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April 22, 2001

HISTORY!! AHHH!! SCHOOL!!! AHH!!! *hand on head* oo..Mom, I think I have a fever. <--That's me! I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I hate school. I despise school. In my opinion, hell is to good for school!! Okay, I am done with all that crap. Here is another cool quote. Have you figured out where the other quote I put up for the last update came from? I will give you a hint right after I give you the next quote.

"There's something that cannot be expressed in words. Human emotions. Emotions of the heart cannot be defined. But there's a way to read the emotions. Look into their eyes. The girl lied to me. But I believed her. The man lied to me. But I trusted him. But the moment I looked into his eyes, the angel of destiny began to unravel the truth. Just look into their eyes. There is only one truth."

I love these quotes. I will give you a hint now.

<---This is my hint. Heehee. It's a really really big hint. HAHA!! Okay. I have to go. Lauren is over here at my house so we can work on our History project. AGH! DAMN HISTORY!! Okay. Update over. tata!