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Kent Adam Murray






Name: Kent Adam Murray



House: Hufflepuff

Physical Description

 Kent is rather tall, just reaching 6' and is usually slouching. He is thin and lanky, lacking much muscle and doesn't really care. Kent has dark brown hair, often mistaken for black which is curly, and slightly overgrown, just above his ears.  Blue green eyes give him a slightly innocent appearance due to their pale color and strikingness. His skin is fairly tan, for he tends to spend a lot of time outdoors. He is usually found sporting a lopsided grin of some sort.

Kent, when not clad in robes is usually found in baggy jeans and some random rumpled t-shirt he grabs out of the closet in the morning. He is not one for formal wear, and to the embarrassment of many, he is always found wearing a pair of beat up old All-star Converse chucks.

Kent speaks with a fairly thick English accent. His wording is always proper with adults and teachers, or anyone with authority, but when talking to friends he tends to slack and use horrible slang.

Kent sports a pair of reading glasses during classes, due to the fact that he is basically blind as a bat without them, but refuses to admit it and never wears them outside of classrooms. He also always wears a thin silver chain, a gift from his grandmother on the day of his birth.


 Over all Kent is basically a nice guy, though he has a bit of issues to work out. 

He is a bit obsessive, needing to have everything neat and organized. Unlike most guys he is a bit of a neat freak, and usually has to have things squeaky clean. Unless of course it has something to do with his appearance. Then he doesn't mind looking like a mess. Kent is clumsy, and is always knocking something down. Though he does not enjoy it, he is usually making fun of himself.

Kent is usually quick on his feet and quite logical when it comes to certain situations, though he is known to loose his temper randomly. When Kent is angry, he is very angry. Basically he wears his emotions on his sleeve most of the time, and it is easy to tell what he is thinking or how he is feeling. Though Kent is not the brightest person in the world, he is quite intelligent.

Always loving a good joke, Kent likes participating in pranks and any other sorts of activities that involve this blowing up and exploding. 

Kent, like any other testosterone crazed male is quite girl obsessed. He adores flirting, and will probably do so with any girl that he finds attractive. Though he is known to do that, he is quite picky with those that he goes out with, and makes sure they're very good friends before he does so.



Kent was the first born into what would later turn into a very large family. He has 7 other brothers and sisters, by the names of Hannah(13), Briant(11), Jake(10), Myra(8), Lissah(8),Jeanetta(5) and Michael (3). His home is in Liverpool, England, and he lives with his parents, but ends up spending most of his summers at the home of his grandmother, Althea Crawford due to the fact that he always tends to do something wrong.

Kent was named after his grandfather Kenneth Crawford who was a well known auror back in his day, and died fighting Voldemort, before Kent was born. 

Kent's parents, Kylen Murray and Fredrick Murray both work for the ministry but in different branches. Kylen deals with illegal spell casting and Fredrick deals with hunting down unregistered Animagi.

Kent, growing up didn't really show any signs of magic and his, oh so supportive, grandmother was quite convinced that he was a squib. Luckily, he saved himself from ridicule and got accepted to Hogwarts just in time. His grandmother, was not too pleased at being proved wrong, and lets just say he isn't her favorite grandson.