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Jeff Margera


Kings of skater rock and the blokes who provided the soundtrack to MTV’s ‘Jackass’, CKY hit The Ambassador on March 1st. Úna Mullally chatted to Jeff Margera, CKY’s drummer and brother of pro-skater and MTV star Bam Margera.

UM:Looking forward to an Irish live date?

JM:Yeah! We were just supposed to hit Scotland and England on this round, but we got a lot of requests to play Ireland, so we went with it. I’m really looking forward to Dublin – I’ve heard it’s a cool place.

UM: For those who are not to familiar with CKY, what’s your basic background?

JM: We kinda got our start through the skateboard world. We would do music for skate videos and stuff like that. That’s kinda how we built our fanbase, and then it just grew and grew from there. We go offers to do some movies and we got popular through that show, ‘Jackass’. We got a lot of exposure through that. And we had a video on MTV for a while, even before we got a record deal, just because they used our music all the time on that show. But sometimes people tie us to that, y’know? And that’s kinda annoying, but (bursts out laughing for no apparent reason) other than that, it’s cool.

UM: The new record, ‘Infiltrate_Destroy_Rebuild’, what’s it like?

JM: It’s original, different. It’s a rock record, but it’s definitely not, I mean, it’s like, a weird mutation of rock.

UM: I heard you have a special friendship with Mr. Axl Rose…

JM: It turns out that he was a big fan for a while, and then he offered us to open on the Guns & Roses tour here in America for a while, and we did. Then it ended because, uh, I don’t really know why actually! But it went for about a month and a half and then finally ended in Philadelphia a little bit early because I guess Axl got sick of tour.

UM: Were you surprised at how successful ‘Jackass’ became?

JM: It’s weird because, I mean, we just kind of went on music to ‘Jackass’ and then before we knew it, the ‘Jackass’ website and message board lit up: “what’s that song, what’s that song?” So it’s cool that they noticed it because they play tonnes of music on there that doesn’t really get noticed. Our song must’ve just stuck out. That was kind of flattering.

UM: So what can the Dublin crowd expect from the show?

JM: Just us pretty much raging for an hour and a half non-stop. When you come to our show, you pretty much just forget about all your problems or whatever and just rage – just rock out.