin nazi! Don't deny it!! You want everyone to think and act just like you! Get a life!
- Spike

You know, Mrs. Immanuel Fick I would be glad to inform you of what we DO know as members of the A.M.M.S. So I shall answer all your questions and comments as I have read them in order. We do believe, however, that a hate page is very hilarious, for the simple fact that stupid asses like you, as others would call them "mansonites" and or "manson freaks" have time to vist our Hate page rather then being at a Manson Fan Site. Seems odd doesn't it? I mean....don't you think you should be at a Manson Fan guestbook so called "praising" him? As you can also see, some others that have came and signed the AMMS guestbook and share our point of view has our sense of humor too, so I think your gonna lose that fight, dumbass. I think just because you came from Germany makes you even fucking stupider! I usually have no problem with foreign people, but your just way out of your league here...So as my last comment, Take your stupid foreign manson loving pansy ass out of here.
----yours truly, Marilyn,Proud member of the AMMS

Name: Tim Bartosic
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: Titusville Florida
Time: 2000-01-28 06:00:00
Comments: All of you people writing, and defending Sheralyn manson need to have your heads examined. hes a sorry excuse for a human being!

Name: Immanuel Fick
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love Your Page!
From: see below
Time: 2000-01-27 16:14:00
Comments: Addon: There´s a nice little word: TOLERANCE Did you ever think about that?

Tolerance?? Yes of course. It seems you haven't considered it yourself,or you wouldn't be here spouting off like a moron to people who couldn't care less if you spontaneously combusted!!
- Spike

Name: Immanuel Fick
Referred by: I Came Cause I Love Your Page!
From: Siegen, Germany
Time: 2000-01-27 15:56:00
Comments: Hi Spike, at first, I am a MM fan, so if you wanna be respectless, just delete my entry. If not, that´s just fine, cause not all MM fans are on crack or stupid or whatever. You think it´s respectless to wipe your :-) with the US-Flag? Maybe it is... You think it´s respectless to destroy bibles? It definitely is... But don´t you think that Brian Warner just does all this stuff to focus YOUR attention on him, in which he geniously succeeded! In my opinion the main meaning of MM´s music is to show up the big social problems and stuff. So it´s the same what the rolling stones or the beatles did, with the little difference that today you have to do more extreme thinks to draw attention. By the way consider this view: What bad things did the US do (Indians, bombings of Germany during WW2)? What bad things did the Church do (the crusades; the hunt of Jewish people; the Witchhunt)? Maybe I don´t dig all the patriotism stuff, but you shouldn´t defend something so recklessly, you should always consider both sides! Sorry for my English!

You know mr would be hard for me to make you look any worse than you just made yourself look! Just look at your reason for signing!! (I came cause I love your page!) If you had taken any time to read the page thoroughly,you'd see that I call this site a joke between me and my friends. And I think you need to learn a bit of respect yourself. I dont know what "church" you're accusing of "hunting down Jews",but I am pretty sure you are mistaken! You being from Germany have little room to talk about the USA seeing how you are from the same place as HITLER!! By the way,you need to research what MM does before you go comparing him to the beatles and rolling stones!! I dont recall ever hearing about them killing puppies on stage!!! Now go back to your isolated corner and suck your thumb you stupid little boy!!!
- Spike

Name: Lauren
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: Delaware
Time: 2000-01-23 17:10:00
Comments: I would just like to say that you are en :-) led to your own opinion. You have a right to free speech. I dont' care if you hate Marilyn Manson. That is what you think and feel and I really don't have a problem with it. All I want to know is why do you hate him so much? Has he done anything to you? Has he tried to hurt you or kill you in any way? Or does the thought of his individuality sacre the living crap out of you? Marilyn Manson is being his own person. He is doing what he wants with his life, and getting paid very well for doing it. I am not saying you need to close down your site. I am not saying that you have to stop hating him, because, like I said, you en :-) led to you own opinion. I just wish you would think of his fans before you call them pot heads and crackheads and what have you.

Hey LAUREN take your big fat crack-smokin' spice girl-wannabe caboose on out of the Anti-Marilyn Manson website. Ya make me sick. someone ought to burn your CD collection. oh oh oh.. but you're right from now on I will think of the fans before I call them potheads and crackheads. ahem *thinking of the fans* Yes, yes.. wait a minute.. okay yep! by golly I was right... You ARE all potheads and crackheads! Have a nice life... don't drop your bong on the way out the door,slutface! This message has been lovingly brought to you by the Pamster.

Name: .
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: A place where english is bad
Time: 2000-01-21 17:42:00
Comments: Ok, understand why people hate manson, but you should concider the fact that he is also a human beeing. How would you like it if you was just browsing the net and you found a site made fore only purpase to mock you and insult you???? so i tell all of you anti-mansoners, the next time you want to insult manson, please think abot his feelings.... (for nostalgy purposes only, please excuse the bad english)

Hello nameless idiot. Boy,you weren't kidding about the bad english! You forgot to apologize for your spelling too! I think the funniest thing about your stupid comment is that you seem to think MM gives a crap what I say about him! Let me tell you something you obviously don't know...when you become a public figure,you open yourself up to be loved or hated by the public. It's part of being a celebrity. GET USED TO IT!! I don't know what 3rd world country you come from,but it's obviously a very sad,isolated place! By the way,you are contradicting yourself a bit there by putting your reference as "I just dropped in to insult Manson!". The bottom line? If you don't like my page,then leave. No one forced you to come here.

Name: EL Maikö
Referred by: I Couldn't Resist Your Charm!
From: Gibraltar
Time: 2000-01-11 07:10:00
Comments: You have a cool sight but you are full of :-) e!! I am not a Mansonite, but i must give credit where credit is due, and Reverend Manson is not only creating great music but he Helping to keep the world free of Suit wearing suburban white trash freaks (the real freaks) maybe thats just what the world needs Mike

Hello buttwipe! Here's some credit due to you as well...the world does NOT need another idiot like MM to brainwash children like you into believing that everyone who doesn't like his music (and the devil) is "the enemy". Another thing,he is not what I'd call a reverend. Anyone who is a minister in the church of satan doesn't deserve my respect or admiration! It's very sad that small minded idiots like you worship him. One last thing,when you write a flame letter,do not say your reason for writing it is "you couldn't resist their charm!". Hypocrite!
- Spike

Name: brian paeske
Referred by: I Just Dropped In To Insult Manson!
From: Wisconsin
Time: 2000-01-10 01:35:00
Comments: Some Manson fans don't make any sense. They sit around and complain about how bad their lives are! And then they search on the net for anit-Manson sites and send hate mail! I have travelled all over the world and this is the best country, so how can their lives be so bad? I know there are some Manson fans who have truly miserable lives, but, for the others, GROW UP! If you want to see some REAL suffering, go to a Third World country! I listen to Manson EVERY DAY and I don't have a bone to pick with anyone. I love life and people are awesome!

Name: Manson Sucks!
Referred by: I Came To Say MANSON SUCKS!
From: USA
Time: 2000-01-07 04:36:00
Comments: Hey! I love your page! Those idiots who keep signing the guestbook need to grow up and stop wasting their time on your site! I had a great laugh at those entries though! See ya!

Name: Ben
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-01-05 05:42:00
Comments: This page is cool. Too bad so many Manson fans come to this site expecting a tribute then sign the guestbook whinging and complaining. We don't care what Mansons beliefs are, he's just a dropkick. Anyway what do the Manson sheep think they are achieving by insulting Spike and trying to say Manson has reasons for what he's doing? Of course he has reasons, to make money. That's it. Also do these Manson sheep think Spike is going to take down this page because some idiot who dosen't know how to read warnings writes something insulting? Of course not. I reckon Manson himself would be ashamed of some of the comments that have been written by his fans. Everybodys favorite celeberity gets the piss taken out of them at some point. Everybody likes and dislikes different things. I like Rammstein, Offspring and Korn but I'm sure there are people out there that can't stand any of those bands. I won't hate them if they do. I won't insult them if they do. A final note to manson fans- If you don't like the page don't sign the guestbook, just pretend you were never here.

Name: Katie.D.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-01 00:02:00
Comments: Spike - I think you have guts to put this page up. Good for you. I think that those Marilyn Manson sheep are so into that whole "freedom of expression" and they all "defend their interests". So why can't YOU have your own opionion? I wrote another message for the guest book after reading some of the things these people have said. If they like Marilyn Manson they should go to fan pages for him and talk about him in positive ways. For those of us who have a lesser opionion of him we should go to hate pages and talk about why we DON'T like him. Why do they need to come over hear and preach the Manson bible?! That isn't going to convince us to like him! It just makes us realize how dumb the people are who like him.

Name: Katie.D.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-01-01 00:03:00
Comments: I think Marilyn Manson should decide if he is a boy or a girl. He is a disgrace to either gender. I don't know what is wrong with him but he needs help, badly.

Name: Chris
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: that place
Time: 1999-12-30 07:09:00

Name: Luan
Website: ?
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: H-ton
Time: 1999-12-28 22:07:00
Comments: What do you think you are acomplishing by having this page? Do you expect Manson fans to read your page and say "Oh :-) ! I have been wrong all this time, maybe i should like someone like mariah carey." Well it isn't going to happen. Secondly, if you really hate Manson so much you shouldn't have made this page. Little kids do bad things to get attention, Manson does shocking things to get attention. By making this page you are giving the man what he wants.

Luan...What do you think you are gonna accomplish signing my guestbook?? Do you think I'M gonna say "oh,she is so right,why dont I just take my page down so she will be happy!" HAHAHA...No. Much like the other Manson sheep,your opinion means nothing to me. Go tell someone who cares.
- Spike

Name: sonic
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ohio
Time: 1999-12-24 21:52:00
Comments: i agree with the fact that he sends out bad messages. but the fact that you don't know him just makes this rude. he is my best friends cousin, she says he is a nice guy. my uncle knows him and say underneith the creepy exterior he is a decent guy. so you are a bitch. no offense just an opinion that we are ALL intitled to. but you did do a nice job on the mechanics of this site.

Hello sonic. I'm going to hit you with your own stupid words. You say my page sends out bad messages,and so does Brain Warner,yet you approve of him. You don't know me at all,and you call me a bitch. You contradicted yourself there. This page is merely another opinion which you yourself say we are all entitled to. It is really sad that a hypocrite like you isn't mature enough to accept any other opinions but your own. I dont really have a problem with Brian Warner himself,it's Marilyn Manson I have a problem with. When he is Brian,he does indeed seem to be a nice guy,I have seen him being interviewed. But as "Marilyn Manson",he is all about hate. There's enough hate in the world. This page is not all about hate,contrary to popular belief. It's just a joke between me and my friends because we dont like the guy. What's to like about someone who encourages children to kill their parents on his T shirts??? That's not cool. But you seem to think it is,so that means you must be a hate filled person like he is. Don't like that statement?? That is how you analyzed me,so that is how I will analyze you. now get out of my sight you self righteous hypocrite!
- Spike

Name: pussykat
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: from down under
Time: 1999-12-20 18:16:00
Comments: hello. i wanted to speak my peice on this oh so important issue at hand. it seems that the lot of you are emotionally retarded teenagers with no other hobbies except to piss your little friends off by posting this extremely controversial issue on the internet. it also seems that you have a censorship problem. i have been kind, and i have put my honest opinions on this guestbook only to have one of you erase my message. what good is this site? you want people to react to your opinions(hopefully someday you all will grow up) but you also get offended by these opinions being different from yours. so whats the point. if you hated stupid marylin manson enough you would leave him and his devoted followers alone. that's what i do!!! i don't care for him but you have to undrestand that people all people have a right to thier opinions and you are bieng :-) s about dictating yours. you put people down and call them stupid for doing what they belive is right for them. you, as i have stated before are part of the problem. i would like to know how you feel if you belive i am wrong(and you probably will) grow up and stand up for something real!!!!!!!

Hmmmm...we think you are the retard here! There is no "Oh so important issue" here! It's just a funny web page. If you were the true adult you claim to be,you would know that complaining about something to someone you consider to be "immature" wont get you anywhere. We want to thank you for giving us a great laugh at your stupidity.
- Spike

Name: Asraia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: tx
Time: 1999-12-20 04:43:00
Comments: i know this is just a big joke but i think that it is just as bad to hate him as it is to be as moronic as he is. Yes, this is a funny page, but no one should use the passionate word hate wether joking or not. bad things can onlly come from this word. sincerely, TiffT aka Asraia

Hello Asraia,TiffT or whatever...You seem to be a hypocrite here. you say the page is a joke (which it is) and it's funny (which it is) and then you say it's wrong. I am not the only one on the internet with a page like this. There are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of them out there. So to be fair,you should take your anti-hate message and preach it to all of them as well. I also dont recall using the word "hate" on my site,but if I did,who cares! You'd be lying if you said you have never said you hated someone. Everyone does. Why don't you visit the other anti Manson sites and preach to them.
- Spike

Name: no
Website: no
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: no
Time: 1999-12-19 04:33:00
Comments: I hate you and your little followers M.M. is a very nice guy not to mention he's also very well mannered (*_*) (>_<) (o_o) {^-^)

Hello mr/miss coward...Why are you a coward? You have the nerve to come to my site and speak your piece,but you dont have the guts to sign your name (or your e-mail address) to your beliefs. You expect me to respect your opinions? Well too bad. I don't! By the way,what is up with your "signature"?? It looks like some kind of text pokemon or something...if that's what it is,that just proves how young you are.
- Spike

Referred by:
Time: 1999-12-18 07:15:00
Comments: I used to be a really big fan of Manson, but now that he has gotten a little too commercial for me I've backed off.I'm not a fanatic or anything so this isn't personal. Hell, I just listen to them for a bit of fun, and I don't go and dedicate a whole webpage just to gripe about what he's become! How long did it take you to create this site? And for what? Jesus, you've created a :-) ing commitee just because you don't like someone? You think you're spitting in Manson and his fans faces but really you're the ones who need to get a life!

Oh look...another coward without the guts to sign their name and e-mail address to their lame comments! You're the one who needs to get a life! This page is rarely updated,which proves we are hardly serious about it,and we state over and over that it's a joke! It's too bad you're not mature enough to handle it! Go back to surfing Barney websites. I'm sure you'll be happier there!
- Spike

Name: Dudeman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: CT
Time: 1999-12-18 02:46:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson is a :-) ing :-) ! You rule, DUDE!!!!! Your webpage tells it like it is. You forgot one thing in your site-- he (or should I say "it") took out his lower ribs to give himself a blow-job! Actually, my sister and I both agree that just to say his name is a crime! Love your site. :-)

Name: GregoryHines
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 1999-12-13 17:06:00
Comments: I know who you are. Your problems eventully fade with violence. You can make all the smart comments you like about this message, but it will only increase your suffering in the end. Still think i'm joking? I don't joke, I serve the people whose opinions matter. I know who your family is. mom, dad, and all your friends. ALL the comments YOU'LL make about me after this entry, knowing you personally, will be yet another effortless attempt to make yourself look witty and "cool"(considering everyone knows you as a "Jesus-freak kiss-a#%), but REMEMBER, I know you, and i'm watching your every move.

Hello idiot!! I found it quite amusing that you felt the need to post 50 messages in the guestbook! Not only that,but you kept changing your name so you wouldn't look like a freak. Guess what?? YOU ARE A FREAK!!! You think I'm so afraid of you?? I'm not. No one is. If you were truly as big and bad as you think you are,you wouldn't have to stand behind Marilyn Manson to look tougher. Truth is,you're an insecure little boy who should concentrate more on schoolwork,and less time making idle threats before someone beats the snot out of him. Don't try to sign the book anymore,I banned you...all of you...
- Spike

Name: Robin Hood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-12-13 01:52:00
Comments: I agree with everything you say. I came upon your site while laughing at those pro-Manson sites, and feel strongly that we should be rid of a loser like him.

Name: I AM YOU
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hell
Time: 1999-12-09 13:44:00
Comments: Oh...i didn't realize that you were that pathetic ... now i won't have any truble giving my 5-year-old-boy a non-christianity-childhood well thats all from me and sinze all the hate words cant be submitted i'll write the word "GAY" thats to you idiot...

Hello moron! Yeah,you read right! You're a moron! you can't even form a complete sentence,and the best argument you can come up with for me is "GAY". You are the pathetic one! I hope to God you don't have custody of that poor child!! There's enough hate in this world without an idiot like you teaching kids to hate even more! So take your brain dead self out of here and go back to school! You and your son can be in the same grade!
- Spike

Name: Nailz Warren
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-09 13:31:00
Comments: woh i'm so glad you can put up this :-) :-) ing :-) ...that you call a homepage. .anyway do you kiddies have anything to do exept go out like some fag- :-) head christianity :-) es and just come up with this :-) i feel sorry for you realy ...that your christian minds are so full of :-) that you can't see how pathetic this site realy is...and are you scared that your :-) ing moral fag thoughts would be hated by "us" well put your e-mailz the way why not leav this message and go screw your self

Ummm Nailz?? I think you smile too much dude. You must have really enjoyed my page to be so happy! Your post makes absolutely no sense. It's too bad you are not literate enough to form a complete sentence. As for putting our e-mails up,we DO have your e-mail addresses posted on the site. Maybe if you put down your crack pipe for a second,you would have seen them! Go back to school you piece of crap!
- Spike

Name: Your worst nightmare
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: should try it sometime
Time: 1999-12-08 06:10:00
Comments: wake up, you preps!!! cant you see? By doing this gay little page, joke or not, you are making us hate you more and more. Pretty soon, We'll be taking the mark of the beast and you'll be starving to death or getting your head blown off!!!

Hello mr. self righteous! You seem to have read the Bible. Or at least the last part of it. It's too bad you didn't read the whole thing,or you'd know that according to the book of Revelation,people who are Christians now are not going to be here for the end times! duh! Oh,let me did not read the real Bible,you read the "Brian Warner Says Hell Is Wonderful" Bible? Hahaha! You are such a sheep! You may think it's cool having the 666 on your forehead,but you wont think it's so cool when all the plagues come down upon you and eventually you spend eternity burning in hell like the ignorant fool you are!
- Spike

Name: Ashley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Prescott Valley
Time: 1999-12-07 04:09:00
Comments: Hey I just wanted to say that my friend and I think you are the koolest person there is and everything we have is practically about you we even do reports for school on you and we also wanted to say that you and Rose should get the number one couple of the month. Well i dont want to make this seem long so bye. Love your # 1 fans Ashley & Mallory P.S. i love your web page

Hello! Thanks for a nice post! See guys not everyone hates me! *LOL* Gee it feels good to have two #1 fans! hahaha
- Spike

Name: Dan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maine
Time: 1999-12-04 20:07:00
Comments: Well. I can't deny that each has the right to his/her own opinion. Manson may rip the Bible, he may wipe his onthe flag but so what? He has rights too. The only way you'd get offended of his Bible ripping would be if you were religious,and if you were religious than you just know the infamous line "Love the sinner, hate the sin." Talking trash is a sin too, and there is no sin worse than another. The Bible says so. You are just as bad as him for saying he should die. Just to letyou know, I am religious, I think Manson is ok. He has some good music, some bad. He's very smart however and if you ever saw him speak, you'd know. His act is a just that an act. And those who take that as more than that, well are less intellegent perhaps? By the way, I love the page. I got some great laughs out of it. Freedom of speach rules, eh? Think about that. Ciao

Hello Dan. Don't tell me what the Bible says. I know what it says. And don't go throwing stones at me for expressing my opinions. you just expressed yours to me didn't you? Yes. As for being "less intelligent" I think you just proved how dumb you are by talking trash about me! In case you are illiterate,then you must have read the message I left for you people at the beginning of the webpage. It states that this page is nothing more than a joke between me and my friends. You people need to take your own advice and GET OVER IT!!! By the way,I'm well aware that Brian Warner has rights. He has rights because thousands if not millions of people died defending those rights. He should have a little more respect for those people instead of wiping his butt on the flag that they fought so hard for. Screw him. He has no respect for such things,so why should I respect him? Go away and don't come back.
- Spike

Name: Marilyn manson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: america
Time: 1999-11-29 09:48:00
Comments: Hello im just going to say that if you hate me please hate me for the for the right reasons. I am very surprized that every one takes me so seriosly i am just an entertainer and do not kill chickens or any oter stupid thing you siad you would delet this if its to long so by please leave a comment if you read this love from M.MANSON

Hello. You are a bigger poser than the real Marilyn Manson! Jeez! You really expect me to believe you are him?? Marilyn Manson may be alot of things,but I know he's not an idiot. He knows how to take your money doesn't he? He also knows how to spell and form complete sentences. You don't.
- Spike

Name: Francisco Aleusha
Website: The Truth About the Evil and Blasphemous Marilyn Manson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-11-24 07:17:00
Comments: Come see the real and unbiased truth about Marilyn Manson! You might be surprised.

Name: Your mum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-11-23 11:08:00
Comments: hey dude...yeah its cool that your expressing your views and :-) but your song sucks its doesnt even :-) in rhyme to the song or even itself... im not a manson lover/hater but your gay! and i know i dont like ya!

Hello hypocrite! I see you don't respect my opinions,so why should I respect yours? By the way,you must be very ignorant to think that anyone you disagree with is gay. Go back to school and get educated you moron!
- Spike

Name: Angel With The Scabbed Wings
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Keremeos bc
Time: 1999-11-22 19:06:00
Comments: Okay i am sorry that you feel this way about marilyn manson. But i am not saying that you can't voice your opinion, but why do you have to do this in such a negative way? if you really hate him so much why don't you keep it to youself... or just NOT make a hate page! and i am sorry that i pissed you off but it really does make me ill well people that don't even know him have to condemn him... so if you could email me and tell me what made you start to hate him and tell me why you have to condemn his fans!

Hello again. It seems you enjoy my page to keep coming back! Thanks for that. It looks like I get more visits from manson fans than haters. Not bad for a page that I rarely ever update,huh? In response to your questions,I will say that I dont think you have read the disclaimer at all,or you'd know this page is just a joke. Me and my freinds thought it would be funny to make this page,so we did. Well..I did..hehe. Tell me,you say that my page is wrong,but would you object to an anti Michael Bolton website? I'll bet not! I made one of those as well! And no one ever objects to it! I have many friends who enjoy Bolton's music. I have no idea why,but they do. They just shake their heads and laugh at me for making the anti page. They see it for the joke that it is. I also have some friends who like Marilyn Manson's music. Again,I have no idea why,but they do. So,that proves I don't have a problem with Manson fans. They come to my website and go out of their way to annoy me,so I reply to them accordingly. Wouldn't you? I don't really hate anyone. I do hate what Brian Warner stands for and his message to little kids,but as far as he goes,I think he's just another jerk out to make a few million bucks. I dont know if you've noticed,but he is an entirely different person when he sits down to an interview than he is on stage. He should pick one personality and stick to it. That's just my opinion though. I know most of the visitors here don't agree with me,but hey,I too have freedom of speech. Anyway,coming to my page to flame me in my guestbook only encourages me to keep the page up because I enjoy replying to those hypocritical jerks!
- Spike

Name: Angel With The Scabbed Wings
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Keremeos bc
Time: 1999-11-19 16:32:00
Comments: OKAY you stupid dyke....i didn't even mean to come onto your website. and i don't have anythimg better to do. if you have a problem with marilyn manson keep it to yourself. and really i don't think that not liking marilyn manson is a belief!

You fools never cease to make me laugh when I read your stupid posts! I love the way you have nothing more intelligent to say than "You stupid dyke" or "I hope you die". HAHAHA... By the way,if you really didn't mean to come to my page,then you wouldn't keep coming back to sign the guestbook!! DUH!!! Has Manson's music rotted your last brain cell away so quickly?? By the way,if you truly have nothing else to do,then run a spell check on your entries before submitting them...and form complete sentences. Try to look like you're not on crack. So far,you're failing miserably... I look forward to your next excuse for coming back to my site. hahaha!
- Spike

Name: marilyn manson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: florida
Time: 1999-11-19 14:45:00
Comments: hey you stupid :-) why dont you take this waste of space of the web congratulations millions of people want you dead and it will happen soon

You know the only thing more sad than Manson himself,is someone who wishes they were him!! Can't you form a complete sentence??! Go back to school you illiterate elementary school drop out!!
- Spike

Name: marilyn manson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: florida
Time: 1999-11-19 14:35:00
Comments: you must really love me to devote an entire web page to me you :-) ing worm

Hey no problem...if you'd take the time to see the purpose of the website and that it is just meant for laughs, you understand. :)

Name: ROBO
Website: i hope you DIE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: GA
Time: 1999-11-12 22:41:00
Comments: M.Manson is a lame sack of :-) !! SCREW YOU MANSONITE RETARDS!! do us all a favor, and KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!

Uhhh ROBO...we are on your side. Didn't you read the page?? Duuhhh...
- Spike

Name: Ashley Reid
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-11-09 16:33:00
Comments: Hey, I really think that you are a sick :-) and that there is nothing wrong with manson. What exacley do you have against him??? he is a human and he has a diffferent way of expresing himself. HE IS UNIQUE. That is all. Maybe he is just more creative then your small little :-) ed up mind. i don't think you know anything about him. You probably are some jock that has had a perfect life and nothing wrong in it. I wish your parent beat the :-) out of you when you were young. If I meet i know I would. Luv Ashley

Leave it to a Manson fan to find a way to glorify child abuse. You make us all sick.
- Spike

Name: Angel With The Scabbed Wings
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Keremeos BC
Time: 1999-11-06 22:54:00
Comments: I am sorry...but you have the wrong idea about Marilyn Manson...Have you met him? Do you know him? WHAT THE :-) IS YOUR PROBLEM...I MEAN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM! If you were any kind of a person you would know that HE DID GO TO CHURCH AND HE DID BELIEVE IN GOD. But he stopped going because people like you didn't like him and because his grandfather was a :-) ed up person...SO THEY KICKED BRIAN (MARILYN MANSON) OUT UV THE CHURCH BECAUSE THEY HAD HEARD STUFF ABOUT HIS GRANDFATHER. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but your website and all uv those stupid jokes the you made about him MADE ME :-) ING ILL! JESUS CHRIST, DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO...GO MAKE A BRITTNEY SPEARS WEBSITE OR SOME BULL :-) LIKE THAT!? IF YOU CAN PULL YOUR ''GOD FEARING'' AWAY FROM CHURCH AND YOU '' HOLY BIBLE'' LONG ENOUGH TO EMAIL ME BACK AND TELL ME WHY YOU HATE THIS GUY SO MUCH I WOULD REALLY BE THANKFUL. PS. if i were being payed the same amount uv money for doing the same thing as marilyn manson is doing I would do i too...maybe even worse

*yawn* What makes you think I give a rat's butt about Brian Warner's life?? And don't YOU have anything better to do than to waste so much time visiting webpages that you hate?? Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?? You're trying to condemn me for my beliefs,while at the end of all the babbling,you say you "would do the same thing as manson if you got paid as much money". That statement tells me that you know he is a gigantic poser,and truly deserves to be locked in a room and forced to watch endless hours of Teletubbies and psychic network infomercials.
- Spike

Name: The_Nedenator
Website: The Nedenator's Three Rings
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hmmmmm
Time: 1999-11-01 05:25:00
Comments: LOL....this :-) is funny....i useta listen to marilyn manson...until i realized what a crock of :-) he was....he was always talking about blah this and blah that and how he wants to remain a following but then he goes and now all these trend following Korn-Limp Bizkit-Backstreet Boys listening teens are buying his :-) because it is cool to listen to marilyn manson. I remember when i got my beat for liking marilyn manson...way back in the days....but now he is all about money and nothing more..he wants to be a role model for people today and to listen to his messages and understand what he says...but everything he says, he says to make money...he don't give no :-) s about what kids believe in or what they think about him...if I met him on the street i would pull his G-String so far up his and stretch it over his head and then glue his fake to the ceiling so that when I ripped him off the ceiling, they would be some droopin 90 year old loooking that drag the floor...Marilyn Manson is a fake piece of :-) ...and people that follow and believe in him are the ones that i saw drop outta my graduating class in high school and the ones that i see selling dope in the school parking lots...marilyn manson is just stupid peace im out Ned

Website: none, don't care much for making one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: America
Time: 1999-10-23 16:59:00
Comments: Why not listen to GWAR, at least they don't think they are really something else or try to make people believe that they are. They just did what they enjoyed and keep doing it for their fans. Or... why not PRIMUS ? You can't go wrong with Les Claypool.

Name: shadowatcher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: oregon
Time: 1999-10-23 10:04:00
Comments: I am a God fearing America citizen, as I suspect you are. And I agree with you completely. I feel that Manson has a right to express himself however he sees fit, be it dancing like a chicken or parading around America dressed like a school girl. The American flag and Holy Bible are not forms of self expression, I agree with you there. I also agree his songs are crap. The way he circumvents (i used a big word) his messages, dancing around the messages he's trying to convey is ridiculous. If he doesnt like something he should come out and say it. I believe that if we all lived by his definition of "The American Way" there would be no America. He has, however, found himself someone who he can relate with. Rose McGowan is probably the best thing to ever happen to him. He can share his ideas with her and hopefully she can have enough influence to pull him away from the wacked out things that he does. But I could be wrong. She could just amplify the problem. As for shooting him, I don't know. Sounds like a good idea. We could have him shipped to a little island somewhere with all his "beautiful people" so they can live their little grief stricken lives. If that doesnt work I guess shooting him is our only option. I know someone is going to read this and tell I'm wrong for judging people. But I'm not really passing judgement. Im expressing my opinions and if someone doesnt like it, they can go away. I'd like to thank you for listening and wish you the best of luck with all your goals in life, this one especially. If only everyone could think like you, Manson would no longer terrorize us.

Name: the shining one
Website: gothics are queer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Australia
Time: 1999-10-22 14:33:00
Comments: spike i could kiss u i swear u have struck a blow for every surfer sk8er,homeboy,jock so on suxed in u :-) in insecure freaks everything spike says on her beutifal page is so damn true i mean tell me this what kind off :-) head keeps a picture of a 12yrold boys testacles in his wallet?an secondly what kind of retard listen 2 them? whats the point in bein gothic?"yeah man lets dress up in gay black tight clothes listen to gay music palyed by untalentless ugly little :-) s an never go outside" i mean :-) wake up to to yourselfs why tha :-) do u think your all so damn scary ooooooo he wears capes an big boots he must be the original anti christ!i mean :-) u think your batgirl or sumfin? i know for a fact that anyone that listens to marilyn manson, rob zombie,cradle of filth or any gothic butt :-) s is either inbred,fat,a freak who wears gay makeup,gettin abused by their relatives,or is just a total :-) in loser crackhead so think about it u :-) in social misfits catcha spike your page goes off oh yeah put me down for your lil club as well (0:

Name: the shining one
Website: gothics are queer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Australia
Time: 1999-10-22 14:31:00
Comments: spike i could kiss u i swear u have struck a blow for every surfer sk8er,homeboy,jock so on suxed in u :-) in insecure freaks everything spike says on her beutifal page is so damn true i mean tell me this what kind off :-) head keeps a picture of a 12yrold boys testacles in his wallet?an secondly what kind of retard listen 2 them? whats the point in bein gothic?"yeah man lets dress up in gay black tight clothes listen to gay music palyed by untalentless ugly little :-) s an never go outside" i mean :-) wake up to to yourselfs why tha :-) do u think your all so damn scary ooooooo he wears capes an big boots he must be the original anti christ!i mean :-) u think your batgirl or sumfin? i know for a fact that anyone that listens to marilyn manson, rob zombie,cradle of filth or any gothic butt :-) s is either inbred,fat,a freak who wears gay makeup,gettin abused by their relatives,or is just a total :-) in loser crackhead so think about it u :-) in social misfits catcha spike your page goes off oh yeah put me down for your lil club as well (0:

Name: pammy-d
Website: the whirlin' cervix
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-10-20 20:00:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson is a dirty mofo... so are his fans that come to his defense. HYPOCRITES. I read Spike's guestbook and I hear the same blurb over and over - respect his art blah blah blah he's daring enough to have an opinion blah blah blah... You people have the adacity (stupidity) to come HERE to defend him for his art and opinions? Well.. moron's... here it comes in a nutshell:

Marilyn Manson states his opinions via his art, be they right or wrong.

Spike states her opinion via this website, be they right or wrong.

If you think Spike's the bad guy then, logically, you would think that Manson is too, right? Because otherwise you would be contradicting yourself. That only happens to people who don't think before they speak or people who just don't know what they're talking about. Dumb :-) s.


Name: Saquira
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-20 16:33:00
Comments: MARIAH CAREY!!!!!! that says it all. she's a talentless brat. not to mention that she sounds like every other "diva" on radio. no talent, no originality, and a total SLUT!!! you say that you know that there are hate pages for mariah carey and you won't waste your time visiting them, well why do you waste your time creating a hate page. stupid hoochie!!

So,you came back did you? I'm looking for an apology,but I'm not seeing it. You owe me an apology for saying I was a coward,because I proved that I am not. It looks to me that you spent way too much time trying to make me angry. You have succeeded in making me laugh instead. I don't have to defend my taste in music to a narrow minded fool like yourself. Mariah Carey has nothing to prove to you either. Let's examine the facts,shall we? Mariah not only has twice if not three times the amount of fans as your Brian Warner,but she also gets a heck of a lot more respect. How many #1 hits has Mr Warner had? none?? I thought so. Mariah has had 14 #1 hits so far. She has had more #1 hits than ANY female artist in history,and she is still making hits! Brian Warner has had NO number 1 hits,and he never will. Mariah has more #1 hits than all of the artists in history except for Elvis and the Beatles. She has NOTHING to prove to you. The facts speak for themselves. And if you want to talk about sluts,look at Brian Warner! He sure has shown off his naked body enough! Mariah Carey has NOT and will NEVER take off all her clothes on stage,or to pose for photos,or anything else in public. Mr Warner cannot say the same thing. He seems to love pulling his pants down for anyone who cares enough to look at his miniscule genitalia. He also openly admits to allowing total strangers (ie. male and female sluts in his crowd) to perform oral sex on him. Has Mariah done any of these things? No. She got to the top with her talent. Brian Warner has no talent,which is why he relies on rebellious teenagers like yourself who are impressed by his juvenile antics to sell his music. He is also a male slut. He himself has confirmed this many times by his actions,and his many pornographic photos he has posed for. In a nutshell,Marilyn Manson is a no talent,male slut. Deal with it. As for "wasting my time",what are YOU doing?? You keep coming back to this page that you say you hate! GET A LIFE!!!
- Spike

Name: JoKeR
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-19 16:38:00
Comments: tell me spike, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

No,Joker,I can't say that I have. I did,however,once pay some drunk guy 10 bucks to give him a huge wedgie in broad daylight!

Name: Saquira
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-19 16:36:00
Comments: please tell me what time of music you like spike, unless you are a coward as you seem to be. who is your favorite band. i don't expect you to answer because your a pussey. are you afraid someone might insult your favorite music? go ahead answer my question.

Hello,moron! It looks to me that YOU are the coward here. You're the one who did not give an e-mail address. Are you afraid that someone will send you some hate mail?? Oh,poor baby! Don't worry,I wont tell anyone you're a weenie! Or that your IP Address is We'll keep that our little secret,k? By the way,unlike you,I am not threatened by others who don't enjoy the same music as I do. I am not afraid to answer your question. I enjoy all types of music except for country and rap. I have many friends who enjoy those types of music,but see,I am mature enough to handle that not everybody is the same. My favorite artist is Mariah Carey. I know that you probably hate her. I don't care. I also know that there are some hate pages out there about her. Again,I don't care. I have better things to do than go visit such pages and expect to find a tribute. You need to visit a shrink and learn to accept that not everyone is as stupid as you are,and that everyone has their own opinions,and no matter what you say,you can't change them. Deal with it. It's a part of life.

Name: Ben
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 1999-10-18 04:46:00
Comments: To all Manson Fans..... This page is just a joke ok. Forget all your troubles and just have a laugh. I like Mansons songs but I still had a bit of a laugh at this page. If it was meant to be a tribute I could understand all Manson fans to get upset. But it's not. Just laugh at it. You're only wasting your time if you sign the guestbook with any negative comments about Spike or the page. Everybody's favorite things get the piss taken out of them somewhere along the line. All my favorite things get the piss taken out of them yet I don't let it worry me enough to go signing guestbooks with negative comments. I hope all Manson fans read this and no longer sign the guestbook with negative comments. Thank you for reading this.

Name: manson fan
Website: cryptorchid
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-18 03:58:00
Comments: you say manson fans need to get a life, you wrote a parody of the beautiful people. if you say you don't even read the hate mail us manson fans send you, why would i send it to you, i'll simply write about how stupid your "anti-manson" page is here. your a backstreet boy fan aren't you. i'm not going to take the time to get angry at you, because i respect others opinions. your a christian who follows "christian values" and doesn't like anything(anybody) out of the "normal", and i respect that.

I think you need to read the disclaimer I wrote at the beginning of this page. You are obviously one of the people I was talking about when I said "if you don't agree with what I've said,then LEAVE!" You're not mature enough to handle the fact that I too have the freedom of speech. Yes,I do think you need to get a life. If you love Brian Warner so much,then why are you here?? Go visit another webpage that is a tribute to him!! You will NEVER find a tribute to him here! No matter what you,or anyone else says,this page is here to stay. It is sad that you can't deal with it. You know what? It's YOU people who are losing sleep over this page! We are laughing our heads off at each and every one of you hypocritical,vacuous little children who keep coming back to our site day after day just to spout off in the guestbook! By the way,it looks like you are the backstreet boys fan here! Yes,I checked out your website! HAHAHA!!
- Spike

Name: Seven
Website: Evil Thoughts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-10-15 17:39:00
Comments: Spike, Obviously you didn't seem to read my message thoroughly enough to understand. I said that it was stereotypical of you to say that "most Manson fans cant get past the second grade"... I never stated that you did not mention the smart fans. And about respect, I respected you enough to read your page fully and sign the guestbook WITHOUT saying anything negative about you, yet you still seem to want to disrespect my actions, even though I give you all the respect in the world for making this page and responding to the masses. I applaud your efforts and give you respect still. By the way, I passed second grade a long time ago. I look forward to hearing from you again...I remain, Seven

Hello again... You know,I don't get you people...if you hate me and my page so darn much,why do you keep coming back?? Go find a page you like and have fun! When people sign this guestbook instead of doing what I ask at the door and LEAVING if they dont like the page,they are getting what they deserve. Please don't come here and whine about it. It is clearly posted at the door to write all negative comments to Pammy. If you want to know why you got a negative reply last time,it was your bit about "just leave us fans alone and we wont write negative comments in your guestbook". Well,here's a reality check...I DID NOT CONTACT ANY OF YOU PEOPLE!! YOU CONTACTED ME AND MADE AN EFFORT TO GET MY ATTENTION BY SIGNING MY GUESTBOOK OVER AND OVER SO DONT BE SO SHOCKED WHEN YOU SEE A REPLY!!! Thanks for understanding this!! Those who give me respect,will get respect in return.
- Spike

Name: Reverend Daniel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-15 12:14:00
Comments: Well sorry we're not as perfect as you Spike. It makes no difference to me wether you believe if I'm a Rev or not, but I'll tell you anyway that working for the church IS MY JOB! You should not patronise people you don't even know by telling them to get a job. I'm sorry if I'm offending you but I have a gift for seeing satan in the creations of god, and quite frankly, you are infested. This is all part of my service to God. Also if you rid yourself of the shallowness you are decaying with, you will see that Manson's 'Antichrist' image is to gain the attention of all of the public because it is such a shocking image. When he has their attention he gives them his message which I think you should listen to. You don't need to buy his products just check out his website where he's essays are. Remember, don't judge a book by its cover.

Hello again. I dont know how you can expect me to respect you at all when you certainly have no respect for me. If you in fact are a reverend,you must be one for the church of satan,because any CHRISTIAN pastor would NOT be coming to my website and judging me like that. I Don't know where you get off acting all "holier than thou" as if you have a halo hovering over your swelled head. A real pastor would come to me with love. If they truly felt that I was "full of the devil",they wouldn't condemn me to hell,they'd try to help me. You are NOT a servant of God. If anyone is full of the devil here,it's YOU!!! I Think you need to read some of Manson's lyrics before you go shooting your big mouth off about something you know nothing about. You know,it's hypocrites like you that make real God serving pastors look bad. You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Why dont you spend a little more time reading the Bible?? Maybe then you'll learn the real definition of "reverend". You don't know me. You know NOTHING about me or my life. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and check out those 2 big horns on the top of your head!!! Now get out of here and don't come back!!!
- Spike

Name: Seven
Website: Evil Thoughts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-10-14 17:47:00
Comments: Greetings. I would hope to be given enough respect for my message to be read at least. I am a Manson fan, but I still respect your cause. I do, however, think that your opening page is a tad stereotypical in the fact that it says something to the effect of "most manson fans cant get past the second grade". I disagree with that statement. Another thing I wish for you to explain to me is you say something like "Manson fans, if you don't like the page, leave". If you don't like Marilyn Manson, why do you care so much to make a hate page? Just leave us fans alone and we won't sign negative remarks in your guestbook/hate mail. Feel free to e-mail me and explain your remarks to me. e-mail here. If you feel a need to send hate mail to me, I will be sure to read the entire message and respond. I, however, will not send hate mail seeing as how it is a waste of time... Always my pleasure, Seven

Hello Seven... I don't see why I should give you any respect at all. You sure didn't give me any respect. How's that you ask? Well,you agreed to my terms at the door by entering my site,and you still felt the need to sign the guestbook. You must be one of the Manson fans in the 2nd grade,otherwise you wouldn't be so offended by that. If you had read the entire statement,you'd see that I mentioned that intelligent Manson fans do exist,and I have made friends with them. You see,they,unlike you,are mature enough to understand that not everyone loves Marilyn Manson as a god. You also didn't read the part where I said to take this page for what it is,a joke. You are a good example of what I was talking about when I said not to come in here if you were not mature enough to handle other people's opinions. Grow up.
- Spike

Name: Nevar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-14 16:34:00
Comments: I don't want to hear about how fake manson is or how his fans are mindless and give away there money. I'm sure that Spike has a favorite band, who she spends money on. Guess what Dike, I mean Spike, everyone is a fake. If you didn't already know that, then you as mindless, and stupid as you say manson fans are.

Nevar... I said you were stupid and mindless because you ARE! You just proved it to the world by what you said. Thanks for the kind words! My friends and I will have a nice laugh at you! We love how you idiots think! "just because someone doesn't like the same music as I do,they must be gay!" Hahahah! Man,if you want to get into gay,look at your hero,Mr Manson! He not only wears more makeup than Tammy Faye,but he wears dresses,and he screws other guys! Oh,and let me clue you in on something you obviously don't will NEVER find an anti-Manson site that has anything nice to say about him!! DUH!!! You are another good example of a stupid Manson fan! Thanks for stopping by. You gave us a good laugh.
- Spike

Name: CrYsTaL sTaR
Website: faded illusions
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pa
Time: 1999-10-13 20:52:00
Comments: First, I would like to the beginning statements about this page you put simple minded..... your the ones thats simple look at things on the outside....and not from the inside I am sure you have music that you like alot so just think about there "beautiful paycheck" that they get from you buying there :-) . Just because manson is different doesn't mean he is bad. Neither are his fans because they dress open up your :-) ing mind and get over it there's gonna be alot of things in life that you don't like......and you can't do anything about it......AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM!!!!!!! get it

Crystal Star...You are a great example of a HYPOCRITE!!!! Look at what you contradicted yourself over and over! It's YOU who is being simple minded. You know what,I'm going to use your own HYPOCRITICAL words against you! You look at my page on the outside and see it as offensive. You never bothered to look at it from my point of view,and see it as a joke. Just because I am different,my views are different,and my page is different,doesn't mean I am bad. So open up YOUR mind and get over it! As you said,there are alot of things in life that you don't like,and you can't do anything about it! You know what? THIS IS ONE OF THEM!! Yes miss "I've got a broomstick up my butt"!! You can't do anything about my page!! So take your own advice and GET OVER IT!!!
- Spike

Name: Reverand Daniel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Melbourne, Australia
Time: 1999-10-13 14:43:00
Comments: Dear Spike, your hatred is not needed. I myself do not like mansons music, but i have read extensively on him and after looking deeper than just the cover i know that he is a messanger from god. That's right, shocked to hear this from a catholic priest? Well, here's my explanation. He tells people to think for themselves and question authority, including the religious groups because they are the product of man and man is not perfect. He gives a godly message in disguise to the sector of the public which did not care about our lord before. And in my opinion, you should not judge a person because they are different, or so called weird. Manson's surface antics are to attract the curious so he can unload his godly message. Please do tell me WHAT IS NORMAL? Is the different religious groups who separate society and plant hatred between the fellow man normal? Is the mainstream brands like NIKE, etc who create a mindless 'cool' image for the children, 'we all want to be and look the same', normal? Gods world contains many different creations, get over it and don't selectively judge with your good guy badges. It doesn't look like your good guys, you stur up hatred against a just cause. Remember don't judge books by their cover and that god works in mysterious ways. Please do answer this message i will be coming back here to see your opinion, and maybe progress.

Hello Daniel... First off,if you were a real rev,you'd know how to spell it. I think you need to get a real job,or just do what the rest of the fake revs do and go on TV and beg for money!! If Manson was really all about love like you seem to think he is,he would not proclaim himself the "anti-christ superstar" and say his goal is to eliminate Christianity. He also would not encourage children to kill their parents. Brian Warner is an over-rated poser...much like you. Take you own advice and don't judge me or my page with your so-called "mission from God" crap!! Don't ever sign my book again. If you do,I wont read it. I don't have the time to read anymore of your hypocritical crap. Get over yourself!
- Spike

Name: Rob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: maryland
Time: 1999-10-13 05:08:00
Comments: This site kicks balls.manson(he doesn't deserve a capital because he is lower than :-) )and all his little fans can rot in hell with me.Once again helluva site.

Name: Cooler than you'll ever be
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alabama Bitch
Time: 1999-10-06 05:29:00
Comments: I'll bet you eat monkey :-) for breakfast!

Dear Loser... You come to my page and sign my guestbook 65 times and you have the nerve to say you are "cooler than I'll ever be"??!! OK...let's analyze this shall we? From what I know of you,your definition of cool is to sit around all day on the computer and visit webpages that you hate,and while you're there,you decide to sit and sign their guestbook 65 times?! I think even Marilyn Manson himself would agree that YOU are the loser here!! Here's a piece of advice for you...GET A JOB!!!!!
- Spike

Name: Karose77558
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 1999-10-05 16:35:00
Comments: Spike, when you make a web page like this one, the only person that looks stupid is you. Not Manson. I agree with Lavar all the way. For goodness sakes grow up!!

Dear Karose... I never said Manson was stupid. He is smart enough to take all of YOUR money as well as the rest of the brain dead population isn't he? Stupid is giving your money to a skinny wimp who wears clown makeup and cuts himself up on stage like an idiot. You think I'm stupid now,but wait until YOU grow up. How can you tell me to grow up when I clearly state on page 1 of this site that this page is merely a joke between me and my friends? I also state that if you are not mature enough to handle this page and take it for what it is,to just leave. That alone makes YOU the immature one. I can see that you are also a coward by the fact that you didn't leave an e-mail address. At least Lavar had the balls to do that! By the way,pinhead,youre supposed to send your mindless thoughts to Pammy. She handles the hate mail. If you knew how to read,you would have seen that on the first page if you read it.
- Spike

Name: Joe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-05 14:19:00
Comments: Hey Dike guess what!!! I am gay you stupid trick. So why don't you go :-) yourself.

Dear Joey... You came to my webpage to sign my guestbook and tell me you're gay?? Do I say anywhere on this page that I give a flying rat's behind about your sexual preference?? No. I think it's safe to say that if I were a dickless little boy like you,I'd be telling people I was gay too so I'd have an excuse for never having a date. Go out and get yourself a life kid! And learn some manners while you're at it. You're a guest at my page ya simple minded piece of trash!

Name: Lavar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chile
Time: 1999-09-30 16:40:00
Comments: The A.M.M.S are a cult of losers, losers, and more losers. I can not believe that you people are so corny that you have an official band and a president. I am sad to see humans resort to such a childish desplay of ignorance. I know that Spike will try to insult me by throwing out childish words such as "turd." A message from those who are tired of you little posers. Grow up for goodness sakes!!!!

What's the matter little guy?? Can't you read the sign at the door?? Doesn't it clearly say that this page was made as a joke and should be taken that way?? And does it not also state NOT to enter the page unless you are mature enough to handle it?? Yes it does. You clearly are not mature enough to handle this page. You also neglected to read where it says NOT to post your complaints in the guestbook,but to send your hate mail to Pammy. I take it Hooked on Phonics didn't work for you?? It also appears you have a problem with humans. I don't know what species you think you are,but it obviously isn't a very intelligent one!
- Spike

Name: J
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-30 01:54:00
Comments: How about that, I got deleted again. This is fun.

What's fun for you?? Making yourself look stupid?? Because that's what you just did. I only deleted your first entry in here because you hogged up too much space in here. Your previous effort is still here. Put on your coke bottle glasses and check it out! Don't bother signing the book anymore. Just send e-mail to Pammy. She handles the hate mail. You'd know that if you read the page at all you idiot. Goodbye and good riddance.
- Spike

Name: Joe
Website: My page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-29 16:47:00
Comments: Hey Spike I have a new name for you. How about "Dike the Phsyco :-) " That seems to fit much better. Stupid :-) .

Hello Joe... It looks like you have a serious problem with gays. Could it be that you are questioning your own sexuality so much that you feel you have to point fingers at others and call them gay?? I Think you need to see a shrink and straighten yourself out kiddo!
- Spike

Name: Lily L
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-28 16:37:00
Comments: Spike, you seem to still be angry with me. I'm sorry that you and your friend are upset, but I am not here to upset you on your own web page. Infact I would like to write a piece on your web page in my school's news paper. The piece is based on the public's rising hatred for Marylin Manson. I don't plan to dog you in this piece, I simply want to hear from someone who has a strong convictions. It will not be an editorial. If you will agree then e-mail me at lilyl421@hotmail. I am not a bad person or a drug addict, I was just made this way. LOVE, Lily L

Lily...I have nothing against you. I just view the guestbook once in a while and see what idiots have strolled in to insult me,or attempt to insult me. I did nothing but defend myself against what you said to me. I am not stupid enough to believe your school paper story either. E-mail Pammy and see if she buys it. I doubt she will either but you can try.
- Spike

Name: J
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hawaii
Time: 1999-09-28 05:20:00
Comments: I expected you to delete my post on your guestbook. I figured that you wouldn't have the energy to respond, or a good argument. It seems to me that you keep postings from people that are no challenge for you to pick on. Coward. I'll spell another word wrong for you so that you can complain about something. skool

Hello J... In response to your stupid message,I delete ALL entries that look like 500 word essays. I have better things to do than read what an empty headed prick like you has to say. If you bothered to read the sign at the door (which you clearly did not which makes YOU the coward) you would have already known that I don't bother with messages in here that are so long that they take up the entire guestbook. If you were truly as intelligent as you seem to think you are,you'd be able to speak your piece in a few sentences or maybe a paragraph. Then again,the intelligent Manson fans don't bother visiting pages like mine because they know that no matter what they say or do,I don't care. No one at the A.M.M.S. gives a flying rat's butt what you have to say. We all get together and laugh at your simple minded rants and raves. We unlike you have lives and don't waste our time visiting websites that we hate. Maybe you should get a job. Find better use for your jumping off a cliff. If what you want is to write 500 word essays,then send them to Pammy. She's the one who handles all of our hate mail. Actually,she will contact you on this. If you wish to reply,e-mail her here:
- Spike

Name: Edwards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-27 16:03:00
Comments: Everyone has the right to do there own thing and for those who don't like it, eat a :-) , but for those who are with me sing that :-) .

Name: Lily L
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-27 15:54:00
Comments: I was very grateful that you took the time to responde to my message because I see now that you are some one with a heart full of hate. I hope that some day soon you learn not to be such a hateful, sorry person. If you cannot handle other people's comments on your web page then don't have a quest book. As for your comment about acid, maybe you should take a trip to expand your closed mind and learn to love all people. Hate only mates you weak. "All you need is LOVE" Lily L

Hello again Lily L. I think before you sit and judge me you need to go back and read what you said about me in your last post. If someone said that crap to you,would you leave some kind message to them?? Would you thank them?? Heck no you wouldn't!! Seeing how your best advice for me is to take drugs to "expand my closed mind",I think that confirms to me that you are in fact a drug addict and need to seek some help. You're lucky I could figure out what the heck you were trying to say with that second grade spelling job you did there. I also don't think that I'm the one full of hate here. You obviously hate me and my page. So why don't you go somewhere else? Take your own bad advice and expand YOUR closed mind to accept other people have opinions too!! While we're on the subject of opinions,my friend Pam has one for you. Enjoy!
(with no love whatsoever)- Spike

Little Miss Self Righteous, you sit back and tell me that I'm a bad person far saying how I feel about Marilyn Manson yet you contradict yourself just by doing this! By calling my sad and pityful and hateful and whatever else (which by the way I don't give a damn about) .. that makes you no better than me! HA! At least I am honest.. now shaddup, don't you have some traffic to play in? Got some bad advice for me too? Send me some E-mail then you stupid bitch!
- Pam

Name: penny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-26 23:12:00
Comments: I have long waited for someone to come foward with the views that I share as far as that pig is concernec. He is all that is wrong with youth today and I also think that he is responsible for the youth crime rate that is on the rise. Marilyn is a bad example for our young and also for mankind. DEATH TO HIM.

Name: Lily L
Website: lkkoijn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: up in yah
Time: 1999-09-24 16:40:00
Comments: If you have to broadcast your hate for someone then you are a sad and pityful person. No one cares that you hate manson. p.s. "spike the physco girl" reeks of being a poser. All of my LOVE; Lily

Hello Lily L... After reading your failed attempt at making me look bad,I had a good laugh. Thank you for that. As for what you said,I think it's obvious to me and the rest of the world that YOU care what I think of Brian. If you did not care,you wouldn't take the time to look at this page,or sign the guestbook! Oh,and didn't your mother ever tell you that when you insult someone over the internet you should check your spelling so you dont look as you put it:"sad and pityful" *laughing* And it's really funny to see someone spell my name wrong when it's right in front of them! What have I done that makes you think I am a poser?? I think you need to get off the drugs,cuz it looks like you were on an acid trip when you wrote in here! PS.. I don't want "all your love". I believe your heart belongs to those Hanson boys...

Name: luke
Website: dsef
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1999-09-21 11:34:00
Comments: you :-) in suck! I don't care that you hate Manson, he sucks, that goes without saying, you suck coz u like n sinc(or whatever they're called) bunch of fags, they suck, long live METALLICA!!!

Hello Luke... It looks to me that you care what I think since you signed my guestbook! Where on my page did I say anything about Nsync?? Are you on an acid trip like that Lily L gal?? What's the problem with them anyway? Are you calling them gay because they get the girls and you don't?? Or is it because you're into the Backstreet Boys?? Let me think Brian is a total hottie and your dream is to visit New York and hold up a big sign declaring your love to him during Total Request Live on Mtv?? Yes?? I thought so!!
- Spike

Name: ????????????????
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-17 22:16:00
Comments: i loved your page. it was really funny.

Name: marilyn manson
Website: manson: autobiography
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida orlando
Time: 1999-09-16 16:34:00
Comments: you're page sucks :-) . go blow me.

Hello "Marilyn"...LOL My page sucks smiles huh? As for the "go blow me" comment...if you're really Marilyn than you can blow yourself like usual! That is why you got those ribs removed isn't it? *LMAO*

- Spike

Name: the watcher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-16 13:57:00
Comments: Should we fight fire with fire? Kill Manson? He is not arole model, that's clear; but with what I read I found something you might find painful. You are just like him. What christians are you? Kill him. Well is your view, that I respect. He won't get very far, he is just a lost small boy who "suffered" school rules. Yeah right, and my real name is the watcher.

You think I'm just like him eh? Then I guess I must be a cross dressing turd who poses as an anarchist so punk kids will like me and give me all their money! Why are you called "the watcher" anyway? Are you one of those freaks who goes to porno sites to watch people get it on because you're so ugly and pathetic you can't get anyone yourself?? Yeah? I thought so...

- Spike

Name: Spike The Psycho GirL
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-15 08:14:00
Comments: This is a message to all of you deranged Manson sheep who keep signing this guestbook. Excuse me if I use too many big words for you! First of all,get a life! What did you expect to find on an anti Manson page?! A tribute? No. If you don't like the page,then just leave! Second,you are wasting your time and energy coming back here day after day just to write me some 500 word essay on how much you hate me and my page. Let me inform you simple minded bottom feeders of something you probably don't know....I DO NOT READ YOUR MESSAGES! I just go down the line and delete the big long ones because I can't be bothered with your stupidity! I know that this message wont do any good because the majority of Marilyn's fans are pot smoking losers who can't get out of the second grade,but maybe the intelligent fans out there will read this and just go on to another page. I know there are some fans out there with brains because they've E-mailed me and laughed with me about the page. Unbeknownst to you people,I made this page as a big joke between me and my friends. I rarely ever update this page anymore,but I keep it around to irritate the fools who keep trying to flame me in my guestbook. Maybe one day you people will look at this page for what it is...A JOKE!!!! As for those who are sitting behind their keyboards cussing up a storm at me,take some of your own stupid advice and remember that I too have freedom of speech...

Name: Rodney
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-09-14 17:24:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson Sucks!!!!!! You Go, AMMS!!!!!

Name: A5
Website: Marilyn Manson Must Be Killed!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1999-09-01 23:04:00

Name: Dale
Website: N/A
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada... New Brunswick
Time: 1999-08-28 06:19:00
Comments: MANSON BLOWS DEAD BEARS! If I could shoot him... I would... but I don't think I could stand the smell of him or anyone who models themselves after a creep like that! You know... the funny thing is, when I first heard him, it was the Anne Lenox <---(is that right... spelling?), 'Sweet Dreams'. I liked that band, and I thought it sounded kinda cool... his freaky voice and all, even though I'm not into heavy music anymore, I have a pretty open mind to all kinds of music... but after I heard all about him, and what he thought he was, or proclaimed to be... phuuu, what a :-) ing joke! Hes a puke! And, one day I'll take my kids on vacation, just so I can piss on his grave! And, I sure he'll die before I will. I'm sure someone will shoot him... if he doesn't overdose first!

Name: andrea
Website: I love Brian!
Referred by: Tripod
From: canada
Time: 1999-08-16 01:01:00

Since you took the time (sarcasism) to ask questions I will take the time to answer them. Who the hell are we? We are the members of the A.M.M.S,(you'll have to figure that out yourself), we are a group of people, who give entertainment to the manson haters, why your here, i do not know. You also added that the fans dont care what we think! Heres a pop up quiz for you, Why the heck did you stop to and look at the Anti-Manson Society, if you didn't care? ......and as far as listening to the BackStreet Boys, I prefer N'sync....duh! And you told us to have fun being idiots, you have fun being a retarded fool. BTW, who taught you to type? Captain Hook? Oh,I'm sorry,you're just on crack!


Name: SpiritOnParole
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: The Eighth Circle of Hell, a.k.a. New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-15 23:02:00
Comments: I don't have a problem with Marilyn Manson making whatever art he sees fit to. I myself am not religious, patriotic or easily offended. However, I can understand why many people are offended by some of the things Manson says and does (e.g. ripping pages out of the that really necessary?) In my opinion, Manson is all show and no substance. Furthermore, he has absolutely NO sense of humor; he makes himself out to be the messiah of all things anarchical. It's no wonder all those "spooky" kids take what he says to heart. It's just music, for crying out loud! It's only entertainment...well, it would be if it didn't lack all semblance of entertainment value. And while we're on the subject of MUSIC, I don't think that Manson has any talent. He's a natural at creating controversy, but he can't sing! The only thing he can do is put on a provocative stage show. I have nothing against theatrics, either, but the theatrics should be a means of illustrating the music rather than an excuse for not being able to sing to save one's life. I'm not degrading shock rock; I'm protesting a rock act that is all shock...and takes itself so seriously! Shock rock is a perfectly valid art form, but it has to be regarded as ART rather than a set of guidelines for living! Any good shock rock artist has to have talent, and, moreover, a sense of humor. For those reasons, I think that Marilyn Manson is the quintessential poser.

Name: just another sheep
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-08-12 18:09:00
Comments: YO, :-) !! DONT DISS ON MANSON, YOU'RE LUCKY I DONT KNOW WHERE U LIVE CUZ I WOULD BE AT YOUR DOORSTEP RIGHT NOW TO BEAT THE LIVING :-) OUT OF YOU. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT :-) TO HIS PHOTOS OR HIS LYRICS, PLUS HERES A TIP FROM ME AND THE REST OF THE REAL WORLD, GET A LIFE!!!Hello there "miss sheep" Would you mind putting down that crackpipe you're smoking for a minute and read what I have to say? No? Ok then just read through the smoke... I think you need to go to the library and check out the Bill of Rights. We at the A.M.M.S. have every right to say and write whatever we want to. We also have the right to do what we please to pictures. Have you ever seen a tabloid before? Oh,I forgot you're a Manson fan,so you're mostly illiterate. Well,you may have seen one of the photos on the covers of those things. Some are very obviously doctored to make a celebrity look fat,skinny,ugly,or whatever else they want. They make a very nice living doing this stuff too. What kind of a living do YOU make?? Oh,I forgot...Burger King fired your crack smoking butt didn't they? It's obvious you are one of very limited intelligence. We had a good laugh at te part about beating us up. We figure you're one of those rejects that has been sitting in the 2nd grade for a few decades or so! Why dont you learn to read,head to a library,and learn a few how to speak english!
- Spike

Name: Jon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Houston, TX
Time: 1999-08-11 23:59:00
Comments: You rock! Marilyn Manson does suck. I have just finished my B/A in Radio/Television, while in school I was a dee-jay at the campus radio station and I refused to play his senseless drivel. The music is unoriginal and his lyrics are third rate at best. The only reason he has achieved any fame at all is because of his shocking looks. There are too many mindless people that think art is something that shocks you. Art is not looking like a cross-dressing satanist queer that denounces everything that this country was built on. I say send him and his cronies that think they are above America to, oh say Red China. Let them spend a while there.

Name: Silke
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1999-08-08 21:27:00
Comments: I can't understand why you're telling lies about manson He doesn't want to destroy christianarity he just hates people who tell that they are christians but don't live like them he is sensitive and very intelligent Don't hate people you can't understand!!!

Hey Silke...what the heck is "christianarity"?? And are you trying to say in your simple minded little way that Brian Warner doesn't want to destroy Christianity? Hmmm I heard him say that on Mtv. I guess he was lying? If everyone thought like you do,then we'd have to consider Hitler as being "misunderstood"...was he "sensitive and intelligent" as well? Are you in the KKK by any chance? You dont "hate" Jews but you hate people who say they are Jewish and dont live like one?? Man,your head is wedged so far up your butt you can see out of your mouth!!

- Spike

Name: Tanya
Website: pew...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-08-08 05:15:00
Comments: My my, we you do have a lot of hate and anger bottled up. Maybe if I was a psychiatrist I could analyse your disturbing obsession with something you hate so violently. And why is it that the only replies you give to the hate mail is critising their spelling? Is it because you can't think about anything else to criticise? This site has been most enlightening, not to mention amusing. But as your rather flimsy view will never amount to anything, your opinion is nothing more than a fart in a wind

Excuse me?? What were you saying?? My eyes are watering from the stench in here!! Ooohhh man!! When is the last time you bathed?? OOPS! My are just a fart in the wind...*LMAO* You are not the only one who is laughing right now!!

Name: Lindsay
Referred by: Lycos
From: pennsylvania
Time: 1999-08-05 18:32:00
Comments: Even though you said you didn't want any MM fans signing your dumb book, I'm gonna anyway!!! Marilyn Manson makes great music and he gives out a great message! If you would try to look past his looks, you would notice that he is trying to say to be proud of yourself and to be who you are. And besides, if you hate him, why are you spending time on him even if it's anti? And so what if he doesn't believe in that stupid Christin god- Marilyn Manson is God.

Actually I look forward to seeing what you idiots have to say. You could be their leader! Were you trying to spell "Christian" up there? If Brian Warner is truly your god then I feel sorry for you. Because when you die,you will be frying in hell with him!! I have 3 words for you...YOU NEED JESUS!
- Spike

Name: lesleigh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cairns, Australia
Time: 1999-08-05 01:44:00
Comments: ok, i do listen to mm music but i am not a worshiping fan or anything. i think that everyone should just have their own opinions of him and noone should push them to think any differently. u go on about how bad mm is but u are telling ppl u think it is alright to want to shoot ppl because that is the message some ppl will be getting. i read all your one lyric and i actually thought it was quite amusing, and probably true too.

OK let me get this straight Mr. or Ms. "holier than thou"...You have never once in your life said that you think someone should be shot?? Sure you have! Everyone has!!! Don't give me that line of bull about what I say is going to affect what people do!! You want to criticize what someone says??? READ SOME OF MANSON'S LYRICS!!!! and get a clue while you're at it!

- Spike

Name: nadman
Website: hdsjakl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: porn
Time: 1999-07-24 13:24:00
Comments: MANSON IS GOD!!!!!!!! if what manson represend is hell, then I am willing to go to hell, because what he says is that "stupid people are useless" and I agree 100%, this is true. You honestly have no idea of what the :-) is going on do you? people are stupid and you are one of the most stupid of these people. I agree with Omega, you're manson warning realy did pay of you :-) ing wanker. Reply: Ok Mr. Nads...have you listened to any of Manson's lyrics? He says a lot more than calling useless people stupid, and the only useless people out there are Manson and you! If you are willing to go to hell because of what Manson says, it shall be, and you're calling yourself stupid and useless right there aren't you. Maybe you should listen a little more carefully, instead of being a moron and thinking people who wipe the American flag with their butt are cool. Enough said.


Name: Pro-Media
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-07-24 05:59:00
Comments: you sux ass i dont listen to manson but i cant say is someone should or should not listen to it. so what if you dont like him. lots of people don't. but only a dumb would absess about something he hates so much. if you dont like it, dont listen to it, if you dont want your kids to hear it, dont let them. say you goto a mc donalds and see some one eating a big mac and you hate big macs. then you dont buy one. but would you start yelling at them for eating it. no. you just like to :-) a lot becouse its easy to hate and you like to make yourselfs seen. only stupid people spend so much time on hate. get a job. you got better things to worry about. let people who like it listen to it and just stay back. Reply: Have you ever heard of anything called a little humor? Obviously not. This page is all fun, and if you can't handle that, then don't visit. It's simple. It clearly says when you enter the page that only NON manson fans should sign the guestbook. Oh and a piece of advice...go back to grade school and learn to spell.


Name: Andrew
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-07-24 05:36:00
Comments: I think you should get a life. People like you make me sick, you degrade Marilyn Manson because you don't understand him. If you were to sit back and really listen to his music you would probably find out that he has more smarts than any of you low-lifes ever will. get a life, Death

Oh really?? I make you sick?? I don't understand what he's saying?? Ok then...explain this if you can... Why if Brian is such a wonderful guy would he have the words "kill your parents" written on the tags of the Manson T shirts?? Is he the lost Menendez brother?? Low lifes?? Perhaps you don't know what a low life is. A low life is someone like Brian who poses as the antichrist so he can take all of your money and laugh all the way to the bank! Idiots like you who believe he is some god need to seek help. Run...don't the nearest shrink!!

- Spike

Name: mike ribble
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: california
Time: 1999-07-23 08:14:00
Comments: look here you stupid :-) .you dont really know the guy personally you damb jack off. he dose this too make his :-) en money you littel :-) . it is his :-) en job to act like this he maybe dose not act this way of what your telling. and if he dose he is more intellagent than you are stupid :-) . cuz he is making the bucks and your just sitten on your :-) ed dissen Marilyn Manson like that when you dont even know the man. :-) en mechanical animal why dont you go :-) your manly maother. oh wate you dont have nothing too :-) whith :-) . p.s. get a :-) in job and a life :-)

Hey there mikey! Let me first say that after reading your pathetic attempt at criticism,I had a good laugh. You appear to be the poster child for birth control! How can you call me stupid when you can barely spell the word?? I think you need to drag your cro-magnon self back to school and learn how to read and write all over again! By the way...smoking crack is NOT really should give that up!

- Spike

Name: Omega
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1999-07-22 23:46:00
Comments: ha ha, well looks like that warning you put to the manson fans has really payed off, it looks as though more Marilyn Manson fans have been to your site rather than anti-manson fans. And nice comment at the start of the page " I think manson should be shot on sight." well why do you hate manson so much? because he inspires hate and violence- which isn't true anyway- but this piece of un-intelligent information proves that you really are the :-) ing idiot all the manson fans have thought you to be. All I have to say is; long live manson and the antichrist superstar.

I figured it would never occur to an empty headed piece of pond scum like yourself that I might have put that message there so that more idiots like you would come sign the guestbook! I enjoy laughing at what you birth defects have to say in here...keep up the good work butthead! *LOL*

- Spike

Name: mr pamela dulmur
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: town
Time: 1999-07-22 02:29:00
Comments: u know its people like u out there that make this world a worst place than it is when who are u to judge MM your just a kid and marilyn manson is popular he gets loads more money than you'll ever get yourgrubby little hands onto and i no he is fake but i still like him cuase he is smarthe knows what sales he knows what to do and he does it well i personally think that you all are just a tad jealous becuase i dont see you out there making themkinds of dollars and i have read this page and first off u know NOTHING about manson although i do like your song my beutifal paycheck but you are still in no position to judge MM and untilu make a hit single with the beutifal paychecku will remain just a fart in the wind

What is it with you people and farts in the wind?? Do you go around smelling air hopin to catch a fart or what?? *LOL* Ok you think I'm jealous?? I guess I should also dress up like a mime on crack and scream some swear words into a microphone on a stage and take money from idiots like you! the way...your typing sucks! You need to get a spell check program or something so the next time you try to look intelligent it wont be so obvious that you're a moron!


Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand-Hopefully nowhere near you!
Time: 1999-07-20 09:21:00
Comments: YOU SUCK! I HATE YOU MORE THAN I HATE YOUR SITE! YOU CANNOT BRAND EVERYONE WHO LIKES/LISTENES TO MARILYN MANSON! JUST AS YOU CANNOT BRAND ALL OF US (GOTHS) IN THE WORLD! YOU ARE THE SAD LAME AND DISRESPECTFUL ONE NOT US! IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT OTHERS BELIEFS AND IDOLS THEN PISS OFF AND TAKE YOR STUPID SITE WITH YOU! UP YOURS! know,I might take your comments more seriously if you weren't such a HYPOCRITE! You tell me that I need to repect other people's beliefs when you can't accept mine! I see you are from New Zealand. You must be one of those weirdos I've heard about who screws sheep... I can see by how stupid you are that you couldn't get a human girl! The rest of NZ must be so ashamed of you!!

- Spike

Name: Dark Angel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-07-20 09:04:00
Comments: You are a sad pathetic looser! Is it not better to like something than to devote your time to creading sad "Anti Manson" sites?! You can call me a sheep or a moron but I believe that quite often Manson talks a lot of sense! SO GO AND BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS! I LOVE MANSON AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! SO HA HA HA HA HA

Ok you are a sheep AND a moron! *LOL* As for Brian talking sense,I hardly think encouraging children to kill their parents is sense! Why do you think I care if you love him or not? Heck,I don't give a flying rat's butt if you screw the guy and have his love child!! Seeing how even Manson wouldn't want a loser like you,you must be like the guy who signed after you and screw the sheep in NZ!! Does the Humane Society know about you dorks?? They should!

- Spike

Name: Angel666
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK
Time: 1999-07-16 11:39:00
Comments: Is this how you spend your time is it? Making childish jokes and altering pics to be 'funny'. Try listening to the damned lyrics you spotty little twat. The only reason you don't want us fans signing is cos you can't take the bloody insults- can you? You're an attention seeker, you want people to agree with your opinions so are shy under the contradiction of others. Get a life- or take it if needs be.

Dear angel of satan: You have sooooo much room to talk about how I spend my time. *NOT* Listen to the lyrics you say? Well if I did that,then Manson would advise me to kill you or at least rape you. Is that what you want? I know I dont want to touch your nasty lice ridden self!! Plenty of people agree with my opinions. Why do you think that idiot is always getting banned from playing his stupid shows?? I enjoy you idiots signing my guestbook. You give me a great laugh. You expect me to take what you say seriously,yet you advise me to kill myself...yeah right. I think there is enough violence in the world. You need to read a newspaper little boy! IT's YOU who needs to get a life.
- Spike

Name: dope nose
Referred by: Net Search
From: i'm from a place in your mind
Time: 1999-07-10 02:11:00
Comments: the biggest complaint i have of marilyn manson is that he hasn't taken any seriuos action in taking over christianity. I think he needs to hurry up and make a moveyou should no tell us not to sign your guestbook simply because we don't agree with you. in my opinion the stuff he does is good for society becuase it balances out all the good and "bad". I think he should just keep on kicking in your :-) ING FACES!!!

Ummm... mr. "dope nose" is it? You are a very sad individual. Because Brian Warner is your god,you will be spending eternity in hell with him. I think YOU need to hurry up and change your life around before it's too late. That being said,we at the A.M.M.S. enjoy it when idiots like you come and sign the guestbook. It makes us very happy to see that with so little effort,we were able to piss off so many fools just like you. Come on back now y'hear? *LOL*
- Spike

Name: darksparrow
Website: Dark Sparrow's Realm
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: alot of places.
Time: 1999-07-05 21:47:00
Comments: Well Met.I am darksparrow,a.k.a Corinne.I would like to join this.I cannot even attempt to put into words my dislike for Manson,Which makes me very vocal of it becuse I try my best. Thanx.(by the way,if you try to get to my web ste, it may not work becuse I just recently promoted it.but it may be worth a try.)

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-06-30 16:13:00

Dear Jake... Yes,this page is a joke. We at the A.M.M.S. always did get quite a kick out of it. We really like seeing dorks like you who keep coming in here to yell. As for what you said,who are YOU to judge? You are sitting there judging me and everyone else who makes this page possible. I think YOU are the hypocrite here. You are mocking us for what we believe,and you hate us. Didn't your mother ever tell you the old saying.."People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"?? You should follow that.
- Spike

Name: zinia
Website: My page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1999-06-19 13:16:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson fans visit the site because they are interested in why you hate him. The stupidity is great but you are just as stupid for making a website about him. If you hate him so much why bother wasting your time on writing about him?!! don't you have something better to do like making a website dedicated to something you like?!!!

Hello miss zinia... It takes only a small amount of common sense to know why people hate Brain Warner. You obviously don't know much about him or you wouldn't have to ask! While we're on that subject,you don't know crap about me. How the heck would you know if I did or didn't have a website dedicated to something I like? You don't. It's obvious to me that you hate me and this page. So why are YOU wasting your time writing about something you hate?? Hypocrite!!
- Spike

Website: Candy for Little Children
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mississippi
Time: 1999-06-19 07:28:00
Comments: :-) you marilyn manson kicks you fag

Dear devil zombie...It appears you have some issues with your sexuality. Just because someone doesn't like the same music as you do,it makes them gay?? Well heck,I can see that you didn't get any of the brains in your family... Anyone who looks at your website will be calling YOU the fag,not me!
- Spike

Name: Luan Roberts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-06-15 21:49:00
Comments: I am very pleased with your site! It makes me laugh alot to see a public display of stupidity. You might of not noticed, but you are the one doing the hating here. You people love to hate. You even do reasearch about something you hate. You will probaly write a hateful reply to this message! I What do you think you will accomplish by making this site? Do you think Manson or one of his fans will come on it and say "Oh my I have been completely wrong, haven't I? I simply must change right now!"

Hello dumbo... First I'd like to say that I dislike the Manson fans more than I do the man himself. The fans like you just can't accept that someone else has an opinion that doesn't agree with yours and that we have the right to express it in any way we want to. It also seems to me that you have some hate inside you to be sitting there judging me like that. What did you think you would accomplish by signing the guestbook?? Did you think I'd all of a sudden decide to delete the page just because of what you think?? Nope. You obviously did some research on me if you concluded that I am a hateful person. Want to know what I think of you? I Think you're a hypocrite who needs to get out of the house and get a life!
- Spike

Referred by: Lycos
Time: 1999-06-04 23:26:00

Hello there. I am glad you signed my guestbook! I get so tired of seeing stupid Manson fans in here! If you hate Manson as much as you say you do,you are already a member of the society! Come back anytime!
-Spike The Psycho GirL

Name: Good_Boy
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Heaven
Time: 1999-06-04 18:44:00
Comments: O.K. One thing! How can you just sit there and say that Reverend Marilyn Manson is "Bad." If you don't have any valid reasons for you're assumption. It's ignorent people like you who make me sick!!! Mar1lynMan5on Rulez!! Forever!!!

OK,here's ANOTHER thing for YOU,butthead! How can YOU sit there and call me ignorant when you can't even spell the word!! By the way,people who use 1's for L's and 5's for S's make ME sick! As well as any other intelligent being on earth! Then again,IGNORANT Manson fans like you make everyone sick! Go back to smoking your crack little boy!

Name: Jack Mehoff
Website: FA Q
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hell
Time: 1999-06-02 04:44:00
Comments: Manson is not a sellout you flaming homosexual. You know free speech is allowed. But if you dont like him and you are being just like him that means that you are a big sellout just like you say he is. So heres some advice go get a quarter shove it down that mouth that you call American cause you say what ever the hell you want and :-) yourself you stupid Mother :-) ing :-)

Let me get this straight,(no pun intended),just because I hate that cross-dressing freak Manson,that I am a "flaming homosexual"?? I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you have a problem and should seek help! So here's some advice for YOU...STOP SMOKING CRACK!!! Seeing how you like to smile so much,I'm assuming you are molesting your Barney doll again. Someone should report you to the Humane Society! Then again,who'd rescue Barney??

Name: obscene machine
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: your greasy granny
Time: 1999-05-28 21:33:00
Comments: For someone who hates Manson you sure are really obsessed with him.You are very disrespectful and you just want some attention.If you are religous,which you probably THINK you are,then you are a big :-) ing hypocrite.You are very unintelligent and you're acting childish.Everyone needs someone to hate and you chose someone you did'nt even know.I,on the other hand,chose you.

Speaking of hypocrites....why don't you go look in the mirror!! You tell me I'm being hypocritical for hating someone I don't know,and then you say everyone needs someone to hate,and you picked me. Well,here's a big reality check for you,butthead!! YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!! Now go back to making love to your Barney doll and leave me alone.

Name: Peej
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-05-21 00:53:00
Comments: First of all, u'r not funny. U'r a :-) ing idiot. U'r lil song there is mental and u'r pic's are unimaginative. U say M.M. misleads children with what he says, yet u suggest different ways of killing Marilyn Manson. People have different oppinions. Leave Marilyn the :-) alone.

Are YOU one of the misled children...."honey bunny"??? HAHAHAHA!!! Go back to screwing the purple teletubbie you fruit loop!! *LOL*

Name: ME ME
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: HELL (iowa)
Time: 1999-05-20 22:53:00
Comments: IT ISNT EVEN :-) ING WORTH PUTTING SOME :-) ING COMMENT UP FOR YOUR :-) ED UP PAGE GOTO HELL :-) ES i dont worship him but i love him the same! :-) YOU!

You say it isn't worth putting up a comment...but what did you do?? You signed my guestbook!!! I think Marilyn's music has melted your brain! Seek help,and stop smiling at me!!!

Name: evie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-12 09:38:00
Comments: I'm no christian, I don't really hate Marilyn Manson, I don't like him either. Basically I think your page is great, esp. the "edited" pictures part. Anyway I think your page has changed my view abt Marilyn Manson. I used to think that's he's some weird freak that can't decide if he'll look better being male or female. Now I view him as a pathetic freak that is trying hard to gain popularity by claiming to be "anti-christ" and STILL can't decide whether he'll look better being male or female.

Name: Chris Shaffer
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1999-05-09 23:19:00
Comments: i read in a response to a letter that you said "if you dont like what i say then leave me alone." well why cant you do that for manson. i respect your ideas and beliefs the same as i do mansons. but i think it is sick to tear someone down just so you can sleep better. and if you or anyone else for that matter does not have a big enough brain to determine that his lyrics and the things he does to put his beliefs and ideas across are just a show then i pity that person. i dont care if you keep the site up just please dont tear him down. the things you say are somewhat true and others are not. if you make an anti-page it shouldnt be from what other people think or say it should be from your perspective. and dont look towards the media for answers because of their lies they are what made manson who he is today. besides this guy is mainstream rock he is far from goth music what do you think that underground industrial bands say and do.

I see by the way you quoted me,that you are not very good at following instructions! I suppose that's why you are now a brainless sheep of Manson,eh? As for him being mainstream and not goth,that is EXACTLY why I call him a poser and a sellout!! No true fan of goth music would follow him anywhere!! Oh,and you may not be aware of this,seeing as most Manson fans are illiterate,but here in the USA,we have this thing called freedom of speech. It also applies on the internet,so I can say whatever I want about that freak,you,or anyone else I choose. Why not stop wasting your time getting your Barney Underoos in a bunch,and read a book!!

Name: Azurewrath
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-04 16:09:00
Comments: MARILYN MANSON IS THE ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!! and spike can go :-) itself!

Marilyn Manson is a poser boy who is confused over what gender he is. You are an idiot,and one of Marilyn's brainless sheep. As for your last comment,trust me,I AM smiling...I'm laughing my head off at your stupidity!!

Name: devilboy
Referred by: Net Search
From: hell
Time: 1999-05-01 23:50:00
Comments: you guys really suck. :-) :-) you

From this,and the other mindless posts you've left in the guestbook,I gather that you are a cheap imitation of Beavis. I guess that's what listening to Manson's music can do to you. Read a book,and try to get some of your braincells back!

Name: wastedsky0
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-04-23 20:34:00
Comments: you knwo what i don't :-) ing understand? how someone as perfect as your sorry christian thinks that they can say whatever the :-) they want but someone else can't! you say he should be shot? what the :-) did he say to you? do you know him? did he kick your sorry :) ass!? i doubt it! he's making money pissing you off you dumb :-) . you're free publicity! you just don't know it! and by the way he isn't a self-proclaimed chrsitian! if you're gonna speak against someone know what the :-) you are talking about you :-) :-) ! i just thought i should correct you and your fascist dogmatic ways! shooting people and killing them doesn't do :-) ! it just get's churches burned! you sound like the neo-nazi's at columbine high in colorado! you are no better than me or manson or anyother mother :-) alive! you need to realzie this! i didn't sell my soul to him! i just realized that christianity is bull :-) and doesn't comprehend the differences that exist in people! if you feel you are intelligent enough to talk to me or can make a meaningful conversation e-mail me i relsih in comversation. and my swearing isn't ignorance it's called re-inforcement of my words! hoep you have the balls to write back ciao that means goodbye in french!

I am not sure where to begin here...I think I'll start by saying that I had a hard time reading through your many spelling errors! Didn't you go to school,or did you flunk out because listening to Manson killed too many brain cells? Is that why you can't seem to make it through a single sentence without a spelling mistake,or a swear word? And then you have the gall to compare ME to the killers in the Colorado school shooting??? Reality check,moron!! It is messed up Mansonites like you who commit these horrible crimes! Don't get me wrong,I'm not saying that all Manson fans are as stupid as you are. I have in fact met a few who possess brains. It's Mansonites like you who give them all a bad name! I don't want to waste too much of my time talking to an idiot like you,so I will close by informing you that "CIAO" means goodbye in ITALIAN you tiny brained wiper of other people's bottoms! You might want to take note of that before you further embarass yourself the next time you decide to spout off in someone's guestbook! Au Revoir Merde Tete!! (that is actual French,seeing how you think you know so much,I'll let YOU figure out what it means!)

Name: somebody cool
Website: 0 My Cool Britney Spears Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-03-27 14:21:00
Comments: Manson is a huge faker, poser, etc. He says he's all antichrist & everything, but I recently read in Teen magazine that he collects cartoon lunchboxes. Yes, that's right, CARTOONS! He pretends to be this big, evil, antichrist guy, but in reality, he's just nobody. If you have any comments on this, email me at

Name: chr1st1an
Website: The Empire
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: croatia
Time: 1999-03-21 02:00:00
Comments: who cares what you want, this site is as dumb as it gets. i just came across it and damn, did you give yourself a chance to understand what that man is saying? or does your worm-brain find it hard to even try? what he is saying is be yourself, not what bible or the church tells you to be...and im not a Mansonist(or something)...i just love the music and message

It looks like YOU care what I want,otherwise you wouldn't come to my site,AND stay to sign my guestbook! By the way,I visited your little web page,and I hardly think someone who calls their site,"The Empire of a Fool",has any right to be calling anyone a 'worm brain' *LOL* Allow me to quote you from what you told of yourself on your web page so everyone can see what a freak you are! (I will not correct your spelling mistakes for you either!) "i'm not a satanist, but do find myself incredibly attracted to the idea of drinking the blood of the man i love, naturaly i expect the same from him, it represents the ultimate act of love making." "that and my fascination with being raped (not that i was)" are an embarassment to the gay community!! I hope a group of guys beat the snot out of your stupid self for making them all look bad over the internet!

Name: Harvestor of Sorrow
Website: Spoonwoman's Asylum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-03 06:18:00
Comments: Well, first off I'd like to say that your page isn't really done well. Some of the links don't work, and the colors are to pale, but on the other hand your page states that "I/you hate Manson." It's one thing to say it, but please give a decent reason on why you hate him. Although, yes he has thrown bibles into crowds at his concerts, but haven't people done worse? During the times of war when our country was divided on matters some people would spit on the American Flag or even burn it. People have the right to do whatever they like. Manson is only doing what he likes, as well as your saying and doing what you want. I'm sure all that "researching" you got from Mtv was alot of help. Personally I can't stand Mtv anymore. They tend to favor one type of music now, Rap and PoP. They have never played anything else, so the good music is being withheld from everyone. I'm sure by now your going I don't care what this person says, and that's what you feel. As of right now, I feel that your page is poorly done, and the statements you make are wrong. I have never taken drugs, and I am highly intelligent. DO NOT ASSUME THAT ALL FREAKS ARE LIKE THAT! Thank you for your time.

OK...I checked out YOUR webpage,and found that you are a hypocrite! You have like 7 anti pages on there,and you are whining to me about this ONE?? Boy,you weren't kidding when you said you had no life on your site,were you?? Here is a descent reason why I don't like Manson...HE HAS STUPID HYPOCRITICAL FANS LIKE YOU WHO HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO BUT TO VISIT WEB PAGES MADE BY PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE THE SAME MUSIC AS THEY DO! And you are right,I don't care what you say,and you are not highly intelligent. If you were,you'd have more sense than to go pointing fingers at me for something you are also doing on your stupid web page! And if all freaks were not like that,then why are they called freaks?? Try practicing what you preach sometime! Then you might have more friends,and get yourself a much needed life!!

Name: david burns
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: scotland
Time: 1999-02-23 18:26:00
Comments: i think you are the biggest :-) in :-) in the world the only reason you dont like manson is because you are to :-) scrared to like him,you vile piece of horse :-) ,your mommas ugly face makes anyone want to throw up,so go back to :-) ing the cat you wanker. this is my real e-mail so reply if you think your man enough you pansy assed mommas boy!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all,you idiot,I am not "man enough" for anything,because I am a female. So that makes me superior to you,little one! Oh,and the next time you make a futile attempt at insulting someone who values your opinion about as much as crap under the refrigerator,check your spelling (i.e. 'scrared'),and don't steal your insults from movies! It's pathetic and just proves that Manson's music has rotted your already feeble brain cell even more than before. In conclusion,no one cares what you think. Least of all me. And if you like Marilyn so much,then don't visit his ANTI pages you fool!!! I guarantee that you will never find a shrine to him on any of them,so just go back to surfing porno sites,and typing with one hand.

Name: Angel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Heaven
Time: 1999-02-20 20:01:00
Comments: I believe that Marilyn Manson is a sick, twisted individual who shouldn't be allowed to exist on this planet or any other. Everyone's got a right to their own opinions, but Mr. Manson has gone WAY, WAY over the line. He's been known as a wild cheetah-he's escaped from thousands of prisons, even electric ones. And now he's being allowed to inflict his digusting values on young, innocent children. I'm sorry, but I cannot tolerate him or his music or anything about him. PS-great page!

Name: I am you
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ur ass
Time: 1999-02-18 19:01:00
Comments: u are so ignorant....i read that u said not 2 sign ur book but i dont really care, ur pictures r stupid and so u know he didnt get a sex change jackass, if u were smart u'd know it wuz a body suit...he duznt ever say he wants 2 end christianity, he sayz in fact that he's not 1 2 try 2 stop any1z search 4 god ur just and ignorant jackass

Uhhh who's ignorant here?? YOU are the one who is the Manson fan far too ashamed of himself to reveal his true identity,so instead he signs his name "I am you". For your information,the whole world knows he was wearing a body suit. You did not make an amazing discovery! And if YOU were smart,you would know that your spelling leaves alot to be desired. It's obvious that you spend too much time at home surfing porn than you do in school learning how to form complete sentences. It's uneducated scum like you that give young people a bad name!

Name: lilscaryguy
Website: my metallica tribute page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: indiana
Time: 1999-01-30 15:28:00
Comments: i want to join the AMMS. i think manson needs to burn in hell!!!!!!

Name: BT
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-16 08:32:00
Comments: I dont want to offend anyone, but I done even believe in your God(or any God) , but I think Manson is a total moron and his music (if you call it music)is just a bunch of noisy crap! I dont see how all those young punks can like that crap! Maybe I am just too old. By the site, Psycho Girl!

Name: Brian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-16 08:21:00
Comments: Manson's music sucks ass! He needs to be shot. Next time his stupid show comes to my town, it will be his last show!

Name: Ginger Fish
Website: click and find out
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: none ya
Time: 1999-01-13 23:55:00
Comments: You must be a pretty big loser to make a whole web page against MM. You have odviously never listened to MM because then you would realise how talented he is. MM does not try to be some sort of satinist the reason people like him so much is because he is a great artist. How come you haven't listed the bands you like on this page? Are you too ashamed to do it? I'm sure there Hanson, Bush, No Doubt, Backstreet boys, and Puff Daddy

Ok,let me get this go around surfing anti Manson web pages when you like him,and you're calling ME a loser??!! And then you tell me that people like him because of talent?? I hate to break it to you,butthead,but the truth is,most of his fans are teenagers who only listen to him because their parents hate him!! And last of all,you "odviously" could use some tutoring in spelling! Go back to your elementary school and write back when you've matured.

Name: Spooky
Website: Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Marilyn Manson's closet
Time: 1999-01-02 08:20:00
Comments: Thank god(god of :-) that is)that Marilyn is un-touchable to you christian :-) s...

I think I speak for Christians around the world when I say Thank GOD that morons like you are untouchable!! Otherwise,you might actually reproduce!! Then you'd be responsible for the future morons of the world who idolize wannabe rock stars.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-24 03:33:00

Name: kristin
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: san antonio
Time: 1998-07-10 06:32:00
Comments: hey spike..who do you hate more..the slut bolton, or brian?? i thought i was gonna be the manson person of the month, but whatever. i just wanna say that honetly i do not at ALL agree with you, but you make it funny, so i can put up with your manson bitching..what you really need is an anti puff daddy page, he takes bad songs and makes them worse....but i do think you exaggerate just a little......kris

Name: Satanic Army
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hell
Time: 1998-06-09 16:05:00
Comments: we who are about to die, salute you. you fear us as well as you should. we are the walking dead and we won't mind if we send people on their way ahead of us. we kill and we die, it's all the same in the end. it's alright to fear us, vilify us, to call us psycopaths and pathetic thrill seekers... it's even okay to try and kill us, it's gonna happen sooner or later, right? mess with us at your own perrel. marilyn manson gave us hope, you shouldn't have tried to take that hope away. on this day all marilyn manson fans declare war on you and your allies.... think about it. when you see us coming to you, you'll know it. when u see blue mohawks standing 6 inches above our heads and skirts, you'll know it's us. and when you see long blonde hair and boots you'll know it's us. we're not scared of you or anyone else in this world except for god and his losers in heaven. know that marilyn manson is a god and no one will ever take that away from him.....

HAHAHAHAHA...You know what makes this web page so great?? Idiots like you who constantly come in and sign my guestbook! I think your e-mail address really suits you! "loser@home" HAHAHA...

Name: Denise Williams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Manhattan NY
Time: 1998-05-29 23:41:00
Comments: I jus have to say I like your page and I myself HATE that fucking LOSER!!! For one thing he promotes racial slurs in his music, kids have comitted suicide because of him etc.... Why doesn't the fag get out of the music bussiness already???!!!! He's such an asshole!! Getting a couple of his ribs removed so he can suck his dick!! fuckin' asshole should BURN in hell!!

Name: Brian
Website: The Beautiful People Association
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-05-29 01:17:00
Comments: Didn't your parents ever teach you that a good Christian does NOT hate! But I forgot that all of you are so religious and know everything. The hypocrisy of this all is annoying and quite flaccid on your part. Wasn't it God who said to love everyone even if they don't deserve it because you will be rewarded in the end and they will not? "Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other."--1 Thessalonians 4:9. Marilyn Manson have never promoted suicide, and no one has yet or will ever prove that these teens commiting suicide is the bands fault because it's not. If you are stupid enough to commit suicide then you deserve to die.

Excuse you MORON,but I never said that Manson promoted suicide! I have better things to do than to sign my own guestbook! You obviously have nothing better to do than to try and impress me with your knowledge of the Bible. Well,I have news for you...that doesn't impress me!! If you want to impress me,try practicing what you preach,and get your facts straight before you make a bigger fool of yourself!

Name: Ambyr Edigar
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Missouri
Time: 1998-05-24 23:41:00
Comments: Hello, I would like to join the AMM. I have two main reasons to hate Marilyn Mason 1. I think his music sucks and 2. I my cousin committed suceide because of the music.

Name: manson worshipper
Website: i hate you!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hell
Time: 1998-05-19 22:25:00
Comments: i hope you die! we all know your just jelous becasue manson is a god and your just another stupid ugly loser, he's worked so hard to be where he is... and you think your better then him? do you make 2 million a month?? do people love and worship you? are you one of the greatest rock stars ever? huh? are you? NO!? thats what i thought! so i hope you burn in hell for all your mortal sins!

Don't make me laugh! Wait,you already have! *LOL* I just took a look at your webpage. You're a Satanist?? And you're telling ME to burn in hell??? HAHAHAHAHA!!! No...YOU are the one who's gonna be burning in hell!! Get over yourself and get a life!!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-03-07 20:20:00

Name: dk
Website: Marilyn Manson-Smells Like Corporations
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: dk
Time: 1998-01-21 17:06:00
Comments: Damn right Marilyn Manson sucks hard come see my page

Name: DK
Website: Alternative Music-Why it Sucks
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mars
Time: 1998-01-09 21:34:00
Comments: Marilyn Manson is a moron Goth wanker. What the hell is wrong with him? And I'm soooo scared of his legions of pretend Goths and freaks. Come on, wankers, send me hate mail, boo hoo. I'm real real scared.

Name: Lundyn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-01-02 01:21:00
Comments: Hi. Yes I am a Manson fan. I am not one of the sheep though. I just wanted to ask a few questions.1)Do you think Manson would go out with me? 2)Do you think I could get a date with one of MM's fans? And give some answers...Yes, all MM fans are stupid, druggies, and immature.I have been listening to MM since 94 and I happen to be college student with a gpa of 0.77, majoring in home economics . I do drugs. I'm a little immature at times though..hehe. I respect your opinions,and I want to be just like you when I grow up. Lundyn

Name: Danny Fitzsimmons
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Philly
Time: 1997-12-13 02:38:00
Comments: I agree with you totally. Manson is horrible. I used to be a big fan of his, but i realized that he is nothing but a poser trying to make money. His ideas are all wrong. MANSON SUX!!!!!! Keep it up, this page is great and so is the idea

Name: bob brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: buttcrack manor
Time: 1997-12-11 15:19:00
Comments: i think marilyn manson is a GAY HOMOSEXUAL with seriuos ment- al problems.he should be killed. i liked the man that you fear video because they killed mm .i hate his poser ass music .he is just a satanast looking clown. i want to see him suffer. someone should step on his head one day while he is sucking himself

Total: 174 guests