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Abbys Profile

Name: Mayor Abby Black
Age: 20
Birthday: 31st January
Pets: Kelly the Black and White Female cat, Mixy the Brown Female horse.
Car: Red Ferari
Clothes: She has a big wardrobe of clothes - see what shes wearing each day in her sig!


Manager/Owner Jobs

Manager of Village Souviner Shop | Manager of Mullberrybush Horse Riding Centre | Head of the Clinic.

Part-time Jobs

Part-time at the White Horse Pub | Helps at the Church | Works at the Supermarket


Depressed: She'll put her head in her hands and think about the past.
Sad: She'll try and get away from people but act like shes happy. She'll sing sad/slow songs.
Bored: She has nothing to do.
Happy: She'll go everywhere and go shopping with everyone she meets!
Hyper: She'll sing Rock Songs!
Guilty: She'll try to keep out the way and talk to friends.
Uncomfertable: She'll somehow try to get away.
Angry: She'll go somewhere quiet and if people ask what wrong will go mad at them!
In Love: She'll think and be really happy. Take friends somewhere special!

Cheering her up:
What an Enemy Can do: Say he/shes stupid and KEEP OUT HER WAY >:(
What a Stranger Can do: Compliment her and be kind ^.~
What a Normal Person Can do: Make her laugh and comfert her.
What a Friend Can do: Act like a friend and pretend theres nothing wrong with her.
What a Best-Friend Can do: Hang out with her, go shopping, do all Abbys favourite things!
What a 'boy-friend' Can do: Kiss her and tell her its ok.

Click Here To See Abbys Items And Money!