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Bunny News

Welcome to Bunny News! I am Bunny and I will be your tour guide for today. We are now entering a place where all common sense and law is disregarded, for in Bunny's World, there is no common sense, and therefore no common law. When we establish one law, we create another that contradicts it, therefore creating the controversy that we can write about. That is where we find the inspiration for this project, the ironies and catastrophies of everday life that make it as it is. The world is ever changing and by binding that which binds us, to the books, we create a lineage to digress from. And with this, may I present to you, the exclusive edition of Bunny News, Online Edition, Volume 4, Issue 1, New Beginnings. (just as a sidenote, any of you who have requested a profile and not recieved it, there is a reason for that. I have been locked out of my contacts list recently and cannot re-open it. If this has happened to you, please fill out our member's form again, Thank you!)

Issue 4

Volume 1
New Beginnings

Coke Machine Mishaps
Sir Rupert, being the coke addict she is, spent three times the normal cost today just to get her daily dose. The consistant cost of coke and abundant availibility at school these days has attracted more and more teens to begin to buy it on a regular basis. I've seen kids distraught after finding out that they could not purchase coke between the hours of 7:30am to 11 am and from 12:45pm until 2:30 pm. They were literally going through withdrawls as they had already become addicted to this mortal substance. Anyhow, they have introduced a new flavor recently. Lime Flavored. Anyhow, so Sir Rupert went to the coke machine to buy her daily fix, when the machine ate her dollar. Disparagingly, she returned to the lunch spot and enformed us that she was unable to get her coke from the machine. We returned with her to the scene of the crime to try and get coke from this evil machine. So, I put a dollar in, and out popped the coke. Excitedly, Sir Rupert grabbed the coke with eager anticipation. The coke flew out of her hands and landed smack dab on the floor creating a large puddle. While Sir Rupert went and found someone to clean up her mess, I bought a coke for myself and another for Sir Rupert, and this time carried it back to our lunch hangout. All was well until Sir Rupert started being smart again.