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Good Charlotte Quotes

Message from ATR message boards Benji: Tonight comes from ChikVicious, good screen name. Ok and it says ok I just found out my mom smokes week and I found out my best friends mom smokes weed too and it's kinda freaking me out and I'm finding out weird things about my mom and I really can't hang out with her anymore, what should I do? Joel: Hmm....Your mom smokes weed.... Benji: *Acts like he's holding dope* Relax man just open your mind up. Joel: I'd say if you, you know if you're concerned about her health or Benji: Actually turn her into the cops Joel: yeah call the police on her when you know she's gonna have one of her bong parties with all of her friends you know Benji: Set up a video camera and send it to us cause I wanna see what happens *Both laughing* More Quotes Benji: Our last video of the night is coming from Linkin Park. Funny story about Linkin Park on 2001 Ozzfest Chester got bit in the ass by a big spider Joel: Really.... Benji: He got really sick Joel: Sure it wasn't just Kelly Osbourne? Benji: No it was a spider Joel: Oh Benji: That was the brother's Lofler of Chevelle coming in at number 9 this week and the guys recently talked about whether it was harder playing as brother's in a band opposed to just friends and Pete said they have their fair share of fights but it doesn't involve fists anymore and they also said it would be nice if they could fire each other but their mom won't let them. Joel: very sweet Benji: Similar situation I've tried to fire Joel many times but my mom won't let me Joel: then he realizes he couldn't write any songs without me, he needs me. There we go, and now the Ataris coming in at number 8 with In This Diary, enjoy! Benji: *In goofy voice imitating Joel* "Then he realizes he couldn't write any songs without me" Benji: Now we got Audioslave coming in at number 6 this week and Chris Cornell says he had considered getting together with some of the guys of Rage even when he was in Sound garden *southern accent* I call that cheatin' Joel: *Southern Accent* That's what I call that too, it's adultery Benji: He first saw them at Lollapalooza in '96 and he thought they were on of the best live acts he had ever seen so when the opportunity came to play with them he jumped at it and now he'll get the chance to play Lollapalooza this summer as a part of Audioslave. His dreams are coming true. Joel: Chris all your dreams are coming true,I'm glad Benji: I saw them play at Amsterdam when we were on tour over there, he's got a great tan Joel: Yes he does Benji: that Chris Cornell Joel: Good tan Chris Benji: Good tan. Alright anyways Lollapalooza kicks off July 3rd one day before Independence day Joel: Ahh good observation Benji: Ever seen that movie? Joel: Yeah....I did......Will Smith Benji: Alright anyways, Jane's Addiction, Queens of the Stone Age, the Donnas, it's gonna be la la lots of fun hehehe *Joel looking at Benji like he's a dumbass* Benji: haha yeah Joel: Hey welcome to All Things Rock I'm Joel this is Benji Benji: I'm just shopping for skirts Joel: Yeah Benj is shopping for skirts. We're from the band Good Charlotte and this is our show on MTV where we play videos and Benj acts like an idiot Benji: *holds up skirt* this is nice Joel: Yeah it is *talks about the store they are in* Benji: *Holds up another skirt* It's pretty Benji: Linkin Park Joel: build monsters Benji: the D4 Joel: Travel across the world for you Benji: All Things Rock Joel: will be right back......You're stupid Joel: This is All Things Rock, you know on All Things Rock we play a vast array of many bands Benji: That's right Joel we do Joel: Benji told me to say that Benji: Bands like Linkin Park, Linkin Park, a band, a band that is epic is huge as a band could possibly get Joel: Recently on the cover of Spin they were named the biggest band on the planet Benji: I hung out with Mike Shinoda Joel: you say that a llllot Joel: You just saw the Exies and look out for them on the MTV's Campus Invasion tour their gonna be doing a couple dates with the Used and Finch both very good friends of ours Benji: go to to find out when the Campus Invasion is coming near you. You know there's gonna be lots of interactive games Joel. Joel: Yay Benji: Campus Invasion Tour Joel: Oooooo Benji: You can make your own band and make a CD and a picture Joel: You can get a, like on a roller coaster when you take pictures, kinda the same deal Benji: Oooooo....We're really excited Joel: Benji is really excited about it Benji: *Talking about D4* The opening track on the album is Rock and Roll Mother Fucker. Beep that out MTV, I don't want my mom hearing that. I'm sorry mom but it was on their album Joel: You're quoting Benji: I am Joel: what's up welcome to All Things Rock I'm Joel this is Benji Benji: yep Joel: He's my brother Benji: Yep Joel: We're from the band Good Charlotte Benji: Yep Joel: This is our show on MTV Benji: Yep Joel: So recently I picked up a copy of Revolver Magazine, I like to read music magazines Benji: is that right? Joel: yes and my friend uh, we're friends with Sum41, they're good friends of ours and my friend Deryck was doing an interview with Revolver and I said "Hey there's my friend Deryck in Revolver I'm gonna read it" and it's funny cause he's actually talking about my brother Benj here. So I'm gonna embarrass Benj on national TV. He says... Benji: Try me Joel: he says "Me and Benji from Good Charlotte always seem to hook up with the same girls. Maybe we've got the same taste or something but I'll be talking with them and they'll say "Do you know Benji from Good Charlotte?" (He sighs) and says yeah I know Benji... That's funny, that's a good freakin magazine article Benji: you know what, there's nothing wrong with making out with a girl here or there on the road Joel: But it's funny cause it's true Benji: There's no way that can be true cause you see Deryck, don't lie on me, we all know I hook up with dudes. Joel: Alright Benji: Alright here's Sum41 the Hell Song Joel: Go Ahead Sum41 Benji: It's all a lie, all a lie Joel: Welcome back to All Things Rock Benji: Welcome back to All Things Rock Joel: Ooooh.....yeah he's not funny is he Benji: *Shakes head no* Joel: Alright so it's time to close the show out, sad to say it but don't worry we'll be back. We'll always come back Benji: Yes we will Joel: Always will, don't worry we're here on MTV to stay Benji: Yes Joel: We've become fixtures in the MTV family Benji: stationary Joel: You know the president of MTV calls me all the time just to tell me how great our show is Benji: and we're the best vj's MTV has ever had, he said that to me. At least I think that's what he meant by "Could you get out of my way and let me in the elevator" Joel: Yeah *In unison* Anyways Benji: Yeah anyways Joel: Awkward Benji: awkward Joel: Yeah we're definitely gonna get fired now Benji: the next video of the night is coming from Chevelle, Pete Lofler says that pain is not something you should avoid, pain can make you grow Joel: I know what else can make you grow Benji: what else helps you grow? Joel: Green beans and broccoli Benji: that's right Joel Joel: and carrots Benji: that's right. Right, right. Some More Quotes Joel: Welcome back to All Things Rock Im Joel this is Benji Benji: Hi Joel: We are still here at Sweet and Vicious in New York City and Evanescence is still hanging on to number two again Benji: *chanting* Amy Lee, Amy Lee, Amy Lee Joel: That's right, shes in a nightgown, shes falling *Acts like hes falling* Benji: Yes "Bring me to life" is the song, Amy Lee is the singer Joel: You notice how when he's like pulling her, the dude, the rapper dude, is pulling her up on the thing *Benji and Joel making pulling gestures* Benji: I won't let ya fall; I won't let ya fall Joel: And her nightgown is kinda like, kinda showing her legs and your like wondering if your gonna see a little more, but you don't and she falls Benji: Amy I wouldn' let you fall girl, you know this, right Joel: I would hold on Benji: Now ummm Amy says that this song is about uh doing the same thing everyday, going through the motions and one day something snaps you out of it and you wake up and find out there' more to life Joel: The blind folds pull off your eyes Benji: Been lifted Joel: Who am I, Why am I here Benji:Well I think that's pretty deep, so uh Amy Lee Props*holds up fist* Evanescence Number2 Joel: Amy Lee and the rapper guy Benji: So your number one video this week is no surprise, Linkin Park. They've parked themselves..... Joel: *laughing* Benji: haha you like that Joel: You're so stupid dude Benji: At the top for three weeks now and their project revelation tour kicked off last month and their giving a little bit back to the troops. They resived they uh reserved a certain amount Joel: They resuved resived blah blah blah Benji: They they reserved a certain amount of tickets for the men and women of the military and their families, the passes are free and are gonna be distributed by a lottery or first come first served Joel: I got my camo on today, same reason Benji: that's right so here they are, we wanna thank Sweet and Vic....Sweet and Vicious Joel: Sweet and Vicssss vic vic and Benji! *Making fun of Benji cause he can't talk* Joel: We're gonna kick the show off with a video from cold Benji: you sure are Joel Joel: yes Benji: scooty scooter Joel: scooty scooty scooter Benji: scooty scooter ton Benji: Lets start the show off with a band called Cold Joel: Brrrrr *Acts cold* Benji: Yeeeaahhh Joel: You just saw the All-American Rejects Benji: Swing swing swing Joel: That's right and we have a story from those guys, recently they were in Daytona Beach Florida and if you kids Benji: Joel loves this story Joel: it's one of my favorites I have to tell you kids if you're interested. They were in Daytona Beach and Nick and Tyson decided to take a ride on a farris wheel *Moves arms like he's headed there while saying "do da do da do"* and uh the hydraulics on it blew. Squirted hydraulic fluid all over the place Benji: falling asleep here......boring Joel: freaked the guys out and the fire department came and squirted water all over them Benji: and the viewers of All Things Rock didn't care Joel: Ok, you didn't have to be so mean to me