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WWF Rampage

Last Updated-April 20th,2002

--Well what can i say?I always think my sites will be a bigtime fan friendly hit site.But i fail to promote and spread the word which gets my adrenalline low.But i will not give up.I will keep trying to get this site somewhere,and you can help.Spread the word and banner and put it on your site,you know deep down inside your thanked and respected,and if you email me i will put your site up in no time.We really think this site has potential to be a hit with all the oldschool wrestling fans,but they just dont know its out their so help them notice.Also,as for the jason x banners and promoting,im just simply helping them out,cause im a big fan and wish them well at the box office,i think you will enjoy the newest installment in the friday the 13th series.And on another note,we have made a friend in marcel mollin,co-runner of the enos and bloom fanpage.Mike enos and wayne bloom were also known as the beverly brothers in the WWF for 2-3 years and were a favorite team of mine,we have basically switched banners and help out each others site so thanks marcel and check out their site in the links section.Well thats all for now,until next update,see yous later!

"Very opinionated thoughts on the opening page, I bet many would disagree with him, but very interesting none-the-less, very nice page set-up, simple, yet organized, really cool superstars page, awesome action figure page!"---DJ Foxy On WWF Rampage


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Mark Henrys Poem About The Death Of Owen Hart

You feel the burn when you cry
It starts to come when someone dies
The pain you feel as your eyes swell and the tears will up in the wells
The burn starts to choke you up the words come out slow and shaken
You close your eyes and wonder why There is a burn when you cry
When Owen left it felt like hands around my throat
I couldn't talk I couldn't see
The Burn over whelmed me
My heart is heavy this is why
You get the burn when you cry
It digs down deep you can not sleep
You toss and turn in your sheets
Awaken with sobs and wet pillow cases
You wander aimlessly looking to the sky
You feel the burn when you cry
-Mark Henry
