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~* Random Neopians *~ Guild Webbie!


This is ~* Random Neopians *~ Guild webbie! This is where will have are news and events until further notice!


Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by. I am going to tell you the first thing you should know about this guild : the theme changes randomly! Why do think I named the guild "Random Neopians" ?

Well we're off to a good start! I am just updated the guild and donation shop! Council spots are open and anyone can join. For co-owner though you must know html, sorry to those of you who wanted to come own but don't know html.

I need help with a costimized logo and banner. ANYONE WHO MAKES A GOOD BANNER/LOGO WILL BE PAYED

We're going to have our grand opening at the end of the month IF we have at least five members, in fact which ever member that joins and gets at least 3 other members to come here gets a prize!


Guild home
Donation shop

My Favorite things about ~* Random Neopians *~ !