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WeLcOmE tO tHe RaNdOm WoRlD Of ~MoLlY~

mY FaVoRiTe BaNdS (in no order)

FaVoRiTe WeB SiTeS (click one goddamn you)

Colleens aol home page(theres a picture of my hand on this site. so if you wanna see a pic of my hand in some stuff that me and colleen mixed together in her kitchen :::CLICK HERE::: that stupid stuff dyed my hand red )
Good Charlotte
the drive
New Found Glory's site
BRAND NEW!!!!!!!!
Senses Fail

6-23-03 im making a website with colleen, ill keep you updated on that. i have an interview with The Drive pretty excited ************************************************************************************************************ ~~~3/13/03~~ A magical meat-monkey is punchin Pokey in da head. NOO Pokey!! i sez. but Pokey die and the magical adventure begins in her pooh. WHA-HOO!!!! uhhh........ for thoes of you who dont know already know i have a new AIM screen name its dreaminareality3 after the song Dreaming a Reality by Senses Fail. so,umm, IM me whenever your on, most likely ill just be downloading a song or SNOW SUCKS IT SHOULD GO TO HELL WHERE IT CAME FROM.... dont ask ************************************************************************************************************ --2/13/03-- *One Eight Seven* by Senses Fail----- It's so nice sitting very still. In a room where no on else can feel. The pain that breaks my heart each day. I'm not ok. The sunlight shining through my window, lets me know that i'm still alive. But why did I ever let you inside my heart. I'm such a fool. Paint my face in shades of blood and grey, and take the seat right next to me. But I should've know you were a killer and now I'm dead. A gaping hole, shot threw my heart. A loss of connection from your poisoned dart shot from your tounge to end my life. But in blowing at the fire, you light your strife.You'll never know, oh you'll never know. That the hardest thing about dying is, knowing you'll never see the light of day. A gaping hole, shot threw my heart. A loss of connection from your poisoned dart. My head it now spins, my ears bleed gold. I try so fucking hard, but I don't fit your mold. you ripped my heart out, you tore my eyes out and now your gonna pay. I'll stab you one time, I'll eat your heart out, so you feel my pain. Don't you know that, I always see you, in all my dreams. I wanna kill you. I wanna kill you. And now I've gone insane. Insane.-------wow i love that song. BUY THE EP OR DOWNLOAD THE SONG if you can find the ep that is because its great. VIOLENCE IS FUN its like a never ending search for that ep BUT, BY GOD I WILL FIND IT SOMEWHERE anyways.... hey! its valentines day tomorrow!! im excited. no, i really am. *****I HEART YOU RICK***** ;)Rick, i'm sooooooo sorry, i think i spelt your last name wrong on the message thing!!! forgive me?? please?? i'll make it up to you, i swear it!! UM.... hey everybody, im eating a brownie isnt that just wonderful?? arent you exciteced?? mmmmmmmm.....brownie...... Jenny,i think you should make your own site, me and colleen have one so you should too. no wait dont make one cause i want people to actually READ this... its not much to read though, ive heard. just today at color guard practice, marie told me that as she was reading this she just like couldnt think straight. thats the reaction i wanted :::evil laughter::: I THOUGHT IT WERE A CHIGGER, BUT IT WERN'T NO CHIGGER!! SPOOKY!! SO I RAN! BUT IT WERE... HEY YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!!! happy noodle boy rocks!!!!! ************************************************************************************************************** §§january 22,2003§§ ok, ok i know. i did it again. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT?? I DONT CARE!!!! THATS RIGHT I DONT CARE!!! I'LL WRITE IN THIS FUCT UP THING WHENEVER I WANT!!! hey, i have discovered a new love in my life. by that i mean that i found a new band to love. i like to call this band: Senses Fail. they're going on tour with FINCH AND THE MOVIELIFE!!!! i dont know when theyre coming to M.A. or even IF, but im praying that they do come here. as of last weekend i have been on a search for the liaf sesnes EP and by God i will find it. i have a story to tell you!!!! arent you excited?? i am cause its about ketchup. and this is a true story it REALLY happened its not like my "boot" story (see below) this is true. i know cos i was there and i have my stained pants and shoes as proof. ok. on sunday i went over colleens house and her mom bought chicken and french fries, i convinced colleen to let me have most of the fries since im a vegitarian and dont eat chicken. i got a little carried away with putting ketchup on her chicken and next thing ya know there's half of the bottle of ketchup on her chicken. i guess she got mad after i put that white stuff on her food cause she threatened to squirt ketchup on me. so i grabed her computer chair pulled into the corner of her garage and hid behind it. i didnt think she would ACTUALLY try to get me with ketchup but if i hadnt have ducked she would have got me square in the forehead. this is taking too long to write so ill skip the action and get to the aftermath-cause that what it was,the aftermath-DUN DUN DAAA. the back of the computer chair has a big red X on it, the rugs have red spots, not to mention the stainson my pants and shoes, and i had ketchup in my hair. ************************************************************************************************************** 1/1/03!!!! hey its new years and i know that i havent updated my site recently.... can you ever forgive me?? please, i promise that i wont go this long without updating again -I SWEAR TO GOD I WONT!!!!! FORGIVE ME GOD DAMN YOU!!!! by the way......i hope ya'll had a wonderful new years cos i did. i went over neellocs house and we watched mtv untill like 12:30. WE SAW GOOD CHARLOTTE PERFORM!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE but we missed yrolg dnouf wen ~~sVeN SAAAAAAAAAD~~ :::sNiF::: .....uuuuummmm.....mmyep...UM..... soooo...... ok, so, i would like to tell you ANOTHER story. a story that is much different than the one about my "rad boots". it is a story about an elephant. the story about the elephant is sad. you will cry about the sad story about the elephant. you will cry long and hard about the sad story about the elephant. do you know WHY you will cry long and hard about the sad story about the elephant??? WELL WAIT TILL I TELL YOU THE SAD STORY ABOUT THE ELEPHANT THAT WILL MAKE YOU CRY LONG AND HARD ABOUT!!!!!!!! so, lets get this sad story about the elephant that will make you cry long and hard about started.....(ahem) Once upon a time in a land far, far away-namely Koorbllim- lived an elephant. the elephants name was willbert. willbert was an elephant. DNE EHT see??? wasnt that just SOOOO SAD???? that story has left me depressed and that im like wobbly headed bob.... im so alone.... i think i like happy noodle boy better than wobbly headed bob. yeah... BUY ME MENTOS THERE F*CKIN MINTY I TELLS YA APEASE MY MIGHTY ASSNUT I DEMAND TO BE MINTY... YOU DENY ME FRESH MAKER yeah i like happy noodle boy better <~sVeN~> ************************************************************************************************************** 12/20/02 ok i have officaly given up pressing (unless im doing a Channel 27 report because those people have to be just so darn proper)the shift key cause im too lazy to reach over even though its just a matter of pressing the key with my pinky. ahhhhhh well..... ok i have a true story to tell you. so here it goes... so this one day this week....i think it was tuesday........ no wait i didnt come to school tuesday cause i didnt do a science project that had been assigned for think it had to have been monday..... yeah, monday. so anyways, i had gotten up late and i was rushing around getting my shit together then i put on my shoes and left to catch the bus. as i walked in to the school i was stopped by this kid and he asked me why i was wearing boots? i looked at the kid then down at my feet and then back at the kid and then down at my feet then back up at the kid then to my feet and then at the kid then at my feet and then the kid gave up walked away. however i was confused, i had no idea what the hell he was talking about. i wasnt wearing any boots.... i was wearing the vans that i wear everyday. so as i reached my locker, my friend jenny was all ready there. she said, "hi molly, i see your wearing boots. too bad it isnt snowing, huh?" and i said, "huh?? what?? im not wearing boots" "ok molly, whatever you say" still confoosed, i started getting my science stuff out of my locker. then monica (christine) came over and completely overlooked the fact that i "was wearing boots". so, next comes kristen, and jenny was like, "look kristen, molly's wearing boots!" and i say, "oh my God!! i am NOT WEARING BOOTS!!!!!!" kristen, always being supportive says, "its ok, your boots are cool. i like the color. its a pretty light blue-it kind of matches your jacket." neelloc (colleen) comes up just as i scream "AGAIN,IM NOT WEARING BOOTS!! IM WEARING MY VANS!!" colleen looks at my so called boots and says, "your boots are rad, toatally rad dude. its like, man, go hits those waves" disturbed by her pointless and nfg-nothing gold can stay-hidden track like comment,i stayed quiet and finished getting my things for first period together.they didnt keep up their incessant(<---VOCAB WORD!!!) reassurence that i was wearing boots after i flipped out at them. and then rick (who needs a nickname) came over and said, "hey, nice boots." now i was really mad and confused beyond belief and was like, "DEAR GOD, WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TELLING ME THAT IM WEARING BOOTS??!! COS IM NOT!!!" by this point i was on the ground, hugging my knees and rocking back and forth with my books scattered on the ground aruond me. by the way i dont think ive ever flipped out on rick.... ah well, theres always a first..... rick was like, "whoa..." and starts to slowly back away from me.ok, i would like to stop the TRUE story for a minute to say that CHRISTINES PEN IS IMMORTAL!!!!!! IT WONT DIE!!!did it die YET???? back to the story.... this story is REALLY long so i shall end it...... then the 7:30 bell rang, i picked up my books and went to class. THEEEE EEEEND i hope you liked my true story. i should tell you right now that most of that story didnt happen... i know i said it was true but i lied caus im a lier. but i did wear boots and denied that i was wearing them when people asked.... ************************************************************************************************************** 12/17/02 Welcome to Channel ummm..... 27!! news. In this hour our team will bring you up to the minute updates on todays headlines. First we'll take you first hand into Molly's CD cases. Now we throw it over to Molly sitting in that hard wooden chair in front of that insult of a computer. Molly... Thanx Bob! These two PURPLE CD cases that I am now holding in my hands are full with the yummy goodness of punk music. Back when i hadn't downloaded "Snood" or started this big waste of time that I like to call my homepage I did either one of four things: 1.Play Solitare(either on the computer or with an ACTUAL deck of cards) 2.Listen to music 3.Stare at the wall(I've wasted alot of time this way) OR 4.Completely empty both of my CD cases and alphabetize or realphabetize ALL my CD's. The first CD you see when I open the first case would be my burnt Alkaline Trio-Goddamnit CD (*NOTE:MOST OF MY CDS ARE BURNT, thanx leen!!), next is my burnt Atticus-Dragging the Lake, then Avril Lavigine-Let Go(burnt and the only pop CD in here), Blink 182-Dude Ranch(NOT BURNT), Blink 182-Enema of the State(NOT BURNT), Blink 182-The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show(burnt), Blink 182-Take off Your Pants and Jacket(burnt), Boxcar Racer(burnt), Fenix TX-Lechuza(burnt), Flogging Molly-Drunkin Lullibies(NOT BURNT), Good Charlotte(burnt, but i wanna buy the actual CD), Good Charlotte-The Young and the Hopeless(NOT BURNT, im listining to this CD right now)...UM...Green Day-Dookie(burnt), Green Day-Nimrod(burnt), Green Day-Warning(burnt), Green Day-International Superhits(burnt), Incubus-Morning View(burnt), Jimmy Eat World-Bleed American(burnt), Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory(burnt), Linkin Park-Reanimation(NOT BURNT), TWO burnt mix cds(i dont even know whos on either one), New Found Glory-Nothing Gold Can Stay(burnt), AND New Found Glory-From the Screen to Your Stereo(burnt). And that is the First of my two CD cases. We'll be back in a moment with my other CD case. And now a word from our sponsor:::This Report has been beought to you by Family Dollar-Most everything in this store is shat but you can buy a pack of 3 lighters for a dollar::: ************************************************************************************************************** 12/15/02 you have no idea how lon--SPOPNGEBOB PAPER TOWELS!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE SPONGEBOB PAPER TOWELS!!!!!!!!!! I SO EXCITED!!!!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my mom is gonna have to fight these paper towels from me. hey, im wearing my rad boots.... theyre RaD. yeah so, im gonna have a Boca Chik'n patty for lunch cos its lunch time. i hope its good cos ive never had a Chik'n Boca thing before and cos im hungry. SVEN HUNGRY!!!! FEED SVEN!!!!! ************************************************************************************************************** 12/14/02 GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!! i just spent a hour and a half setting this page up and what happens????? I FORGOT TO SAVE THE DAMN THING!!!!!!! grrrrrrr....... MOLLY MMMMMMMAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::sniff::: i had this long and toataly random thing written about glasses and cats on this god forsaken text block and thats all i remember about it. CATS AND GLASSES!!!!!! i know what you're thinking--why would anyone want to talk about cats and glasses OR galsses and cats??!! well, i DID want to talk about cats and glasses and now im talking about how i WAS talking about cats and glasses!!!!! and if i had saved the thing on cats and glasses you would be reading the thing on cats and glasses and if you have a good sence of humor you probably be laughing at the thing on cats and glasses. and i also said that i was listinind to Flogging Molly but the CD ended a while ago. ima listing to Atticus now :)
