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What am I Talking about??

June 10, 2001

So umm..yeah. I was forced to update. Well, not really, but whatever. I have nothing to say today. I just came back from my grandparents house, and that wasn't very fun cause my grandfather was in the hospital. He had his toe cut off. Ack. I hope i never have to have my toe cut off. sheesh. I feel dumb. With nothing to say. Hold on and maybe I could create something for you. Okay. so maybe I can't create something for you. I did try to think of something, but I don't have the right computer equipment to do it. So I guess you get nothing today. I feel like a pig. I ate so much food at my grandma's house. sheesh. And I have a bad cough, and my mom is all worried about me so she wants to take me to the doctor. I keep telling her i'm fine, but she won't believe me. Poor mommy worries to much. :( My eyes hurt. I was reading all this weekend. I am reading the Government book for summer school, which is actually much more interesting than I thought it would be, and I am also reading Bridget Jones Diary. It's so funny. It reminds me way to much of Lauren. And on the way home from my grandparents house today I was thinking of all this random stuff, and I started thinking about Lauren and her website and stuff. Everytime I think about Lauren I start laughing. It's not an insult, :) I just think she is the funniest person ever. Anyway. I have to go cause my eyes hurt. I should really get in the habit of actually wearing my glasses. Ok. bye!