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April 13, 2001

Today, my brother had his friends over and had a BBQ. Totally out of the blue. (That is why it is on this site.) I would like to quote a guy I know.:
"I thought that was ***'* dirty butt!!"<----I try to leave family names out of this website. lol. My father farted really loud and everyone thought is was my brother. Oh and this one dude, my brothers friend, is the stupidest ass I have ever meet. He bent down to grab a dart piece for the dart board, and he bent over the pointy fence and he hurt his abs, when he easily, more easy, could have walked all the way around the gate. sheesh! He also can't play darts. He only made about 3 of them stick to the board out of times. It was funny. It was scared because he was BBQing my food. : \ ack!

"Don't sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things."
"Curiosity killed the Communist."
Quotes from Margie's brother.

"When you wash your hands in a sink the faucet should sing. Well make some sort of tune. A relaxing one. Then the mirrors should become a screen, showing a tropical place, waterfall, so on. And if it's a waterfall, give off mist by pressing a button, or heat. ya know? =)"

Debi's idea! It's really cool. I think it is a really good idea. :) When this boy walked down the street, he couldn't wipe his feet. And guess what! I couldn't wipe my feet either. I think that is so cool. People are fighting. ACK!! I am watching this movie "Cliff Hanger" It is so violent. *cringe* <---I think I spelled it right this time. :) heehee.

Okay, this update is over. Talk to ya later!