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What am I Talking about??

June 18, 2001

So today was a good day. Lately all my days have been good. I am really happy lately. The other day I wasn't because of certain reasons, but I don't want to think about bad stuff. :) Life is good. I can even accept summer school tomorrow. We aren't really doing anything much in school tomorrow anyway. So I am happy. HOORAY! I actually haven't been drawing after I went to Debi's house. I think I'm all drawn out. I can't draw another picture. I drew soo much at her house. But we got a lot done, so I am happy. Sheesh. I am really happy. ahahh!! *jumps around in excitment* Well, I was going to have a friend write a poem to put it up here on randomness, but he has not finished it yet. :) I can't wait. So maybe tomorrow. I think this site is really a journal/poetry book for me. hmm. yup. I think so. All there really is on here is poems and my thoughts on things. But I can't put up my REAL thoughts for today, I'd get into trouble. :) But anyway. I should go. My mom is fixing my old computer so I don't have to use hers anymore. HOORAY!! Tata! ;)