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Autotopsy magizine

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Low down<---p>Hi I'm kyle im the head edior of autotopsy magazine. Its my own little online mag so dont bother looking for it at a news stand. any way this site will feature latest news and awsome pictures primarally fords Paul sr.- pretty much the back bone of the whole thing.

Paul jr.- the master fabricater for almost all the theme bikes. He's the one the comes up with ideas and then pretty much builds them.

Vinnie-best friend of Paul jr. and master electrition. Also helped build most of the bikes,for instance the camachee bike.

Cody- Cody is the youngest of the occ crew yet still is just as cool as the rest.He has built the cody project and the old school bike.

Mikey- What is there to say about Mikey?He is the younger brother of Paul jr.In his career at occ he has only made one bike, his musiclly inspired blue's brother's bike.

  • Bikes

  • Black Widow Bike- This was occ's most complicated bike in my opinion.After all you have to emit it, I mean with all the webbing.It was every where, the gastank was lined with them, the the wheels were giant web and so where the handle bars.With all the fabrication this was definatly one of their best!!!

  • Fire man Bike- this is definatly the greatest bike occ has ever built.Like I was saying how many people would build a chopper to honor the victems of 9/11?One of the coolest things about this bike is that they have an actual piece of the Twin Towers on it!!

  • Blues Brothers Bike-(no picture)This was Mikey's first and so far only bike.Because I could not get a picture I will describe it, it is royal blue with gold wheels,has a lage fin on the back with 2 57' chevrolet tail lights on the back.

  • Cody Project-(no picture)This was Cody's first but not his only bike.Unfortunatlly it was sold at the Daytona Bike Week.It was green and what wasn't green was chrome!For someone his age it was awsome but then again it was awsome any way!!

  • Jet bikefontthis bike was built for the air force

    Over the past few months OCC has been pumping out many new bikes and has had tons of new episodes so as you could imagine it is rather hard to keep up with so if you could send some pics of the bikes, it would be much apprieciated.

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