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Punk Boys

By Abi Riot

For the past few years, I have dated my share of punk (this also includes skins too-dont think you could get out of it) boys, with all different back grounds, family scructures, life styles, and priorities- but I have yet to date a punk man. I want to start off by make the following fact visible: that its very true that when you compare a punk boy at the age of 16 to almost any another "normal" member of society his same age you can see that many punk boys have been forced to act like men, and take on abnormal responsibilities(just as much as girls as well). From an early age, young punks have their own views, beliefs and ideals that differ from the rest of the world, they are forced to be pushed out into a society who hates them and be vanurable and feel rejection and hatred and take on many daily struggles that other kids their age dont- they also often see things and experience things that other kids their same age may never even experience in their entire lifetimes- so compaired to other young people- they are mature. While any other normal teenager may spend their teenage years going to school, hanging out at malls, having football practice, punks are dealing with cops, fights, violence, loyality, independence, didication and a shocking grasp on reality that far exceeds anything that the shopping football players can comprehend. In this sense, they are extrememley mature and realistic. But thats where it ends. Punk guys are so wrapped up in their scene, and the role that they must play that they are total ass holes to women. They all are so pumped up on ego and their anger to understand a woman. Men and women have very different views and emotions about sex, and love. Its a proven fact: Women will think about a guy extensivly for a long period of time- about "Will he call, does he like me? what does he think of me? What if he doesnt like me? What if we start dating? What if he got me pregnant? what if we got married?" Laugh all you want- but its true. And so all of this thinking, women subconciously create a bond with a guy- while all the guy has thought is "i wonder if shes a good lay"- and has no idea about the womans thoughts. Women will lay down in front of a guy and give up their heart with open hands, even those of us who play hard to get, we still give up everything for guys... and why do we do it? Because we think too much. For some reason feel that since we have given up everything that if we dont get their hearts and equal love in return that we arent good enough- that there is another woman- that there is something wrong with us. Its a sick thing. So in truth- boys shouldn't be punished for just being out of the loop and not even being aware of a womans feelings- but they should be more considerate. My final conclusion on that is that as soon as a punk boy can become aware of a womans emotions and can respond with having actual emotions for himself- then he will become a punk man. Though boys are always so "fuck off everyone"- they are too blind to see that if they mature up a little bit and stop making spraypainting anarchy signs on the side of buildings a priority- and just show women the slightest bit of love and attention, they could probably get a lot more of that sex that they love so much. Perhaps the only reason that young relationships fail so easily is the lack of effort from the male side. I find it so odd that women and men should be together- there are so many blinding differences between the two. And, I find it even harder to believe that its possible for two punks to be together. There is already so much conflict and chaos in a punks life- how are you supposed to find love in the middle of all of that? The future of punk rock love is a dimly lit, deplorable path that ive seen very few fallow their entire lives- let alone longer than a month. The only way things will change is if punk boys, become punk men, a little quicker in life.