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anarchism (updated: 1/26)
often i have been called an anarchist, as a punk i have been stereotyped as many things, a druggie, a "dyke" a fuck up. Things im not. I dont know if im an anarchist or not, yeah i do prefer not to be ordered around and not to be told what to do and how to live my life; but i have come to realize that we do need some kind of order, if not than were all screwed. If anarchy is true freedom, than what good is actual freedom here in america? I mean if people could actually truely do what they wanted, wouldnt you think we would all be raped, robbed, and murdered? We have this redneck asshole in the office who thinks he can control the female gender by telling them they cant fucking have abortions,a nd its THEIR body. Excuse me mister, but ill do whatever the fuck i want with my body and no one will ever have a say in it but me. If we have someone trying to change our order like that, and change our lifestyles by basically turning your body into a baby machine, what good is anarchy? I mean yeah i remember when i was 15 and i had an anarchy patch, i didnt know what it meant, and im not sure if i do now even.
Anarchy and peace, actual freedom, freedom from order, society, the government, and your boss. We cannot escape what controls us, everyoen is controled by something, weather it be drugs, a higher class, your parents. Whoever, to actually have anarchy in todays america would be pure chaos. You cant take these people, these war supporters, who blindly agree on pretty much genociding a land because they all must be "terrorists"; if these people could actually do what they wanted, if racists actually had the freedom, if homophobes, sexists, criminals, we would all die in a matter of months. I think if you actually had a supposed anarchist society, you would still have to have order of some kind, maybe laws that dictate common sense.
People who are poor, work for the rich. Blue collars, white collars, whatever class you are, you are always working for the class above you, except if you are rich, and if money controls the rich, what controls you? In this nation, having no choice at all you must conform to capitalism, if not, you can starve. Why do people here try to get ahead of eachother and not get ahead together? Its pointless, its just a fuckin race to see whos got the bigger dick, who has the most money, who has the fastest car or the biggest tv screen. I dont think its worth so much effort. Everyones so scared to contrast the system, and its hard to blame them, money is all that controls society, greed is an american ethic, and if greed controls you, you are never going to truly be free, and there will never be a working anarchist system. Please send your comments/debates to Nicoles Rotten Agenda