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Forever Imitated, Never Duplicated -- Tha DreamGyrl

Whoadi. Welcome to my site. It's by me, about me, and for me, 24-7, 365 days a week. If you love ME, then you will love this site. So, please enjoy the abundance of ME, and know that I did it just for you!!! (Well not really, I did it for ME. But if you have the link then you can bask in my sunny disposition, as well)

Be sure to click on the button at the end of the page to check out the new story I'm writing(Better, by ME); it's copyrighted, meaning if you wanna steal or bite off me I am MORE THAN happy to sue you.

So, enjoy your stay at Le Hotel del DreamGyrl. Make yourself comfy, don't put your feet on the furniture and DONT overstay your welcome... come back whenever!


This is my personology profile. I have a book here that gives the profile of everyone, anywhere, by using their birthday. It`s pretty accurate, in my opinion. If you`d like me to look yours up and give it to you, drop me a note.

APRIL EIGHTH (8th) The Day of Conscience

April 8th people manifest strong feelings for their fellow human beings, often displaying well-marked humanitarian and altruistic tendencies. For April 8th people it is not enough to be admired or at the center of what is going on (although they often are), but to express the concerns of their associates, friends, family or countrymen. The welfare of others is of the highest importance to them, in extreme cases even greater than their own. It is possible, however, that they may be highly intolerant as well, valuing on social group (of which they are usually a member) over another.

Curiously enough, although possessing star quality, April 8 people often carry an inherent shyness about them. While they are performing their role(s) on life`s stage they seem to be in their own private world and it is this unusual admixture of public intimacy that they give to group meetings in which they are involved. Cool under pressure and in crises, April 8 people can be counted on for their calmness and unwavering support during difficult periods. At times they exhibit an almost saintly quality.

The values of most people born on April 8 espouse the cause of the disadvantaged. Not that they are necessarily social reformers, but they do believe that everyone should be given an equal chance. Because most April 8 people favor the underdog, the downtrodden, those with public or political careers generally do whatever they can to ameliorate unfavorable social conditions. Regardless of their station in life, April 8 people are extremely critical and outspoken when they see those with power over others indulging in excesses or injustices. When responding to such injustices, their incisive barbs can really pack a punch. Though forceful individuals, April 8 people seem to experience ups and downs in their social standing largely determined by events or accidents beyond their control.

People born on April 8 may be hard for others to touch emotionally. They often seem to be quietly suffering from a private hurt which no one will ever understand. Most do not want to be reached in this area or "understood", since their primary energy is directed outward on the world. This may make it difficult for those who want to help to have close personal relationships with April 8 people (who place more worth on giving than receiving.)It may be in fact difficult for April 8 people to accept anything from anyone, particularly psychological help or what they see as charity.

April 8 people are stars who shine alone in the firmament--solitary and a bit melancholy, with a strange beauty. The do not need the adoration of others, yet seek to promote their values at the highest level possible to them. Their drive to succeed may be great, but rarely motivated by egotism; when they seek power in their work or family life, it is usually for the purpose of furthering the common good as they see it. In this, they are unselfish.


  • Ethical
  • Giving
  • Socially Responsible


  • Self-Sacrificing
  • Extreme
  • Emotionally Closed

Well, that`s me, lock, stock and barrel.