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A Victim of Circumstance... A Sid Vicious Fanlisting
A Victim of Circumstance... A Sid Vicious Fanlist

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October 14, 2003... 12:03 PM Central Time
One new member added today! But that is all that is new. I live a busy life, so updates can be pretty rare! Sorry about that.
(Posted By Kat)
October 7, 2003... 11:53 AM Central Time
Over the last couple days, I posted a couple new people on the fanlist. Make sure that you all tell your friends and fellow Sid fans about this site!
(Posted By Kat)
September 21, 2003... 1:33 AM Central Time
There are two more members on the list... make sure to tell all of your friends who also love Sid to take the time to visit this site. I know it is not the greatest in the world, but I think it is still worth the trip to it!
(Posted By Kat)
September 9, 2003... 5:15 PM Central Time
All of the updates are done. So make sure to check out the new things. It is not much different, but I had to change it away from the frames format. Hope you like the new look.
(Posted By Kat)