Pungent Ass Hair
It's been like a couple of months and look at our marvelous production, one comic that i made in 5 fucking minutes! Go checkit out It's called Low Quality Fun! we've sunk to a new low... I intend to update more in the future, hopefully get some more comics out and something in the movie section, oh and i really should figure out how to space these fucking news boxes apart... Until then check out whats happening at Fence Post Records I'm organizing a super cool battle of the bands, Later non existential readers.
Eh, put my art up. It's in the art and more section. ... enjoy?
Liam here, co-webmaster and coder I guess you could call me... Anyways, just introducing myself to all you... people... that... are... non-existent. >_> <_<
Oh, and I suppose I'm kind of the avatar artist. And I made the map for the navbar, and the background. Other than that, I'm a waste of space. ^_^;
Latex Wound
Oi Oi! It is 3 am in the morning and my usual time to update. Theres a lot of new stuff on the site starting off with the first comic Latex wound number one check it out in the Comics Section also i've been boasting some literature in the Art and More Section where I encounter a creepy eleven year old girl on the internet... and rant about the american system YAY! Stay tooned, art by Liam, poems by myself are coming soon along with a new Latex Wound Comic every monday and friday. As the Japanese would say sianara!
Punker Then Jesus
Greetings non existent readers. as you can see thanks to the genius that is liam we now have a navigator on this shithole website. Now all we need to do is figure out how to align the news columns with the nav bar. Oh and some comics and shit would be nice too! I'm filming the first video tommarow and i have no idea what i'm gonna tape but in the long run it'll be cool. But untill we actually have anything interesting on this site check out these sites: Mall Monkeys, ingedient X, Adbusters Society Thats all for now loosers.
Greetings thought criminals and web comic junkies. welcome to the vision of anarchy... The New Reject Punks! this site will contain all the old gimmicks of the old site, featuring Matt, Jc and Mike and now the Canadian flubs of Dillon and Eric. We will also have a web comic under the same name and lots and lots of music! In Association with Fence Post Records this site is going to rock your casbah. Oh and mind the lame Html for now. Dillon's a how you say... Newb. Don't fret quite yet because this site is going to grow to such porportions you'll soil yourself in amazment. Peace Out Dillon.
Comic News Toons Video The Punks Noise Art & More