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April 6, 2001

Okay, so this is what happened to me. I was sitting right. ok? you get it? ok good. I was sitting there chewin my bubblegum, which was stale by the way. Don'tcha just hate it when you bubblegum loses its flavor, it just makes your whole mouth feel all nasty and gross inside. ok anyway. I was sitting there got that? ok good. My bubblegum got stale, and i saw this cute guy. and you know when you see a cute guy you just have to imagin him without his clothes on, cause that i just the way it is. you got that? you sure you got that? ok good! anyway. i was sitting there chewing stale bubblegum when this really hot guy walks by and i picture him without his clothes on, right? and he is lookin' at a, "hey sexy, want a wild night?!" So i stare back. i mean come can you not stare back. he is a major hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin' love, right? anyway. i stand up and walk past him, ya know, to give the guy a good smell of your purfume. i kinda brush by him all seductivly like. I mean gee....He is a hottie and he is lookin' at ya, your gonna make a move right. so i want him to smell my purfume. but then i realize im not wearing any purfume. he walks away shaking his head and mumbling to himself,."what a weird ass smelly bitch!"

"The cheap, heep of a jeep goes 'beep beep'!!"-Rhyme I made up, with a little help from Lauren.

This is my friend Lauren! She is cool!