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Unreliable...The Band

Coolest things about our band

Unreliable Updates

Tonight, April 26, 2003, Daniel and Eric made two new songs. Only guitar and bass parts though. We have some lyrics already made to go with the tunes. We need Sandra to come over and make drum parts for the songs.

Unreliable is a band formed this year. This is a awesome band! We all have very small bent penises except our drummer who is a girl. We blame our parents for this. It doesnt matter though cuz our music is cool. Our drummer, Sandra, is leaving which is really sad! So we are going to have to find a new one.

Blink 182 has inspired me, the guitarist, and bassist, Daniel. We totally act like them. Our drummer, Sandra, has the best double bass drum pedle in the world {IRON COBRA}! It is a custom set Basix and lugwig mostly Basix. Pearl symbols. I have a Squire Strat electric guitar, and a Fender acoustic guitar. I have a Pevey amp. Dan, the bassist has a Johnson bass. Pretty cool looking!

Uhh basically we are going to go for a punk band but might throw in some harder rock! I have my distortion peddle which makes a hard rock sound. We arent exactly sure what kind of music we are going to have but hopefully its good. Ok well im going to masterbate now while thinking of YOU! JK! PEACE!

Unreliable Sites

Awesome Brands

Hurley, Atticus, Volcom, Zero, Fossil, DC shoes, Vans, Macbeth, Adio, Split, etc.

Cool Pictures that are kinda like ours until we can get actual pics of ours. The Surf Green and Light Blue one, Daniel and I will soon own. They are the Tom Delong Fender Strat and the Mark Hoppus Fender Bass.

Eric's Electric Guitar.

The Guitar I will one day own.

Eric's Acoustic Guitar.

Daniel's Bass.

Daniel's Dream Bass.

Daniel's Acoustic Bass which he is getting very soon!

Picks that we all use!

Unreliable's GUEST BOOK!

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We Would Like to Shout Out To...

...Tortex, Fender, Squire, all the drum companies mentioned, marshal and pevey amps, all of our friends,Colleen the groupie (she wanted this in here) , BLINK 182, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Fenix Tx, Third Eye Blind, Green Day,BoxCar Racer, Bowling For Soup,AFI...we are going to see them in concert on June 3rd!,Taking Back Sunday,AGAIN BLINK 182, and many many other bands...maybe one day we will tour with some of these bands. Hopefully Blink 182! There are many many more but the list would be much to long!