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MS PowerPoint-a two-dimensional presentation program.

A. MS PowerPoint Vocabulary

1.Presentation-a PowerPoint document

2.Normal view-a view in PowerPoint that displays the presentation in three panes: outline, slide, and notes.

3.Slide order view-displays all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation in reduced size so that you can organize them easily.

4. Notes Page view-view in PowerPoint that displays a slide and a designed area for typing speaker's notes to accompany the slide.

5.Slide show view-view in PowerPoint that shows the presentation as an online presentation.

6.Placeholder-a reserved space for text in a slide.

7.Object-a graphic or other item or set of items that can be moved and resized as a single unit.

8.Stacking-layering an object on top of another object in slide.

9.Animation effects-special transition effects and graphic effects that cause elements in presentation to display in a more interesting way.

10.Transitions-the way a slide first appears in a slide show and obscures the previous slide.

11.Timing-the amount of time a slide displays during an onscreen presentation.

12.Image Properties-properties of a picture that can be  modified using the image properties dialog box suck as brightness, contrast, and color.

13.Color scheme-a set of coordinated color for each element in a presentation.

14.Promote-increase text level in outline view.

15.Demote-decrease text level in outline view.

B. Here is an example image I made in MS PowerPoint

My favorite sport is Baseball


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