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May 3, 2001

Soooooo..I have not updated in like.. the longest time and I am really really sorry about that. I am really busy lately. :( But I have a picture for you. :D yay! Everytime I update I will have a picture for you all. ok? ok cool!...

<---Heehee.. :D yay! Okay..So it's Vash again, but he is really hot. This picture is cute, so I put it up. Maybe the next update will be of something else. It probably will, so expect it. :)

I am scared for the choir compatition(spelling) tomorrow. ack!! :| What if we don't get unamionous superior this year!! AHHHH!! We get unaminious superior every year. But this year is a total growing year for this choir. YAY! I LOVE THIS SONG!!

Okay. So I tried to find a good funny story or joke on the internet to put on here. I also tried to find a good poem, but you kno w,,there isn't really any REALLY GOOD poetry or funny stories or jokes on the internet. Everything I looked at and read was just soo dumb. So I am sorry, there is not really anything good on here. :(

This update is over. Maybe the next one will be better. :) tata all!