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A Note on the Politics of America

OK here is a little something that I wanted to put down in words. And no, it is not a sappy Elton John love song (although i like that song alot haha).

I am a political science major at Wilkes, and as such you should totally and completely trust my opinions haha. I encourage everyone to vote, regardless of your stance on the issues. This election is very important to the future of America yada yada yada, but all that rhetorical bullshit about importance is true! So get out there and vote. It's not dorky or lame to do this. So whether you support the cowboy commander President George W. Bush or his valiant tree-hugging challenger Senator John Kerry, let America know on election day. I'm not sure whether I am a conservative democrat or a liberal republican. Either way, I have a few things to say about the EXTREME elements of each party.

First of all, to the Republicans: I hate all of you "holier than thou", conservative, pencil-necked, three-year-old-lexus-Eclass-driving conservative crotchfucks. If your gonna bling, at least do it well, don't drive a fucking Mercury Sable Wagon. Buy a goddamned Lincoln LS or an Escalade or an SLK, or ANYTHING, but don't try to be something you're not. Perfect example: our etiquette teacher MRS HEPNER - You fucking bitch, with your fake southern accent, your shitty Lexus Camry, and your flamboyantly obnoxious scarf. I hope you choke on a tassle and shit your fucking tongue out your left nostril, you pretentious ugly fuck. Go to the dentist, you yellow-toothed cow.

But, by the same token, I am not pleased with leftist Democrat advocates. I understand that it's "cool" to get out there and scream into the faces of everyday Americans how much you "hate the man cuz he's always bringing you down." How come the democrats have cooler music than the republicans? Yes, Yellowcard, you ARE young and angry; I can tell from that hardcore violin ass-ramming your shitty piss-punk riffs. It doesnt matter, I hate those fucking liberal-ass protesting: "I hate the government: vote for change" pieces of so-cal mall trash. Yeah, you ARE free spirited, so why don't you go fuck another boy scout in his ten year old asshole you reach-around pieces of shit?

I could go on, and I think I will, but that is all for now. I'll let you know in my journal when i update my ranting pages here on Justin's Place.


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