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-:+:-my sanctuary-:+:-

My Trip to Monster Island

.::i have no life::.
||| [me] ||| [eyecandy] ||| [my anti-drug] ||| [blog] ||| [links] |||
so yea..this is my first website ive ever made in my whole entire life and i think its hella crappy...hrmm..dunno what else to are u supposed to put up on a website anyways?!

and yes thats me on the left...dont mind the person underme with the big black "X's" covering her eyes..XD

hrmm..i love jrock [japanese rock] i think id die without it..i got into jrock last year which was 2003 in july..

so my ALL TIME favorite jrock band is [GLAY]..i honestly dont know how i found out about them..i VAGUELY remember seeing or reading something that said GLAY on it and had a picture of 4 asian dudes so one summer afternoon i look them up and it was love at first sight ^_^

[why i made this crappy page]


my xangur