The Somners

Chad Green

-After a long night of partying with his friends, Chad Green wakes up to find himself at his sister and brother-in-law's home on the couch. Not knowing quite how he got there, he sits up and places a hand to his throbbing forehead. Letting out a groan, he sits back on the couch and sighs. At this point his sister Morgan comes walking in with a set expression, she folds her arms stands right in front of Chad and sighs.-

Morgan: Suffering from a hang-over much?

Chad: Can you not shout at me please!? God!

Morgan: Oh stop acting like a little brat and buck up. You are twenty-one years-old Chad. Every single time you get a hangover you act like such a baby. You want me to take care of you and baby you but it ain't happenin', now Jeremy and I are going to the airport.

Chad: For what?

Morgan: Jeremy's friend Nate Williams's younger sister is flying in and she is going to be staying with us until she gets things straightened out with ECU.

Chad: Have I met her?

Morgan: *shrugs* Hell if I know, at my wedding you were drunk. Plus you had that slut with you.

Chad: Hey! Michelle is not a slut, she is the mother of my child did you forget?

Morgan: Just because you have a kid with her doesn't mean she isn't a slut Chad. Michelle is about as big of a slut as you are going to get.

-Chad just shrugs his shoulders and lays on his side on the couch. He grabs a pillow and puts it over his face. Morgan rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen. Chad soon falls back asleep as later that day he is in his dorm-room at ECU where his roommate Brad is also at. Chad is laying in bed with his comforter pulled up under his arm. Brad looks over at Chad and shakes his head, he then goes back to typing on his computer. As Chad is trying to continue sleeping off his hang-over his cell phone rings. He groans angrily and answers it.-

Chad: What!?

Michelle: Chad where the hell are you? You were supposed to pick up the kid an hour ago, I have plans tonight remember!?

Chad: Can you not yell please!? All day long people have been yelling and keeping me from nursing this hang-over. I get enough shit from my sisters I don't need it from you to. Listen I will be there in about twenty minutes okay?

Michelle: Well you better because I can't be late Chad.

-And without saying another word, Michelle hangs up and Chad pulls himself out of bed. He grabs a hooded sweatshirt and slides it on. He slides on a pair of Adidas Flip-flops and then his car keys.-

Chad: Hey I'll be back later, I'm going to take Kayli over to Morgan's. I gotta thesis to write for Donovan's class. So I'll be back later tonight.

Brad: All right hey by the way Lila is coming over tonight so...

Chad: *smirks* Yeah I get what you're saying. Just do me a favor and put a tie on the door or something. I have walked in on you guys one too many times.

Brad: Hey it's not like I haven't walked in on you and Michelle time after time. But don't worry I'll be sure to put something on the door so you know that it isn't safe to come in.

Chad: And that's all that I ask. See ya later Man.

Brad: Bye.

-Chad walks out of there but not before grabbing his New York Yankees Pro Fitted Baseball Cap. He puts it on backwards as he then leaves the dormroom building and walks out to his 2005 Aston Martin. He unlocks it and gets in, he turns the car on and puts in The American Idiot Green Day CD. He takes it to Boulevard of Broken Dreams and then starts driving. It takes him ten minutes to get to Michelle's but he parks his car in the drive-way and walks to the door. He picks up his three month old daughter and takes her out to his car. He and Michelle really aren't ones to really speak to one another. Chad drives his vehicle over to his sister Morgan's and gets out. He grabs the carrier, carseat, and bookbag. He walks into the house and already he can tell that Morgan and Jeremy are back from the airport along with Jennifer Williams. Upon hearing the sound of the front door opening and close, Morgan comes walking into the foyer area. She smiles at him and walks over to him.-

Morgan: Hey you brought my favorite girl over. *smiles* Good, by the way Jenny is in the kitchen with Jeremy so if you want to meet her now you are more then welcome.

Chad: Thanks but no thanks, I have this thesis that needs to get done so I was thinking maybe you could watch Kayli for me.

Morgan: Of course I can, you know I love spending time with my favorite neice. If you want you can use Jeremy's office to get it done.

Chad: Thanks Mo I apprieciate it.

-Chad hands Kayli's carseat over to his sister and then kisses his daughter's forehead. He hands the diaper bag over and then makes his way to the office with he sets the bookbag down the desk. He takes a seat in the leather computer chair and opens up the bag. He takes out his notes and various other things he is going to n eed for this. He finally gets everything set up that he needs and begins to work on it. After about two hours of non-stop working, Chad decides to take a much-needed break. He stands up and walks out to the main area and toward the kitchen. However the first sighting of Jennifer Williams stops him. She is seated indian style on the couch with Kayli in her lap and she is playing with her. Jennifer turns her head and looks at Chad, offering him a smile.-

Jennifer: Hey you must be Chad, I'm Jennifer.

Chad: Nice to meet you, is she being good for you?

Jennifer: She is nothing short of an angel.

Chad: ummm I gotta go but ummm yeah I'll see you around.

-He turns on his heel and quickly walks back into the office, totally forgetting about taking the break. Never had he ever been at loss for words when it came to a girl. Sighing deeply he takes a seat back at the desk and rests his head in hands, unsure of what to do about this.-