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April 12, 2001

So some pretty randome stuff happened today. You wanna know what? Okay! I will tell you.

"Will someone please pick up there cheese?!!"-A girl at school. ayiee!! What a stupid thing to say.
I have a poem that I originally wrote for Lauren in a note I wrote her because left school after first period because she was sick. :( I am going to let you all read the poem now. HOORAY!!

I am here in history

Why I am here is a mystery.

I'm bored as all hell.

I'm waiting for the bell.

I see a desk.

I wonder if it would ever break.

BREAK! It's not 'till after the litergy!!


That is my poem. Now I will see what I can get from other people.

So I ask Lauren..."I am doing something right now, ask Margie." :( aww.. I'm sad. Oh well. But Wait! MARGIE IS OUR LAST CHANCE! Please contribute Margie! If you don't this update will suck!! I don't want it to suck!

So our dance show was on tuesday, the 10th of April. Our "Storm" dance was really random. OKAY!! I KNOW!! I am not funny at all today, but I am out of funnieness. I have nothing to say. Margie is not responding. :( This is so sad.

SHE RESPONDED! She said.."Yes!" I am so glad!
So yeah! That did't work out so well. Margie gave me a address to go to on the internet, and it was this long ass URL. I had to have her email it to me so I could copy it. And even when I copied it, I have to copy it in sections. "Eck Ack Back Pack" <--My stupid rhyme.
I am going to write a story....:
This one dude, his name was Bob. He was eating apple pie and listening to Japanese music. Well, he is Japanese, makes sense. Then he saw this other Japanese lady who was also eating apple pie and listening to Japanese music. He instantly fell in love, and they were married 1 hour later.


Today was thursday and I had a fever.

My temperture was high, I was so dillusional, that I thought I could fly.

But I just fell asleep, and didn't want to try.

And that was today.

"Stalking is hard when you're sick"-Margie
That poem was by Lauren, she was really sick today. :( GET BETTER LAUREN!!

Okay! That is the update for today, as sucky as it was. Bye! 1