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Dang its been a while since ive written in here, but the again NO ONE READS IT!!!! AND WHATS THE POINT OF HAVING A CONTACT SECTION IF NO ONE IS GOING TO E-MAIL SUGGESTIONS!! YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!! WAIT THERE IS NO PEOPLE!! ok im done. anyways I put up a new song, check that out. its called the MOuntain Dew Song.

six/twent-four/three(by 24 min.)
Woo we added our two new songs just now, check out United We Fall, and I credit that one fully to Sean. And then there is Against the Flow, that one is Sam's song. Thats all that was added, so I will check the site tomorrow. (I have the feeling I am talking to no one lol)

Not much to say, just me and sean are writing two very good songs right now, they are almost finished. Expect to see them up tomorrow (i say that like there is actually someone reading this and will check tomorrow). I "copyrighted" the lyrics that we already had. Yep thats it.

six/twenty three/three
Didn't do anything yesterday, but then again there wasn't much to do. I fixed the pictures that didn't load though so that's good. We're working on our third song, I will put the lyrics up once they are completed. If anyone has any suggestions you can e-mail either one of us. If so head on over to the contact page. l8er calculators

six/twenty one/three
We put up a lot more pics, but some of them dont load right. Im tired so I will check that out tomorrow. We practiced a lil, and i think thats it.

We are looking for a can ask to apply but we aren't gunna pick any old stranger so think before you act... We finished Desolation and we took some pics and we will update those when we get them developed. We have two songs right now, and we're looking to have 5 and get a demo... hopefully it will be out before highschool starts. but we're gonna have to put a lot of work into it. E-mail us if you want more information(check contact page for address).

Got the site up today, need to write bios, get pics, put up another page, and add more lyrics. So pretty much a lot of work to do.