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I thought i would put a web site out bout me!
i have the best friends ever (2 bad they picked a bad hiskewl 4 next yr!! so i cant see them ne more!!LoLz) 

School Friends: 

 LiLLian, Ashley, Kaitlin, Bailey, Sarah-Jane, Sheena, Megan, Samantha, Tej, Sam, Kris, Marco, Shawn, Stuart, Kent, Johnny 

Camp Friends:

Justine, BrittAny, Jenna, Jordan, Jase, Christian, Paul, Philip

Im in Gr 8 and I go to Toniata Public School.
Im Graduating frum there and then I am goin to TISS. I can't wait until the summer bcuz then i get to go and see my friends frum camp and hang out with them ALL summer!

As you could probably tell I like cartoon pics! but o well!! what can u do bout it?? LoLz

Mail Me!!
(if u have ne comments on this pg!!)