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April 21, 2001

I am doing nothing. That is what is up today! Like it? Think that is interesting? I am so happy for you. Seriously! I am soo happy today! I don't even know why! No. That is not true. I do know why, but it's way to stupid to say, so I won't. :) I'm really happy today though. It is such a beautiful day too. Yesterday it was so ugly outside. Raining and stuff. Terrible. But today, it's kinda sunny and warm. I love these kinds of days. Even though vacation is almost over and I have to do my homework, life is still good. :) *sigh*

I would like it if you would read something.

"A choice between two things. The forked road every person brought into this world must eventually face. A crossroad. Whichever path they choose, they lose something. Whichever path they choose, they are unable to find happiness. But are there really only two paths to a forked road? No, there are infinite paths we could take. There is more than one path we should take. There is more than one path to the future."

I love that. There are more. I will put more up for you if you want. But on other updates. Not today. It's really stupid if you know where this quote, and the others I have, came from. But I like them. They make me think. It's cool. So yeah. So anyway. I want to work on my comics so I am done with this update. tata! :)