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The Trashcan Sinatras

JOHN DOUGLAS from the TRASHCAN SINATRAS was good enough to take time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us...

Questions by our own roving reporter, Úna Mullally...

Most people would compare you to The Smiths, but how do you personaly describe your music?>

I find it hard to describe music...all I can say is that it is essential.

Your last album, bar 'Zebra of the Family' was way back in 1996, what has been happening since then?

We have been living our lives as best we can.. making friends, working, playing the music, watching the world...

How did you overcome such great financial difficulties and what motivated you to keep going?

Financial difficulties are not rare round our we never felt too isolated. Life went on, lessons were learned, songs arrived now and again and angels eventually found us.

How has the band developed musically since then?

Musically, we've been at this for a good fifteen years now so we consider ourselves a know ..a proper band that makes a sound thats ours..we can have our off nights , but ,thankfully, they are rare.

TCS have had a long career, but arguably, most of its highlights are in the past, are TCS therefore optimistivs about the future?

We are the pheonix...

What can people expect from the new album? (due Feb/March)

Shades of Cole Porter, Fleetwood Mac, 1940s style harmonies, some rock n roll, ELO, ghostly women, string quartets, melodicas, songs as perfectly formed as the egg.

Why release a DVD?

So people can play it on thier DVD players

What albums will you be buying/blagging this month?

The Darkness, Scott Walker Boxed Set.

What aspect of the music industry/being in a band makes you lose your temper?

My temper is rarely lost...the only thing the music biz made me lose was interest.

The Darkness: Spinal Crap, or Rock Revolution?

I cannot believe how good they are.

Which current bands to you most admire/most despise?

Admire every one .. despise no one, as Sally Oldfield says "We are mirrors"

© Úna Mullally - The Word @ The HUB