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Zine Entrys

Zine Entrys (LAST UPDATE: 6/9)
(1/8/03) This is my first column i have recently sumbitted to my friend Nick's zine (contra 82):
"Putting the Clit back in the Pit"After being into this lifestyle for since i was 15, i have begun to realize in my short time how female punks in general are looked at as "dykes" "druggies" "Freaks" other such degrading terms, by the outside eye. For how you dress somehow dictates what your sexuality HAS to be. If your not seen wearing a flower dress and a picture perfect smile, and instead replace them with spikes plaid and patches you are a "dyke". What i find pathetic is, that as a punk i have come to realize that your clothing has nothing to do with what you are, and you cant judge a book by its cover basically. Why havent people in general learned this?
Who cares if you want to wear spikes? it doesnt matter. If people cant accept you on the outside you know its prejudice bullshit. And who cares if you do dress this way and are infact a lesbian...big deal, whats so bad about how people naturally love in the first place? Why are people so afraid of difference, of diversity, when they should infact appreciate it and be kind and pleasant towards it. We arent superficial like most people, less materialistic because we dont worry about simple objects. You dont see us looking in the mirror every 10 seconds studying "imperfections". If people dont like me for how i look than they arent worth my time or yours; looked down as less because you may not be the cheerleader barbie of your school or neighborhood. I dont have to be how society defines "ladylike", isnt my genitallia enough to prove to you im feminine? I dont have to put on a fake smile and a halter top to get by in life, it isnt my goal to make people happy, but to make them think.
What else bothers me? How society as a whole treats females in general? You feel pressured at a young age, by magazines and airbrushed models on the television, telling you that being smart basically doesnt mean shit, you have to LOOK, ACT, TALK, LIVE this way, unless your nothing and prefer it that way. I dont think its a good thing when you take a look in one of these teen girl magazines, that all there are , are stickthin girls, wearing halter tops and butt shorts, whats it matter to them if they make you depressed and feel bad? they have your money (or your moms) in their pockets. Than you turn on tv to come across a show called "the mans how" standards of how a man SHOULD be, beer drinking, jeering, yelling burping, half naked girls dressing around you, of course you cant treat htem with respect, your a man arent you? i dont see it as comedy at all, i see it as oppression, bu tthan again, isnt that most of society? We've learned to accept it, and back off, and just let it happen, while we are just wanted for our tits and asses. Nothing more, no one ever goes "oh geez shes smart...." they go "oh wow shes so hot!" or "oh wow, shes got a great personality" instead "i bet ill get laid by her". Its so typical, young males being treated that this is right, while the female side of the youth just sit back and say "oh boys will be boys" what the fucks their excuse to treat me like a piece of meat?
I leave you with this, as how many of you dont care about this, how many of you of my gender feel the same way, how many of the males are going "what a priss" etc etc; as im getting tired of seeing my gender go through hell......i cant do anything about it and i cant stand alone.
(no, i know males have sexist shit going on too....but this is what i relate to comments/threats/questions:
"The Few The Proud" in Disobey (vol 1) 6/9
I'm writing this from a conversation i had a couple days ago that made me wonder what have punks accomplished. What exactly have we changed? As a punk you know you stand for something, its not punk rock to not care, politics are everything and affect who you are and how you live your life from day to day. From when it first started out we had a fuck you attitude, anti-society, set our own standards, and didnt give a fuck what others thought. Satisfied yourself and have your own ideals not societys or what their parents set for them to be. You either live a planned life or you live your own. Its your choice.
You are born to be exactly what your parents decide for you to be, you either take your own path after you learn that its bullshit or you live a scared, isolated life shaped for what society, the media, america wants you to be. I on the otherhand choose to live my own life and ill do whatever the fuck i want just like most modern day punks do in the first place. Throughout my life my father wanted me to be christian, right wing uber-hick; while my mother didnt really push me in any direction. I had to go to a daycare that was in a church and even then i remember questioning why they made me sing those songs and why i had to pray to something i didnt know a clue about. Thats the time when you get brainwashed into religion, you get pushed into it while you are young and cant think for yourself or you are just a scared prissy fuck who doesnt believe in equality and thinks you are lower than this "god".
Either that or you live your life according to what you think you have to be. Why do you go to college? Do you really wanna learn? Or are you scared that if you dont you'll be working shit jobs and end up absolutely no where? I cant really decide if i want to go to college, right now im 18 and for the most part i just wanna go to shows drink with my friends and not worry about change. But you have to have change. Where would we be? You have to try and evolve, a friend of mine said "you cant change the world but you can change yourself".
Now as for punk rock, if you actually have a fucking clue what its about than you know that its about raw honest truth, its fast its loud its pissed off. Its not bubblegum pop, its not buying prepinned shirts, its diy, creativity. I dont see all these kids who crave their blink 182 or good charlotte ever show up to the local shows, is it because they dont care to support the scene or is it because they dont know? Hell ill be honest i dont want them to know, i think if i got these kids in a pit id try and throw em down. Anyways i know we want change, we want the system to listen to us and respect us, but the thing is they dont. You need to realize you are absolutely nothing to your government or the most respected people in the country. Now that you know you dont matter, what will you do? Will you stand up and fight? well havent we been saying that we shouldnt take this shit for a long time? Well come on, whats stopping you? Im not a follower nor am i a leader i think many of us havent found out what were here for, i think were all waiting for a select few to go "well fuck this ill take back whats mine i want a revolution, i want this country to be in the peoples hands, not in the governments" So which people will that be? Why are we dickin around waiting for the next wave of punks to do it? Why not now? Why not today?
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