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April 17, 2001

GUESS WHAT!! Today is Lauren's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!!! So....because it is Lauren's Birthday, there is going to be a special update. :) Actually, there isn't, because I really don't know what to put up here. I could just talk to you all forever. That sounds like a lot of fun. I think I will do that. So.....Umm...I don't have anything to say. I'm bored and want to hang out with my friends. I miss everybody. I was pleased when Lauren came to visit me today. But I still have not seen anyone else, and Margie is not talking online. I don't really care about that. She never talks online. But it's still sad. I want to hang with friends! :( Oh well. I guess it is a blessing to have an opportunity to be by yourself for a while. It is kinda nice. I rented some anime and I just relaxed in front of the TV. I've been drawing for most of the vacation. I have been working on Kion Warriors and also my new one called Dangerous Destiny. I'm so excited for both of them. HOORAY!!! You know. I have been typing on tthis same exact line*(HTML on Angelfire) forever!! It never ends. Oh wait! It just ended. :) THAT IS SOOO WONDERFUL!! Not really, but I can always pretend. It will be really soon when I am able to tap into the part of me when everything is completely pointless and I am able to just type and type and type. I wont really know what i'm typing, but I will be typing. I will read it some other day and not even remember typing that up. It's happened to me before. Yes indeed! It is kinda cool, but kinda not. Do I make sence. I hope not. :) hahaha!! Okay, that was stupid. "Stupid is as stupid does!" I love that quote. Okay, I don't love is that much, but still. damn! My teeth hurt. Okay, no more complaining for me. I should be happy about finally getting braces. BUT I'M NOT! I am only really excited for how my teeth will look after braces. Yes I am. (I think Kenshin rubbed off on me a little) That is the only motivation I have and the only thing that makes me feel that the damn pain in my mouth is actually worth it. But is it worth it?? That is a really good question. I mean...okay..I am not going into details, but the point is this. I am only going be alive for a short time, then we die. People die. So why do we care what we look like on the outside, because in reality, if you really stop to think about it, we should be thinking, and worrying, about what we are on the inside (not the guts) because that is all God is going to see after you die. Will how beautiful you are on the outside really matter to God? I don't think so! OKAY! When did this turn into a Church?!! 8-0 AIYEE!!!! Okay, I think my update is finished for today. :) TATA! Love you all! HOORAY FOR LAUREN AND HER 17TH BIRTHDAY!!!