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What am I Talking about??

June 12, 2001

HOORAY!! My Dad, both my brothers, and Pan are all out of the house for 10 whole days!! I'm so excited. Me and my mom are going to go shopping. :) Hahah..clothes, anime, stupid items that cost to much but we buy anyway and never use them after!! HOORAY!!

So yeah. Last night I had friends over. hmm..interesting, because Pan was over as well, and we all played Monopoly. Me, by two brothers, my three friends that were over, and Pan. But Pan and I had a wall between us so we didn't really see much of eachother. *That is a good thing* Then after, and even before we were playing Monoploy, we were, and did, nothing. It was quite entertaining. Margie had the biggest laughing attack of her life. She was on the kitchen floor yelping and crying, I thought she was going to die. heehe. So me and Lauren left the room to leave her. Nice! Ack! My eyes hurt. :( So very sad. oh well. So I think I don't want to type anymore for this update. I'm bored with it. Tata! ;)