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Morbidly Beautiful... Tragically Lovely...

Updates (6.27.05):

I added a second page to the drawings section
(under art), a contact page (under My411), and three songs
(under art)
click here to see how far I've gone in website building:)

Matthew 11:28-30: Come to me, all you who are weary
and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am
gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest
for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light

I know we could never be together
Hatred will seperate us forever
Just know I'm always dreaming of you
And I together and our relationship renewed
But it's just a dream; it will never happen
That sad reality makes my spirit dampen
You go your own way, I go mine
You ask me if I'm ok, I say I'm just fine
But really depression has god the best of me
I want to let it go, I want to be free
But nothing on Earth could make me happy again
So I must look to heaven and not to man
I need to ask God for peace within
Because without Him I would be ashes in the wind
I need to be right with God
I need to think before I make you my Lord
So you can go, I'll be ok
I'll go my way, you can go your own way
Because I won't let you control me anymore
I just wanna be happy as I was before
So now I'll look to God and not to man
Because nothing on Earth could make me happy again...

-By MysteryOfTheThorn-
(don't worry I asked for their permission:))


New Life Fellowship
Generation Debbie
Beats n Blessings
Listen to Beats n Blessings artists
Girl Story Quizzes by me
Guy Story Quizzes by me
My Xanga