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My Thoughts on Homophobia

-My Thoughts on Homophobia-
(always updating, come back soon)
Why must people focus purely on ones sexuality? I for one dont care how someone loves, its not my business and its not yours, what gives you the right to say its wrong for people of the same sex to be together? I hate when people use it as an insult, its disgusting, theres no reason to say gay as an insult, why should you, why does it even matter, why cant you look at someone for their personality, instead of just being prejudice about what they are. Now we've got double standards (sexist might i add), they make it in society seem like its somehow okay, or better to be a lesbian (of course these girls are typical bleached blonde fake tanned..etc) so of course its okay than, i mean you could go to school and find jocktypes practically drulling over bisexual girls/lesbians, and you have it where, oh its ok for women to be together becauseits "beautiful" but men? oh wait, its disgusting. Who are you to define beauty? As soon as theres a guy whos bi or gay, these people have to jump all over him and harass him, they got to make it seem like there defending their masculinity by making someone else feel less human and somewhat scared of what they naturally are. Whats the problem with being gay? What its not "Gods" way? what a bunch of bullshit, more like its not societys way because obviously you have to conform and be a male/female couple instead of a same sex couple, which promotes diversity in a great way. The word "Fag" "queer" "your so gay" "thats so gay" what the fuc, why isnt it considered prejudice but insultng race is? (neither are okay) My boyfriend being bi-sexual, was shocked that i was actually okay with it, like i didnt care, nothing changed , its no big deal, being afraid t tell me because hes lost friends over something as simple as sexuality. people are sick.
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