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My Hobbies

My name is Bret M Olsen. I'm a student at Clark College studying Graphic Communications. When I'm not studying for class, I try to get out and ride my motorcycles. My family and I enjoy riding and camping. We all ride and my 9 yr old son races Motorcross. On weekends we travel to different racetracks and watch my son race. The traveling and sport of racing keeps us very busy

On weekends that we don't race we camp and ride in the woods. Some of the places we ride are Browns Camp located in the Tillamook forest, also known are the Burn, (because of the fire of 1945). Other places include China Hat and Four Corners, all located in near Bend Oregon.


this is a cool picture I got at Webshots
This is a cool photo

Riding Pictures
Woodland Moto Park Pictures
My HTML Instructor's Web Site

If you like to ride and know of cool places to go send me an email.