“Oh Canada” by Classified plays as The Crazy Kanook makes out way out to a huge ovation from the sold out crowd. He confidently walks down the ramp and poses inside the ring as the fans in attendance chant his name. Kanook grabs a microphone and gets serious as his music slowly dies down.

Kanook: I am not out here to waste any time. You see, for the last few weeks I have had a pest to deal with called Robert Mastro. Time and time again he gets in my business and it’s about time I settle this once and for all. Later tonight, my partner and current Xtreme Champion Blaze Rodriguez and myself will absolutely annihilate Pike Lorenzo and Mastro but you know something, I don’t feel like waiting. Robert Mastro, I am calling you out right now, right here in Hershey, Pennsylvania, boy.

The fans pop loudly as Kanook looks up the ramp and waits for Mastro. Several seconds pass and nothing happens.

Kanook: I will wait out here all night if I have to. Mastro, come out of your hiding place and face me like a man.

Nothing happens and Kanook seems to get slightly agitated.

Kanook: Oh I get it. You are too big of a bitch to meet me face to face. You are too big of a coward. Mastro, I’m not going anywhere. Get out here, NOW!

Silence follows and just before Kanook speaks again Robert Mastro is shown live in the backstage area talking into the camera.

Mastro: Me come out there? Now why would I do that? So I can kick your ass again like I have been doing for the last couple of weeks? Please.

Kanook is visibly furious as Mastro continues.

Mastro: The fact is I have your number. Last Showdown I humiliated you and at Hell on Earth I will prove to the world that it should had been me who main evented Xtreme Mania. I am no longer a rookie in this place Kanook, that would be you. I plan on making everyone regret ever choosing your worthless carcass over mine. I had the feud of the year. I have main evented several Showdowns and I have tag champion before. I am the real deal. You are nobody.

Kanook: You talk a lot for a man who is hiding backstage like a little bitch!

The fans pop as Mastro laughs.

Mastro: I am not afraid of you Kanook. I’m not backstage because I’m hiding. I’m merely saving you a beating. Later tonight I will see you in that ring and I will give you just a preview of what I will do to you at Hell on Earth.

Kanook: You listen to me and you listen to me well you son of a bitch. I’m coming for you and I won’t stop until I kick your ass all over this god damned building. You hear me?

Mastro: Loud and clear. See you tonight Clown-boy.

The feed is cut off as Kanook drops the microphone and looks around as his theme song plays. He makes his way to the back as we cut to…

Opening Match: Kazadine vs Zero

Zero is already in the ring when Kazadine makes his entrance accompanied by Paige. The referee signals for the bell to ring and the match gets underway. The lock up in the center ring as the fans start booing. They break it up and look around and work the crowd but they won’t buy it. They lock up again in the center ring and Kazadine pushes Zero into the corner. He nails a left and a right as the fans continue booing loudly.

Zero drops to the mat and Kazadine looks around and screams at the crowd frustrated when suddenly “Back in the Saddle” by Aerosmith plays. “The Crippler” Chris Benoit walks out the ramp as Kazadine stops in the ring and stares at him. The fans chant “Benoit gonna murder you” as Benoit slides right into the ring and hits Kazadine with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Zero gets up and charges Benoit and gets hit with a belly to belly of his own. The referee immediately waves the match off.
Winner: No Contest

Benoit picks up Kazadine and drops him German release suplex. As Zero gets up, Benoit his him with another German suplex. Benoit climbs the ropes as the fans cheer him on before dropping a big time headbutt on Kazadine. Benoit gets up and looks at the fans as a trickle of blood flows down his forehead. He rubs his head and looks at the blood and raises his fist loudly as the fans pop loudly.
Zero gets up slowly and Benoit immediately applies the crippler crossface. Zero taps out immediately and screams loudly for Benoit to stop. Benoit is seen mesmerized as he pulls back with a look of satisfaction. After a couple of seconds he lets go and gets up and looks at both men downed on the mat. He grabs a microphone and looks around.


The fans pop when Paige enters the ring and pushes Benoit back as the fans “ohhhh”. Benoit looks at her and shakes his head when Paige slaps him. Benoit shrugs and kicks her in the midsection and drops her with a spiked piledriver. Benoit gets up and looks around as the fans are stunned and silent.


The crowd erupts with cheers as Benoit nods proudly. Fans throw bibles at him which he picks up and places at the feet of his opponents. Benoit poses in between the bodies and smiles.

Benoit: Chris Falkenyork, I know you are watching. What you just saw is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you. You think I’ve avoided you for a decade? Please. I have spared you for a decade. At Hell on Earth you finally get your wish. You finally get to fight “The Crippler” Chris Benoit and not only will you tap out but you will end up with a bible on your feet wishing I never granted you this match in the first place. At Hell on Earth, I will murder another elite and continue my bloody path towards the XWF Heavyweight Championship.

Benoit drops the microphone and does the slit throat gesture as the fans pop and “Back in the Saddle” begins to play. Zero is seen moving and trying to get up so Benoit punt kicks him. Zero is down motionless and Benoit readjusts the bible, thumbs up the crowd and walks back up the ramp as the scene cuts to…

Main Event Non-Title Match: World Champion "The Modern Day Monster" Rage vs Chris Falkenyork

Falkenyork comes out first and is joined by Carlos Shotgun who points at Falkenyork and reassures him he has this. Shotgun and Falkenyork confidently walk down the ramp and get into the ring. Shotgun pats Falkenyork in the back confidently before exiting to the outside. Falkenyork warms up as Only by Nine Inch Nails begins to play.

The XWF Heavyweight Champion, Rage, comes out holding his title high up in the air. He looks at Falkenyork confidently and wastes little time getting into the ring. Rage stares at Falkenyork and looks at Shotgun who points at his new sunglasses and flips Rage off. The bell rings and the match officially begins.

Falkenyork immediately rushes Rage and hits him with lefts and rights. Rage pushes him back and York rolls to his feet and hits Rage with more lefts and rights. Rage throws a big right and York avoids it and drives his shoulder into Rage’s midsection. Rage is pushed back into the corner turnbuckle and York immediately charges at Rage. Rage catches York as he goes for the splash and reverses positions. Rage hits York with a stiff right to the ribs and lefts and rights to the head. York drops down to the mat and rolls outside to the floor as Shotgun immediately checks on him on the outside.

The referee counts as Rage taunts York to get back in the ring. Shotgun reassures York he can do this as York nods confidently and climbs back into the ring. York fakes a lock up before driving his shoulder again into Rage’s midsection. York runs the ropes and hits Rage with a clothesline but Rage refuses to go down. York runs them again and hits a clothesline but Rage counters with a big sidewalk slam.

York gets up and Rage drops him with a scoop slam before picking York up by the hair. He hoists York up into a bear hug. Shotgun is seen cheering York on. York starts hitting stiff jabs to Rage’s face. Rage loses his grip and York rakes the eyes. York immediately runs the ropes and hits a running drop kick to the knees of Rage. Rage goes down to one knee and York runs the ropes one more before drop kicking the other knee causing Rage to fall down in a kneeling position.

York wastes no time and proceeds to fire off some kicks to the mid section and to the head. Rage is in trouble as York runs the ropes one more and charges at Rage. Rage immediately gets up and grabs Falkenyork by the throat. He lifts Falkenyork up for a chokeslam but York slips out and quickly whips him over the top rope to the outside.

York gets in the referees face and signals that Rage pulled his hair. The referee argues back that he did no such thing. Rage gets up on the outside and gets ready to to re-enter when out of nowhere Shotgun rushes him and nails The Bong Hit (Russian legsweep) through the protectivebarricade. The fans explode as Rage is out cold and Shotgun quickly runs away.

The referee looks to the outside and sees Rage laid out through the barricade. He looks at Shotgun who innocently raises his arms and shrugs. The referee starts the count. 1…2…3…4… Rage is seen moving his arms and legs. 5….6…. Rage opens his eyes and slowly sits up and looks at the ring… 7…8… Rage crawls to the mat and grabs the apron …9… Rage gets up… 10!

Winner Via Countout: Chris Falkenyork

The referee signals for the bell to ring and immediately Shotgun throws Rage in the ring. Falkenyork proceeds to stomp Rage in the back of the head and is quickly joined by Shotgun as they both stomp down on the champion. Falkenyork picks up Rage by the hair as Shotgun continues htting lefts and rights. Falkenyork hoists him up on his shoulder and looks around before dropping him with a huge Go 2 Sleep.

The fans boo as Shotgun stands over Rage with a microphone.

Shotgun: This is what you get when you mess with The Elite, Rage. You get your ass whoop-

Rage opens his eyes and slowly sits up to the shock of Shotgun and York. They proceeds to stomp him down again. Shotgun picks up Rage by the hair, hits him in the mid-section and sets him up for the Bullet Bomb. With the help of Falkenyork he gets him up and drops him down with a massive Bullet Bomb. Shotgun nods confidently as Falkenyork pats him in the back proudly.

Shotgun: Like I was saying. When you mess with The Elite you get your ass whooped, Rage. And at Hell on Earth your so called Elite Killer status will be shattered as the era of The Elite finally takes over-

Rage sits up and opens his eyes filled with anger and hatred. He looks at Shotgun and Falkenyork who look at Rage shocked. Falkenyork goes to attack but Shotgun stops him and signals for them to exit the ring. They quickly do and Rage slowly gets up.

Shotgun: I want you to know the only reason we aren’t in that ring beating the living shit out of you is because I want there to be enough of you left at Hell on Earth. The XWF Championship belongs to The Elite and you will know firsthand the lengths I’m willing to go in order to get back my championship. See you soon "Modern Day Monster".

Shotgun drops the microphone and exits the stage alongside Falkenyork as Rage motions for them to get back in the ring. A staff member hands Rage his championship title and he points at it before raising it high and the air and extending it towards the camera as the scene fades to black.