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Jungle legend’s 4Hero hit the Temple Bar Music Centre on March 16th, but before that, Úna Mullally chatted to them about their illustrious career.

Ú:At this stage, how does it feel to be known as 'godfathers' of jungle?

4: OLD.....But Proud.

Ú: Charting the darker side of the rave scene through your music was an odddecision - why did you make it?

4: We wanted to inject some realism into the rave seen, we love the lighter side of rave too but wanted to balance it out with the darker sound. That sound allowed us to experiment more and understand the technology too.

Ú: Was being nominated for a Mercury Prize the highlight of the last few years?If it wasn't, what was?

4: It was a highlight and a very important stage for 4hero because it gave us some more focus from the music industry and made some important people in the industry take note. I also feel that we accepted the nomination on behalf of the whole drum and bass sceen.

Ú: Material you've released has almost always been categorised as 'ahead of its time'. Does that description mean anything to you? Do you agree with it?

4: Well we alway try to make our music 'timeless', so i guess been categorised as 'ahead of its time' is the same thing in a way.

Ú: Do you still have an appetite for performing live or do you prefer the studio's atmosphere?

4: Much prefer the studio but of late we have been getting quite an appetite for the live thing. And i feel we have learnt a lot since the last live shows we did so it would be good to go out there again. Maybe after our next LP.

Ú: You've worked with some amazing people, has there been a specific moment inany of these collaborations that has stuck with you?

Yeah The best moment was working with the great Roy Ayers. He came to our studio in Dollis Hill and made us all feel great. Working with him at that level also showed me why he is still the king of Jazz/soul/funk/fusion.

Ú: It has been a while since 'Creating Patterns' came out - what's next?

4: We have left talkin loud records and are releasing a new Album on our own label this winter. We have also put together a 4hero remix LP, due out March 29th 2004.

Ú: What can the Dublin crowd expect from the show?

4: All kinds of soulful music house, funk, D&B and BB. Good Music / Good Vibes / and pure love from the DJ's and MC